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针对传统淋洗剂易产生二次污染的问题,选取具备高效、可生物降解、低成本的2种新型环保试剂聚丙烯酸(PAA)、二乙烯三胺五甲叉膦酸(DTPMP),系统考察了2种淋洗剂去除土壤中重金属的能力;探究了淋洗前后土壤形态差异;采用结合强度系数(IR)和迁移指数(MF)计算土壤重金属稳定性和迁移性;并利用潜在生态风险指数对淋洗前后土壤进行了评估。结果表明:在一定程度内,淋洗去除效率随体积分数和接触时间的升高而增长。且酸性条件更有利于Cd、Pb、Zn的去除。综合经济和技术双重因素,选择淋洗最佳固液比为1∶10。相较于PAA淋洗剂,DTPMP显示出更优的处理效果,其在最佳条件下对Cd、Pb、Zn的去除率最高可达84.7%、75.8%、71.1%。此外,PAA和DTPMP淋洗剂减轻了淋洗对土壤化学性质的副作用,且有效降低了土壤重金属迁移率和生物利用度,大大提高了重金属元素稳定性,显著降低了土壤重金属污染潜在风险。  相似文献   
湿地土壤CO2排放占全球碳排放的11%,是大气中温室气体的重要来源,如何实现湿地土壤CO2碳减排成为研究热点。针对湿地土壤,以餐厨垃圾厌氧消化后的副产物沼渣为原料,在不同热解温度下制备成沼渣生物炭评估其浸出毒性,并设置不同的掺杂比投加到湿地土壤中,探究沼渣生物炭对湿地土壤CO2排放的影响。结果表明,沼渣生物炭的重金属浸出浓度远低于地表水Ⅱ类水的标准限值,是一种安全可靠的生物炭材料。生物炭类型及其掺杂比显著影响土壤CO2排放,热解温度为600 ℃和掺杂比为30%时,减排效果最高达到82.69%。结合表征结果发现,微孔孔容与减排效果之间存在显著相关性 (R2>0.90) 。本研究能够为餐厨沼渣在土壤碳汇领域的资源化应用提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
Persulfate is considered a convenient and efficient remediation agent for organic contaminated soil. However, the potential risk of sulfur into the soil remediation by persulfate remains ignored. In this study, glass bottles with different persulfate dosages and groundwater tables were set up to simulate persulfate remediation of organic pollutants (aniline). The results found sulfate to be the main end-product (83.0%‒99.5%) of persulfate remediation after 10 days. Moreover, H2S accounted for 93.4%‒99.4% of sulfur reduction end-products, suggesting that H2S was the final fate of sulfur. H2S was released rapidly after one to three days at a maximum concentration of 33.0 ppm, which is sufficient to make a person uncomfortable. According to the fitted curve results, H2S concentration decreased to a safe concentration (0.15 ppm) after 20‒85 days. Meanwhile, the maximum concentration of methanethiol reached 0.6 ppm. These results indicated that secondary pollution from persulfate remediation could release harmful gases over a long time. Therefore, persulfate should be used more carefully as a remediation agent for soil contamination.  相似文献   
Heavy metals from mica waste not only deteriorate the soil quality but also results in the uptake of metals in the crop. The present investigation was conducted to evaluate the effects of different fractions of metals on the uptake in rice, soil microbial and biochemical properties in mica waste-contaminated soils of Jharkhand, India. From each active mine, soil samples were randomly collected at distances of < 50 m (zone 1), 50–100 m (zone 2), and >100 m (zone 3). Sequential metal extraction was used to determine the fractions of different metals (nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr) and lead (Pb)) including water-soluble (Ws) and exchangeable metals (Ex), carbonate-bound metals (CBD), Fe/Mn oxide (OXD) bound metals, organically bound metals (ORG), and residues (RS). The Ni, Cr, Cd and Pb in rice grain were 0.83±0.41, 0.41±0.19, 0.21±0.14 and 0.17±0.08 mg/kg respectively. From the variable importance plot of the random forest (RF) algorithm, the Ws fraction of Ni, Cr and Cd and Ex fraction of Pb was the most important predictor for rice grain metal content. Further, the partial dependence plots (PDP) give us an insight into the role of the two most important metal fractions on rice grain metal content. The microbial and enzyme activity was significantly and negatively correlated with Ws and Ex metal fractions, indicating that water-soluble and exchangeable fractions exert a strong inhibitory effect on the soil microbiological parameters and enzyme activities.  相似文献   
向污染土壤中加入外源氮进行生物刺激修复是目前广为采用的土壤有机污染修复技术.然而,目前对于修复过程中土壤微生物类群对组分烃的代谢特征尚不清楚.本文以13C标记的十六烷污染土壤为研究对象,利用稳定同位素标记-磷脂脂肪酸技术(stableisotopelabeling-phospholipidfattyacid technology,13C-SIP-PLFA)研究了加入硝酸钾和有机肥对石油污染土壤进行修复时,不同微生物类群对十六烷的利用特征.结果表明,与自然降解(CC)相比,加入KNO3(CN)和施入有机肥(CY)的处理均可提高土壤中十六烷的去除效率.修复30 d时,土壤中十六烷的去除率由6.14%(CC)提高至13.6%(CN)和15.0%(CY).加入硝酸钾修复使得土壤微生物总量略有降低(总PLFAs由82.8 nmol·g-1(CC)降低至79.7 nmol·g-1(CN)),但被微生物同化为细胞组分的十六烷含量(13C-PLFA)由81.12 ng·g-1(CC)增加至92.84 ng·g-1(CN),硝酸钾生物刺激修复提高了革兰氏阳性菌和真菌对十六烷的同化代谢作用.加入有机肥修复的土壤中,微生物总量(总PLFAs为99.3 nmol·g-1)和微生物同化代谢十六烷的含量均明显增加(13C-PLFA为142.67 ng·g-1),土壤中革兰氏阳性菌和放线菌对十六烷的同化代谢作用明显增强.在不同修复处理的土壤中,可利用十六烷的主要微生物有G+菌i15:0和a15:0、G-菌16:1ω5c和16:1ω7c、真菌18:1ω9c、放线菌16:0(10Me)和Unspecific菌16:00.结果表明,革兰氏阳性菌是不同修复处理中最主要的十六烷降解菌,两种修复剂对土壤不同微生物类群的代谢激活作用存在差异.  相似文献   
We apply predictive weather metrics and land model sensitivities to improve the Colorado State University Water Irrigation Scheduler for Efficient Application (WISE). WISE is an irrigation decision aid that integrates environmental and user information for optimizing water use. Rainfall forecasts and verification performance metrics are used to estimate predictive rainfall probabilities that are used as input data within the irrigation decision aid. These input data errors are also used within a land model sensitivity study to diagnose important prognostic water movement behaviors for irrigation tool development purposes simultaneously performing the analysis in space and time. Thus, important questions such as “how long can a crop water application be delayed while maintaining crop yield production?” are addressed by evaluating crop growth stage interactions as a function of soil depth (i.e., space), rainfall events (i.e., time), and their probabilistic uncertainties. Editor’s note : This paper is part of the featured series on Optimizing Ogallala Aquifer Water Use to Sustain Food Systems. See the February 2019 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   
Emphasizing the economic and environmental benefits of conservation is business-as-usual for environmental organizations seeking to influence conservation behavior, but these message frames are rarely tested. We embedded a large message framing experiment into the recruitment for a conservation agriculture program targeting farmland owners in the Mississippi River Basin. We found that framed messages do not increase enrollment in the agricultural program—the desired conservation behavior—compared to an informational message (control) and may decrease enrollment among farmland owners not already using conservation practices (i.e., cover crops).  相似文献   
温带阔叶红松林中不同树种和倒木对土壤性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗献宝  张颖清  徐浩  郑俊强 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1841-1845
以长白山温带阔叶红松林为研究对象,通过野外采集土壤样品,综合研究老龄树及倒木对周边表层土壤性质的影响。研究结果显示,在本研究样地条件下,不同树种周边的表层土壤性质存在显著性差异,红松(Pinus koraiensis)周边土壤中水溶性有机碳WSOC的质量分数和特征吸光系数SUVA254值都高于紫椴(乃砌amurensis)和水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica),但是土壤水溶性总氮WSTN和交换性无机氮的质量分数却是红松低于紫椴和水曲柳。对倒木影响的森林表层土壤性质的研究结果显示,倒木下方森林表层土壤中WSOC、WSTN以及交换性矿质氮的质量分数都明显地高于林间土壤,说明在小尺度空间区域内,倒木可能是森林表层土壤活性碳、氮库的重要输入源。此外,本研究还利用主成分分析探讨了受树种影响的森林表层土壤不同性质之间的关联性,并对树种和倒木影响周边土壤性质的可能性机制进行分析。  相似文献   
依据自然雪被分布的差异,在青藏高原东缘高寒草甸中设置3条样带(即深雪、中等厚度雪被和浅雪),于2008年的秋冬过渡期,连续监测各样带中的雪被厚度和土壤温度,并采用原位培养法测定每月的土壤氮素氨化、硝化和矿化速率,以研究不同厚度雪被对高寒草甸土壤氮矿化的影响.结果表明,月均土温、每月日最高土温均值分别与雪被厚度极显著相关,二次函数关系拟合较好(R2=0.576,0.685),且根据每月日最高土温均值与雪被厚度的二次函数关系方程可知,25 cm厚的雪被可以起到较好的隔绝效果;土壤含水量受雪被厚度和土壤温差两个因素的显著影响.在秋冬过渡期末,浅雪梯度下土壤硝态氮含量显著降低,且雪被下的净氮矿化速率与月均土温、每月日最高土温均值、每月日最低土温均值都分别呈极显著相关,二次函数关系拟合较好(R2=0.589,0.541,0.601).研究表明,不同厚度的雪被对土壤温度和含水量影响显著,从而显著地影响着土壤氮的矿化,深雪更有利于氨化、硝化和氮矿化.图7表2参36  相似文献   
采用培养法和非培养法提取甘蔗根际土壤微生物的总DNA,基于通用引物PCR扩增构建两种方法的细菌16SrDNA文库,并进行核糖体DNA扩增片段限制性内切酶分析(ARDRA),通过部分克隆序列测定构建细菌克隆文库的系统发育树,进而对基于传统的细菌平板培养法和直接提取总细菌DNA的非培养法进行比较分析.结果显示,非培养法文库的香侬–威纳指数、辛普森指数、丰富度分别为4.94、0.998、28.91,均高于培养法文库中相应的多样性参数(分别为4.27、0.996、16.79),均一度数值都>0.95.结合统计学数据和序列测定信息,反映出甘蔗根际土壤存在着丰富的细菌多样性,但平板培养法所展现的多样性低于直接提取法,表明前者存在着很大的局限性,而非培养法文库中主要是未培养微生物的16S rDNA序列,这从一个侧面反映了土壤样品中未培养微生物占很大比例.因此,在土壤微生物群落研究中,必须结合新的分子生态学技术手段,如采用直接提取总DNA的方法进行研究,才能比较全面地认识土壤微生物多样性.图3表3参18  相似文献   
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