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模糊层次综合评判法在火电厂选址决策中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据影响火电厂选址的因素较多、相互之间具有不确定性和模糊性这一特点,结合火电厂选址的实际情况,建立了火电厂选址综合效益评价指标体系;运用模糊层次综合评判法确定了各指标的权重分配;从可持续发展的角度对火电厂选址综合效益进行了评价;经过专家投票,将各因素层次化,得出模糊评价结果,即找到综合效益最好的厂址;并通过实例验证了该方法的可行性。可为火电厂决策者投资建设项目提供依据。  相似文献   
运用平衡方程式分析了我国各省区的原油生产消费与输入输出状况,并根据自给率,将我国26个原油流动省区划分为基本自给型、半自给型、净输出型和净补给型4种原油产需平衡类型。根据流动比率,26个省区可划归为输出中心、输入中心和交流中心3种原油流动职能类型;在分布格局上,输出中心为直角三角形,输入中心为直角梯形区,交流中心则为钝角三角形。以主要源地为标准,我国原油流动可划分为北部、西北、华东和华南四大流场,其中北部、西北属于全国性流场。我国原油流动路径可分为五大密集区,各区路径的空间结构不同:东北区为树状网络结构,华北区为单枝二叉树状结构,西北区为"X"形结构,华东区为多中心"Ⅲ"形结构,华南区则为"Y"形结构。流动路径之间还广泛存在并联与串联,充分发挥多种通道的综合流动效益。研究原油流动空间格局为我国石油空间组织的优化奠定了基础。〖  相似文献   
Aggregation via pheromone signalling is essential for tree-killing bark beetles to overcome tree defenses and reproduce within hosts. Pheromone production is a trait that is linked to fitness, so high individual variation is paradoxical. One explanation is that the technique of measuring static pheromone pools overestimates true variation among individuals. An alternative hypothesis is that aggregation behaviour dilutes the contribution of individuals to the trait under selection and reduces the efficacy of natural selection on pheromone production by individuals. We compared pheromone measurements from traditional hindgut extractions of female southern pine beetles with those obtained by aerating individuals till they died. Aerations showed greater total pheromone production than hindgut extractions, but coefficients of variation (CV) remained high (60-182%) regardless of collection technique. This leaves the puzzle of high variation unresolved. A novel but simple explanation emerges from considering bark beetle aggregation behaviour. The phenotype visible to natural selection is the collective pheromone plume from hundreds of colonisers. The influence of a single beetle on this plume is enhanced by high variation among individuals but constrained by large group sizes. We estimated the average contribution of an individual to the pheromone plume across a range of aggregation sizes and showed that large aggregation sizes typical in mass attacks limit the potential of natural selection because each individual has so little effect on the overall plume. Genetic variation in pheromone production could accumulate via mutation and recombination, despite strong effects of the pheromone plume on the fitness of individuals within the aggregation. Thus, aggregation behaviour, by limiting the efficacy of natural selection, can allow the persistence of extreme phenotypes in nature.  相似文献   
Animal colour signals serve important functions in intraspecific interactions, including species recognition, mate choice and agonistic behaviour. An increasing interest concerns ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths, for instance studies on the effect of UV in mating decisions. More recently, some studies also established that UV signals affect intrasexual interactions. We studied the role of UV during aggressive encounters between male three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), a species in which UV has an effect on female and male mate choice and shoaling behaviour. To that aim, we compared the aggressive response of a territorial male to male intruders, either seen in UV-including (UV+) or UV-lacking (UV-) conditions. Our prediction was that, if UV wavelengths are used in male-male competition, a territorial male should show less competitive behaviour towards an intruder representing a lower threat, i.e. the one presented without UV light. Male sticklebacks showed significantly lower levels of aggression towards male opponents lacking an UV component to their coloration than male opponents possessing this colour component. Discrimination was not influenced by a difference in brightness between the UV+ and UV- stimuli. Finally, we present some reflectance-spectrophotometrical data of two skin regions (cheek and abdomen) of the experimental males and analysed relationships between colorimetric variables, body variables and behaviour. Our study emphasises that UV visual cues are of importance in different communicational tasks in the three-spined stickleback.  相似文献   
苏南模式固有的弊端所导致的"村村点火、乡乡冒烟"的经济格局导致了严重的环境问题。随着新苏南模式的诞生,环境问题有所改善,但仍然存在着固有的路径依赖。通过对原因的分析,可以发现,政府、企业与公众的共同参与是解决问题的关键,具体而言:一是转换政府角色,引入市场机制;二是公众主动参与,发展第三组织;三是企业积极参与,发展生态产业。  相似文献   
再生水雾化导致的病原微生物暴露剂量计算方法研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
呼吸吸入是再生水利用过程中病原微生物的主要暴露途径之一.本研究提出了呼吸途径病原微生物暴露剂量的计算方法.首先根据再生水中病原微生物的浓度、喷洒强度和再生水雾化效率因子(雾化效率因子取值一般在0.003~0.01之间),确定再生水喷洒过程中病原微生物的排放强度.然后参考大气污染物扩散模型计算微生物气溶胶的分布,并考虑病原微生物在环境中的衰减,得出空气中病原微生物浓度.病原微生物的衰减计算与其自身衰减因子和环境影响因子有关.根据微生物种类的不同,其在空气中的衰减因子在-0.23~0 s-1之间,而环境对微生物的影响因子在0.016~73之间.最后结合呼吸速率和暴露时间求得呼吸途径的暴露剂量.根据易感人群年龄、性别和活动强度的不同,日平均呼吸速率在4.5~17 m3·d-1之间,小时平均呼吸速率在0.3~3.2 m3·h-1之间.本研究提出的方法可直接用于计算再生水利用于农业灌溉、园林绿化以及水景喷泉过程中因再生水雾化导致的病原微生物暴露剂量.  相似文献   
以减少氨气释放量为主要指标,从初筛获得的具有除臭效果的菌种中复筛出一株J3菌株,其在实验室条件下可减少氨气释放量达80%以上,对生活垃圾具有明显的除臭效果。通过对其菌落和菌体形态特征观察及生理生化实验,初步确定为掷孢酵母。  相似文献   
腐蚀损伤结构复合材料修补构型优选试验研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
设计了模拟含腐蚀损伤和机械损伤的铝合金结构复合材料修补试验件,开展了各种修补构型预腐蚀的静拉伸试验.通过对比分析,获得了腐蚀环境下最佳复合材料修补构型设计,为严酷腐蚀环境与载荷环境下海军飞机金属结构腐蚀损伤和机械损伤的复合材料修补设计提供了指导.  相似文献   
脱硝在线连续监测系统与脱硫在线监测系统相比,脱硝装置在电除尘(或布袋除尘)装置之前,而脱硫装置在除尘装置之后。由于安装位置的前移,脱硝CEMS系统运行环境将比脱硫CEMS系统更为恶劣,脱硝装置将面临着高温、高粉尘、高负压等一系列问题。本文结合脱硝装置工况、HJ562-2010和HJ563-2010环保标准提出脱硝CEMS系统对设备的要求以及设备维护难点。  相似文献   
This paper presents a generic framework integrating environmental and social criteria leading to a comprehensive selection process of green suppliers. Traditionally, price, quality, lead time and flexibility are considered for the supplier selection. With the increase in awareness of environmental and social responsibility issues, many companies are tending towards adopting green concepts and sourcing green suppliers. This study proposes a framework consisting of environmental (E), green (G) and organisational (O) factors that are required for the green supplier selection process. These factors are further classified as criteria for which attributes are presented. A hierarchy is constructed to facilitate in evaluating the importance of the selected criteria and alternatives of green suppliers. To cater to the multi-criteria decision-making approach with both quantitative and qualitative attributes, we applied the multiple attribute utility theory, which is a decision support that helps managers formulating viable sourcing strategies. A hypothetical example is presented to illustrate the applicability of the approach.  相似文献   
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