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Abstract: Analyses of major elements, environmental isotope ratios (δ18O, δ2H), and PHREEQC inverse modeling investigations were conducted to understand the processes controlling the salinization of groundwater within the Datong Basin. The hydrochemical results showed that groundwater with high total dissolved solid (TDS) concentrations was dominated by sodium bicarbonate (Na‐HCO3), sodium chlorite (Na‐Cl), and sodium sulfate (Na‐SO4) type waters, whereas low‐TDS groundwater from near mountain areas was dominated by calcium bicarbonate (Ca‐HCO3) and magnesium bicarbonate (Mg‐HCO3) type waters. The characterization of the major components of groundwater and PHREEQC inverse modeling indicated that the aluminosilicate hydrolysis, cation exchange, and dissolution of evaporites (halite, mirabilite, and gypsum) governed the salinization of groundwater within the Datong Basin. The environmental isotope (δ18O, δ2H) and Cl?/Br? ratios revealed the impact of fast vertical recharge by irrigation returns and salt‐flushing water on the groundwater salinization. According to the analyses of major hydrochemical components and PHREEQC inverse modeling, evaporite dissolution associated with irrigation and salt‐flushing practice was probably the dominant controlling factor for the groundwater salinization, especially in the central part of the basin. Therefore, groundwater pumping for irrigation and salt‐flushing should be controlled to protect groundwater quality in this area.  相似文献   
Yellow River water transfer for Tianjin is important in solving the water shortage in Tianjin, which facilitate economic development and social progress for many years. Fresh water drawn from Yellow River( i. e., Yin-Huang water) becomes saltier and saltier when being stored in the Bei-Da-Gang reservoir. We qualitatively analyze the water salinization mechanism based on mass transfer theory. The main factors are salinity transfer of saline soil, evaporation concentrating, and the agitation of wind. A simulative experimental pond and an evaporation pond were built beside the Bei-Da-Gang reservoir to quantitatively investigate the water salinization based on water and solute balance in the simulative pond. 80% of increased [Cl^-] is due to the salinity transfer of the saline soil and the other 20% is due to evaporation concentrating, so the former is the most important factor. We found that the salinization of Yin-Huang water can be described with a zero-dimension linear model.  相似文献   
渭干-库车河三角洲绿洲是位于塔里木盆地北缘的具有典型干旱特征的绿洲。干旱地区生态环境脆弱,土壤盐渍化严重破坏了国民经济的生产和生态环境的平衡,所以对干旱区盐渍化问题进行系统的研究是非常必要的。本文采用研究区的2001年8月6日遥感图像进行K-L和K-T变换,经过一系列波段结合.我们得到TM3、KL3、KT2波段结合是盐碱地信息提取的最佳波段结合;然后把研究区的等高线矢量图转换成DEM立体图,以及分类结果和DEM之间进行对比,结果表明,立体图的凹区和分类图的盐碱地基本重合在一起,从而我们得到导致该地区的盐渍化问题的自然和人文因素中,地形因素是占在主导地位的。  相似文献   
为探讨不同矿化度的水对土壤盐渍化的影响及相应的淋洗分数,采用土柱模拟方法,以小麦为指示作物,设计1.0 g/L,1.5 g/L两种矿化度,按3750 m3/hm2灌溉量,分一水、二水两种灌次,秋后进行人工淡水淋洗。结果表明,在半干旱气候条件下,开发碱性矿化水灌溉矿化度不宜超过1.5 g/L,否则有引起碱化的危险。干旱期用碱性矿化水灌溉抗旱时,在同等灌水量的情况下,一水灌溉比二水灌溉积盐轻。各种人工淋洗处理比CK洗盐效果好,其中以等量淋洗综合效益最好。  相似文献   
以广州市近7a的硫酸盐化速率年平均值为基础,运用灰色系统理论,建立了广州市硫酸盐化速率年均值的灰色预测模型.用该模型对广州市2005年、2006年、2007年硫酸盐化速率年平均值进行预测,所得结果分别为0.4228、0.4149、0.4070mgSO3/100cm2·碱片·d.  相似文献   
新疆平原湖泊(包括人工湖)水质盐化及其防治途径   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
新疆平原湖泊、平原水库盐化日趋严重。湖泊、水库水质盐化对渔业、灌溉、苇产、饮水和人体健康带来很大影响。引起湖泊、水库水质盐化的原因,主要是人为活动造 水盐与水量平衡关系改变的结果。为防止水质盐化,必须减少农田排水泄入河道和湖泊、增加入湖水量,扭转湖泊水量平衡长期亏损状态。  相似文献   
甘肃省土壤盐渍化及其对生态环境的损害评估   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
介绍了甘肃省土壤盐渍化的状况,分析了引起土壤盐渍化的因素,并进行了土壤盐渍化对生态环境损害的经济评估,甘肃省的盐渍化土壤主要分布在河西走廊,其中以酒泉地区,张掖地区和武威地区最为严重。盐渍化土壤类型主要为典型盐土、沼泽盐土、碱化盐土和干旱盐土。导致盐渍化的因素有气候、地形、水文地质、土壤质地等自然因素,以及灌溉方式和耦作制度等人为因素。全省重度盐渍化土壤对生态环境损害造成的经济损失至少达140亿元(1996年币值)。由于种种原因,有关盐渍化对土壤生态环境服务功能的损害,目前还没有进行经济评估,但这方面的工作应该予以考虑。  相似文献   
土壤环境的盐渍化演变过程是盐渍化其它过程研究的基础。采用空间代替时间的方法,在干旱绿洲区选择大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)作物地不同盐渍化阶段农田为研究对象,并以非盐渍化农田作为对照,探讨农田盐渍化过程中土壤理化特性的演变过程。结果表明,(1)随盐渍化程度的加剧,土壤颗粒组成发生变化,沙粒含量趋于增加,黏粒含量趋于减少,粉粒含量在重度和极重度盐渍化阶段完全消失。表土层土壤容重呈显著增加趋势(P〈0-05),但土壤温度没有显著性变化(P〉0-05)。(2)土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷和速效氮含量呈波动式降低趋势,而速效磷含量呈波动式增加的趋势。与未盐渍化农田相比,轻度、中度、重度和极重度盐渍化农田土壤表层有机碳和全氮含量分别减少了14.03%、26.26%、42.01%、48.03%;19-08%、35.63%、46.84%、56.88%。(3)随盐渍化程度的加剧,盐分表聚现象明显,除 HCO3-外,Na+、Cl-、K+、Mg2+、SO42-、全盐含量均显著增加(P〈0-05),且随着深度的增加逐渐下降。与未盐渍化农田相比,轻度、中度、重度、极重度盐渍化农田土壤电导率、全盐,SO42-,Na+含量分别增加了31.42%、74.42%、203.95%、693.58%,6.56%、96.38%、86.36%、414.86%,5.23%、114.58%、104.00%、430.32%,31.46%、145.22%、345.11%、1797.70%;HCO3-下降了-11-31%、2.02%、3.75%、10.94%。(4)土壤电导率、全盐、SO42-、Ca2+、Cl-、Mg2+、K+、Na+之间呈极显著正相关(P〈0.01),但与土壤含水量没有显著正负相关性,与黏粉粒含量呈显著负相关(P〈0-05);土壤有机碳、全氮、速效氮之间呈极显著正相关(P〈0.01),但与土壤含水量没有显著正负相关性,与土壤电导率、全盐、SO42-、Ca2+、Cl-、Mg2+、K+、Na+之间呈极显著负相关(P〈0.01)。这说明,在农田盐渍化过程中,随盐渍?  相似文献   
丛枝菌根真菌对不同含盐量湿地土壤中芦苇生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
采用温室盆栽实验的方法,研究接种Claroideoglomus etunicatum(CE)、Rhizophagus intraradices(RI)、Funneliformis mosseae(FM)和Glomus versiforme(GV)对非盐渍化和盐渍化湿地土壤上芦苇(Phragmites australis)菌根侵染率、生物量、矿质营养吸收、C∶N∶P生态化学计量比和Na+、Cl-含量的影响,旨在为我国湿地生态系统的生态恢复和盐碱化修复提供理论依据和技术支持.结果表明,在2种湿地土壤上4种AM真菌的平均菌根侵染率为2.5%~38%,接种CE的侵染率显著高于其它接种处理;盐渍化湿地土壤上芦苇菌根侵染率与非盐渍化湿地土壤间无显著性差异,非盐渍化湿地土壤芦苇生物量、矿质营养元素的吸收显著高于盐渍化湿地土壤,而Na+和Cl-的含量显著低于盐渍化湿地土壤.对于非盐渍化湿地土壤,接种GV处理显著增加了芦苇地上部的干重,促进了芦苇地上部对N、P、K、Ca和Mg等5种营养元素的吸收,接种GV和RI则显著促进了芦苇根部对P和K的吸收;4种接种处理显著降低了芦苇地上部N∶P,接种FM和GV显著降低了根部C∶N和C∶P;4种接种处理也显著降低了芦苇地上部Cl-的含量,接种RI处理显著降低了芦苇地上部Na+的含量.对于盐渍化湿地土壤,4种接种处理对芦苇生物量、矿质营养吸收和Na+、Cl-的含量均没有显著性影响.结果也表明,AM真菌对于不同含盐量湿地土壤芦苇生长的影响表现出不同的菌根效应,在非盐渍化湿地土壤上对芦苇生长的有益作用明显好于盐渍化湿地土壤.应结合相应的技术措施进一步通过野外实地实验筛选接种效果好的AM真菌菌种,探讨菌根技术对不同含盐量湿地土壤上芦苇生长的实际作用.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The effect of hydrologic and chemical processes on salinization of stored waters was determined for two small floodwater-retarding structures located in western Oklahoma. One structure, already designed to accommodate a large influx of sediment, was further overdesigned hydrologically by upstream diversion of approximately one-half the inflow. Over a 2-year period, the total salinity of stored waters increased approximately 22 times and the stored water volume decreased to 1/33 its initial volume in the overdesigned structure, while both volume and salinity of stored waters remained comparatively stable in the other structure. The lack of sufficient dilution by better quality surface runoff and the increased residence time of water in the impoundment apparently caused most of the salinity increase. The bulk of the salt load entering the over-designed structure, to be concentrated later by evaporation, was associated with base rather than storm inflow. After base inflow ceased, substantial losses of salt load and stored water occurred concurrently. The loss was not adequately explained by chemical precipitation in association with evaporation. Seepage and evaporation-associated variables appeared to account for much of the hydrologically unexplained loss of stored waters.  相似文献   
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