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长江靖江段是众多洄游性渔业生物的重要栖息地,为进一步的研究和渔业资源评估提供基础生物学资料、掌握该水域食物网结构特征,应用碳、氮稳定同位素技术测定了2016年8月在长江靖江段近岸采集的蟹类、小型鱼类、虾类等渔业生物样品的δ~(13)C值和δ~(15)N值,并由此构建了所采集的各类渔业生物的连续营养谱。结果表明:长江靖江段近岸各类生物中浮游动物的δ~(13)C值最低,为-30.34‰;其次是底栖碎屑的-30.24‰;贝类、水生植物类、鱼类和虾类居中,它们的δ~(13)C值均值分别为-29.75‰±0.75‰、-28.98‰±0.88‰、-26.74‰±2.37‰、-26.1‰±0.16‰;蟹类最高,为-25.86‰±0.74‰。水生植物类的δ~(15)N均值最低,为5.16‰±0.85‰;底栖碎屑其次,为5.58‰;贝类、鱼类、浮游动物和蟹类的δ~(15)N值均居中,δ~(15)N均值分别为8.13‰±0.31‰、11.56‰±1.59‰、12.02‰和12.51‰±1.43‰;虾类的δ~(15)N均值最高,为13.05‰±0.45‰;营养级由低到高依次为:水生植物类、底栖碎屑、贝类、浮游动物、小型鱼类、蟹类和虾类。近岸水域的小型鱼类、蟹类和虾类拥有着比较接近的食物源,生态位重叠较为明显。  相似文献   
在鄱阳湖流域生态修复中,坚持“保护优先,自然恢复为主,人工修复遵循客观规律”的修复方法:(1)对具有典型意义的生态系统,划定保护区,加强管理,保护濒危物种,增加生物多样性;(2)对中、轻度损害的生态系统,实行封育保护,减轻负荷压力,利用生态系统自组织功能,自然恢复为主;(3)对于严重损害的生态系统,遵循生态系统生长发育的自然规律,采取人工措施修复或重建。科学选择了修复策略:(1)以修复植被生态系统为基础和前提,创造条件,利用生态系统的自组织、自修复能力逐步实现微生物、动物的恢复;(2)把生态修复与发展生态经济结合起来,增加群众收入,提高参与生态修复的主动性和积极性。经过20多年的生态修复,鄱阳湖流域森林覆盖率由311%提高到5832%;同时探索出一条可行的技术路线:(1)通过综合科学考察,掌握生态系统受损害的状况和原因,揭示相关生态系统发育、演替的客观规律;(2)着力研究生态恢复的生态学过程与机制,寻求有效的修复方法、措施和模式;(3)自主创新、试验示范、试点先行、样板引领;(4)以生态保护和建设的大项目为载体,全面展开、系统推进  相似文献   
对大红山铜矿的3种岩石的试样进行了劈裂拉伸(巴西法)试验和单轴压缩试验,研究了岩石的变形特性。劈裂试验中在试样中部相互垂直的方向上粘贴了电阻应变计测量试样的变形。结果表明,在劈裂试验条件下,两种岩石均出现垂直于加载轴线方向所获得的拉伸弹模小于平行于加载轴线方向所获得的压缩弹模的现象。与单轴压缩下试样出现破裂、扩容的破坏特征相比,劈裂拉伸下试样的变形特征为接近峰值时变形曲线斜率会逐渐降低,达到峰值应力后则很快出现数值很大的拉伸变形,直至试样破坏。劈裂拉伸循环加卸载试验发现,大多数试样的拉伸卸载变形大于加载变形,致使残余变形的数值为负值,称之为反向残余变形。此现象与连续介质变形行为的预期不符,至今未见类似报道。反向残余变形是否具有普遍性及其影响,应该开展更多研究。  相似文献   
This research is a three-dimensional investigation about the aerodynamic interaction between the wind flow and a single high-rise building. In order to find location(s) with high potential of velocity around the building, a wide variety of wind speeds ranging from 2 to 10 m/s is studied. On the other hand, a high-rise building with the ratio of height to width of H/W = 3 is considered. Computations are performed numerically by means of the finite volume approach. Several results are obtained in the present numerical study. For example, it is found that due to wind-structure vertical interaction, locations with enhanced velocities are developed on the building roof in which the rate of this enhancement increases with increasing the wind speed. In addition, over the building, “lines C and D” are realized as the best locations having high power potentials and low turbulence intensities. In addition, lateral wind-structure interaction revealed that for all wind speeds, location of L/W = 0.5 is the best for the small wind turbine installation.  相似文献   
目的 研究FX-4和FX-17典型橡胶密封圈的加速老化性能。方法 对初始压缩率为14%和20%的FX-4和FX-17这2种橡胶密封圈,进行5个温度点不同时长的加速老化试验,通过试验测定FX-4和FX-17橡胶密封圈的拉伸强度、扯断伸长率、硬度以及压缩永久变形等4个性能指标,并进行分析和比较。结果 硬度指标随老化温度以及老化时间的变化不明显。拉伸强度与扯断伸长率在200℃老化试验后,均出现明显的下降趋势,但在同一老化温度下老化10、70d后,拉伸强度与扯断伸长率未发生明显的变化。在较低的老化温度时,压缩永久变形率随老化温度以及老化时间的变化不明显;在150、200℃温度老化后,压缩永久变形率随着老化时间的增加而呈上升趋势。结论 FX-4与FX-17橡胶密封圈的压缩永久变形率在老化温度点较低时,受温度的影响不显著,在同一温度下随老化时间的增加呈上升趋势;在老化温度点较高时,压缩永久变形率随着老化时间的增加而呈上升趋势。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the procedure and methodology which can be used to select the optimal treatment and disposal technology of municipal solid waste (MSW), and to provide practical and effective technical support to policy-making, on the basis of study on solid waste management status and development trend in China and abroad. Focusing on various treatment and disposal technologies and processes of MSW, this study established a Monte-Carlo mathematical model of cost minimization for MSW handling subjected to environmental constraints. A new method of element stream (such as C, H, O, N, S) analysis in combination with economic stream analysis of MSW was developed. By following the streams of different treatment processes consisting of various techniques from generation, separation, transfer, transport, treatment, recycling and disposal of the wastes, the element constitution as well as its economic distribution in terms of possibility functions was identified. Every technique step was evaluated economically. The Mont-Carlo method was then conducted for model calibration. Sensitivity analysis was also carried out to identify the most sensitive factors. Model calibration indicated that landfill with power generation of landfill gas was economically the optimal technology at the present stage under the condition of more than 58% of C, H, O, N, S going to landfill. Whether or not to generate electricity was the most sensitive factor. If landfilling cost increases, MSW separation treatment was recommended by screening first followed with incinerating partially and composting partially with residue landfilling. The possibility of incineration model selection as the optimal technology was affected by the city scale. For big cities and metropolitans with large MSW generation, possibility for constructing large-scale incineration facilities increases, whereas, for middle and small cities, the effectiveness of incinerating waste decreases.  相似文献   
广州市典型中小型水库营养状态与蓝藻种群特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江启明  侯伟  顾继光  彭亮  雷腊梅 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2461-2467
中小型水库是广州市供水的重要水源地和后备水源地,为了解这类水库的富营养化特征以及蓝藻种群的动态,于2010年的枯水期、丰水期对广州市6座典型的中小型水库进行了采样与分析。结果表明:梅州水库、芙蓉嶂水库为贫-中营养型,三坑水库、百花林水库、和龙水库为中-富营养型,洪秀全水库为富营养型,水库营养状态指数季节变化差异不显著。在同一座水库中,水力滞留时间越长,营养状态指数越高;在不同水库之间,营养状态指数与集雨区内人类活动影响有关。6座水库蓝藻生物量的季节变化明显,受水温和水体稳定性的影响,枯水期蓝藻生物量在0.14~171.8μg.L-1之间,占浮游植物总生物量的0.1%~10.0%;丰水期蓝藻生物量在0.013~32.8 mg.L-1之间,占浮游植物总生物量的6.5%~97.0%。不同营养状态的水库之间蓝藻的生物量和种类差异明显,受营养盐和水力滞留时间的影响,梅州水库、芙蓉嶂水库蓝藻生物量在0.1~16μg.L-1之间,主要种类为泽丝藻(Limnothrix redekei)、卷曲鱼腥藻(Anabaena pertuthate)、水华微囊藻(Microcystis flos-aquae)、粘球藻(Gloeocapsa sp.);三坑水库、百花林水库、和龙水库蓝藻生物量在0.057~32.8 mg.L-1之间,主要优势种为拟柱孢藻(Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii)、泽丝藻、假鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena limnetica);洪秀全水库蓝藻生物量在0.107~2.637 mg.L-1之间,主要优势种为阿氏颤藻(Oscillatoria agardhii)、水华微囊藻、卷曲鱼腥藻。  相似文献   
对中山大学滨海水循环综合试验基地的河道水和地下水进行采样,运用16S rRNA基因分析方法,研究微生物的群落组成、结构,同时,通过Mothur软件分析不同采样点的系统发育多样性和文库稀释曲线.结果表明,上下游河道水和地下水均以变形菌(Proteobacteria),厚壁菌(Firmicutes),古菌(Archaea)为优势种群,变形菌在上游堰、下游堰、R1、R2、R3分别占各自总数的29.7%、30.3%、28.1%、20.9%、14.2%;厚壁菌在上游堰、下游堰、R1、R2、R3分别占各自总数的9.7%、20.3%、19.8%、8.6%、39.6%;古菌(不可培养的泉古菌和广古菌)在上游堰、下游堰、R1、R2、R3分别占各自总数的14.2%、12.3%、11.7%、12.1%、3.5%.表明地下水、地表水微生物组成结构有一定的趋同性.另一方面,酸杆菌(Acidobacteria)、硝化螺旋菌(Nitrospira)、拟杆菌(Bacteroidetes) 和Candidate division OPx等在不同采样点的丰度各异,不同埋藏条件下的地下水和地表水多样性指数与稀释曲线有所不同,揭示小流域的微生物组成、结构具有空间差异.研究显示,受周围水文地质条件、补给差异等影响,微生物种群随之演化,微生物特征与水文地质、化学离子密切相关.  相似文献   
针对煤层瓦斯抽采封孔参数选取不合理,传统封孔材料封堵钻孔周边裂隙效果差等主要问题,采用数值模拟、实验室试验及工程实践等多种手段,分析不同封孔方式的漏气效果,研究封孔时效性对瓦斯抽采的影响,完成最优实验配比及性能测试,验证了现场瓦斯抽采效果。结果表明:全封孔方式抽采效果优于半封孔,合理控制封孔时效性,钻孔周边围岩破坏减少,封孔效果提高;正交试验确定材料最优配比即复合早强剂0.3%、复合缓凝剂0.5%、膨胀剂0.03%、水灰比1.2;试样周围充斥着交叉、贯通的“网状结构”钙矾石,且呈现多而密的粗棒状结构;材料具备塑性变形特性,持续变形量大;与矿方原封孔材料相比,新型封孔材料封孔后瓦斯抽采浓度提高193.3%,抽采周期明显延长,抽采效果显著提高。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Although they have not been the focus of major regulations, small businesses can contribute pollutants to ground water through routine practices. Because strict regulation of millions of micro firms is not likely, water resource professionals face a challenge of how to reach small business operators with effective pollution prevention messages. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that influence a small business operator to adopt measures that reduce potential ground water pollution. We looked at how information delivery, internal business characteristics, and external relationships are associated with voluntary preventive measures. Mail surveys from small businesses in New Jersey municipalities and interviews with business owners provided data about business characteristics and current pollution prevention activities. Findings suggested that businesses doing the most to prevent ground water pollution were generally more connected to external organizations and had more financial and technical resources. The study also discovered that small business owners fear government involvement in their affairs. The study concludes with recommendations to encourage more voluntary adoption of prevention measures by businesses. These center on separating assistance programs from enforcement and involving industry peer groups in an effort to make information available in a non-threatening manner.  相似文献   
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