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全(多)氟烷基化合物(per(poly)fluoroalkyl substances,PFASs)在环境各个介质及人体样品中广泛被检出,近年,在室内空气和灰尘中也普遍发现PFASs.研究表明,室内空气中PFASs的含量普遍高于室外空气,室内空气和灰尘中的PFASs可能是室外空气的污染来源及人体暴露源,因此室内环境中PFASs成为环境领域的又一个研究热点.但目前为止,我国还没有开展室内空气中PFASs的相关研究,室内灰尘中PFASs的研究也相对较少.本文就室内空气和灰尘中PFASs的采样与分析方法、污染现状、来源分析及人体暴露等4个方面进行了综合阐述,以期为我国室内环境中PFASs的研究提供参考. 相似文献
就如何使用ClO2和O3对水中石油类污染物氧化去除进行了研究,确定了最佳反应时间、pH和氧化剂用量对去除率的影响。ClO2的最佳投加量应为有机物总量的1.5倍,反应时间可控制在20min上。ClO2处理pH5.0~6.5溶液时的去除效果最好。同时进行了O3的对照实验。分析了ClO2和O3在水处理应用中的优缺点。 相似文献
Izaskun Zorita Joana Larreta Natalia Montero José Germán Rodríguez Javier Franco Ángel Borja 《Chemistry and Ecology》2013,29(5):432-445
Bioaccumulation and biological effects of pollution were assessed in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) caged for one month at three sites in the Oiartzun estuary (south-eastern Bay of Biscay, Spain) with the aim of evaluating their usefulness within the investigative monitoring defined in the European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD). The highest concentrations of organic contaminants determined in mussels' tissue were detected towards the inner part of the estuary but no gradient pattern was found for metal bioaccumulation. Population fitness responses measured as condition index, stress on stress and gonad index were similar in all caged mussels and did not follow the organic pollution gradient. However, biomarkers determined at tissue, cell and protein level (histopathology, micronuclei frequency, malondialdehyde levels and vitellogenin-like protein levels) revealed a higher stress syndrome at the inner part of the estuary showing signs of genotoxicity, oxidative stress and endocrine disruption. Overall, the integrated chemical–biological approach in connection with mussel caging technique proved to be a useful tool to assess environmental pollution, allowing a better understanding of the cause–effect relationship within the investigative monitoring defined in the WFD. 相似文献
M. Gochfeld D. J. Gochfeld D. Minton B. G. Murray Jr P. Pyle N. Seto D. Smith J. Burger 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》1999,59(3):343-358
Levels of environmental pollutants are usually higher in mainland and coastal areas than in offshore or oceanic islands due to higher inputs from agricultural and industrial sources. Levels of heavy metals are usually higher in adult than in young birds, because they have had longer to accumulate metals in their tissues, and/or because they may eat larger, more contaminated, prey. We examined the levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, and selenium in the adults and young of Bonin petrel (Pterodroma hypoleuca), Christmas shearwater (Puffinus nativitatis) and red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda) on Midway Atoll, and adult wedge-tailed shearwater (Puffinus pacificus) on Midway Atoll and on Manana Island (off Oahu) in the northern Pacific. All birds were analyzed individually except for Christmas Shearwater chicks where samples were pooled to obtain sufficient quantities for analysis. Significant (p<0.05) age-related differences were found for mercury, selenium, manganese and chromium in Bonin petrels, for selenium and mercury in Christmas shearwaters, and for chromium and mercury in Red-tailed Tropicbirds. Lead approached significance for all three species. Adults had higher levels than young except for chromium and manganese in the petrels and arsenic in all three species. There were significant interspecific differences in concentrations of all metals except arsenic for the adults nesting on Midway. Christmas shearwaters had the highest levels of all metals except mercury and chromium. Bonin petrels, the smallest species examined, had mercury levels that were over three times higher than any of the adults of the other three species. For wedge-tailed shearwaters, levels of chromium and lead were significantly higher, and manganese and selenium were lower on Midway than Manana. Knowledge of the foraging ranges and habits of these far-ranging seabirds is inadequately known, but does not currently explain the observed differences among species. We could not find a consistent pattern of differences between the burrow nesting species (Bonin petrel, Wedge-tailed shearwater) and the surface nesting tropicbirds. There was no consistent pairwise correlation between any metals across all species. 相似文献
中国水环境非点源污染负荷的估算研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国已占水环境容量中,除了点源污染以外,非点源污染也占有相当比重,非点源污染负荷的定量化研究势在必行.国外对非点源污染的研究开始较早,成果也较成熟.从20世纪80年代以来,中国也逐渐认识到非点源污染的存在及其危害性,开始了非点源污染的控制研究.但是中国对非点源污染问题的研究现在尚处于初级阶段,多为借鉴国外模型.文章分析了国内外对非点源污染的研究方法和研究现状,介绍了适合中国国情的非点源污染负荷估算的方法,包括流域水文估算法、大尺度区域中非点源污染负荷估算的方法. 相似文献
韩国西海岸地区停车场径流携带沉积物的粒径分布及污染特征研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解沿海地区城市停车场内径流携带沉积物的粒径分布及污染特征,于2011年4—6月在韩国西海岸12个不同停车场采集了沉积物样品,分别分析了其粒径分布和各粒径中污染物质的含量.结果表明,不同采样点的废弃物形态差异较大,主要表现在较大的植物茎叶、烟蒂及动物粪便等废弃物和含水率等方面.不同采样点的颗粒物粒径大小不同,其颗粒物的均一性也有所差异.总体来讲,106~500μm之间的颗粒物是径流携带沉积物的主要组成部分,其平均质量分数占总体(<2360μm)颗粒物的59.9%.对不同粒径中污染物质的含量分析得出,颗粒物中污染物质的含量随粒径增大而减小.其中,<106μm的颗粒物中总氮、总磷、COD和挥发性物质的质量分别占各污染物总量的18.9%、17.8%、20.41%和18.9%,而该部分颗粒物本身的平均质量分数只有3.9%.可见<106μm的颗粒物处于高度污染状态.因此,在城市停车场面源污染管理中,应该对该部分高度污染的颗粒物给以足够的重视.对于不同污染特征的颗粒物应该采用不同的去除方法. 相似文献
长三角重点行业大气污染物排放及控制对策 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究重点分析了长江三角洲地区电力和水泥行业的大气污染物排放特征,并结合相关行业统计数据和污染物排放因子,对2004年这两个重点行业的大气污染物排放量进行了估算。结论如下:长三角地区火电行业2004年SO2、烟尘、NOX和燃煤大气汞排放量分别为149.2×104t、21.1×104t、87.6×104t和13.7t。2004年江、浙、沪三地水泥行业共排放工艺粉尘76.2×104t,其中PM10为70.1×104t、PM2.5为45.9×104t,气态污染物SO2、NOX、CO和氟化物排放量分别为12.4×104t、49.5×104t、247.9×104t和7.4×104t。并对长三角地区电力和水泥行业的污染控制问题提出一些相关举措。 相似文献