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污水处理的新技术与新发展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
介绍我国对水污染控制认识的发展和深化,阐述了污水生物处理方面的研究和新进展,包括在微生物方面的研究和新反应器、新工艺的发展。同时,讨论了新型、高效化学混凝剂和絮凝剂的开发成功,使化学法用于城市污水的处理成为可能。并提出任何一种新的处理工艺和反应器都各有其优缺点和适用条件,不能认为某一种就是最好,最先进的,可以无条件适用各种情况的。  相似文献   
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) has evolved from a mini-NEPA, first enacted in 1970, into a procedural act that affects the approval process of all large developments in California. In 1990, California local governments produced over 1600 environmental impact reports and 30,000 initial studies under CEQA. Because of its widespread use, CEQA has periodically drawn the attention of the state legislature, most recently in 1993, when over 60 CEQA reform bills were introduced. This paper describes the CEQA process and evaluates its success at meeting its explicit and implicit goals. The research includes a statewide survey of CEQA practice, sent to the planning departments of all 513 local governments in California in 1991. Survey respondents agreed that CEQA helps in evaluating environmental impacts, reducing impacts, informing the public, and coordinating public agency review. It is effective in reducing the environmental impacts of individual projects, but is not as effective in improving environmental quality on an areawide scale. This research concludes that CEQA has led to positive outcomes and is not as deeply flawed as many of its critics claim. Still, CEQA as currently designed may not be the optimal vehicle for ensuring environmental quality.  相似文献   
加强环境监测质量管理人员队伍建设的思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
简述了环境监测质量管理人员队伍存在的问题。指出建立优良的质量管理人员队伍是规范环境监测质量管理工作、强化环境监测质量管理能力、提高环境监测质量管理水平的坚实基础。提出了建立完善环境监测质量管理人员队伍的设想,应梳理总结,建立质量管理理论体系;明确职责,完善质量管理人员队伍体系;分清层次,建立有效的培训机制。  相似文献   
重铬酸钾─三氯化钛法测定水中溶解氧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了三氯化钛(TiCl3)与氧反应,以钨酸钠(Na2WO4)作指示剂,用重铬酸钾溶液滴定过剩三氯化钛来测定水中溶解氧的方法。本法与碘量法比较,结果表明方法准确、快速,适合于水样中溶解氧的测定  相似文献   
We demonstrate an approach for evaluating the level of protection attained using a variety of forms and levels of past, current, and proposed Air Quality Standards (AQSs). The U.S. Clean Air Act requires the establishment of ambient air quality standards to protect health and public welfare. However, determination of attainment of these standards is based on ambient pollutant concentrations rather than prevention of adverse effects. To determine if a given AQS protected against adverse effects on vegetation, hourly ozone concentrations were adjusted to create exposure levels that “just attain” a given standard. These exposures were used in combination with a physiologically-based tree growth model to account for the interactions of climate and ozone. In the evaluation, we used ozone concentrations from two 6-year time periods from the San Bernardino Mountains in California. There were clear differences in the level of vegetation protection achieved with the various AQSs. Based on modeled plant growth, the most effective standards were the California 8-hr average maximum of 70 ppb and a seasonal, cumulative, concentration-weighted index (SUM06), which if attained, resulted in annual growth reductions of 1% or less. Least effective was the 1-hr maximum of 120 ppb which resulted in a 7% annual reduction. We conclude that combining climate, exposure scenarios, and a process-based plant growth simulator was a useful approach for evaluating effectiveness of current or proposed air quality standards, or evaluating the form and/or level of a standard based on preventing adverse growth effects.  相似文献   
Impacts on industry of Europe's emerging chemicals policy REACh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For Europe, a new regime in chemicals regulation is about to start. After the proposal of the European Commission concerning the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACh) passed its readings in the European Parliament and some differences with the European Council of Ministers were resolved, the regulation will come into force in June 2007. This paper is focused on the question how serious the cost burdens for industry induced by REACh will be, and whether the New European Member States (NMS) which joined the European Union in May 2004 will be able to cope with the regulation. This evaluation has been done by assessing the legislative, administrative and economic framework in New Member States and by analysing real business cases in companies. The empirical showcase business impact studies are at the same time of interest for companies of EU-15 states, other European countries who may implement the regulation, and even for exporters of raw materials and chemicals outside Europe, who will also have to comply with REACh if they market in the European Community. The results give no indications that REACh adoption will bring significant drawbacks to companies in the NMS. The emerging regulation will bring challenges for individual companies, especially for small and medium-sized ones, but for the European chemical industry as a whole, there is no question that it will be able to cope with REACh burdens without losing its global competitiveness.  相似文献   
The National Atmospheric Deposition Program/Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) provides long-term, quality-assured records of mercury in wet deposition in the USA and Canada. Interpretation of spatial and temporal trends in the MDN data requires quantification of the variability of the MDN measurements. Variability is quantified for MDN data from collocated samplers at MDN sites in two states, one in Illinois and one in Washington. Median absolute differences in the collocated sampler data for total mercury concentration are approximately 11% of the median mercury concentration for all valid 1999–2004 MDN data. Median absolute differences are between 3.0% and 14% of the median MDN value for collector catch (sample volume) and between 6.0% and 15% of the median MDN value for mercury wet deposition. The overall measurement errors are sufficiently low to resolve between NADP/MDN measurements by ±2 ng·l−1 and ±2 μg·m−2·year−1, which are the contour intervals used to display the data on NADP isopleths maps for concentration and deposition, respectively.  相似文献   
铵盐是降水监测的重要指标之一,它对降水中的酸性物质具有中和作用。将连续流动分析法应用于降水中铵盐的检测,并对该方法的检出限、精密度、加标回收率等一系列实验室质量要求进行了测定;在此基础上,用连续流动分析法和国家标准分析方法进行比对试验。对测试结果进行数理统计分析后证明,连续流动分析法与国标方法无显著性差异。  相似文献   
东亚春季边界层臭氧的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用嵌套网格空气质量模式系统(NAQPMS)对2004年4月东亚边界层(距地面.km以下)臭氧进行了数值模拟.并评估了东亚边界层光化学反应的活性.结果表明.东亚春季臭氧呈带状分布,其高值.〔φ(O3)>55×10-9.主要集中在30°N~40°N.受东亚季风气候控制.沿蒙古、中国东北以及日本一线有一强臭氧输送通道.输送通量达3×10-.mol/(m2·s).通过计算边界层O3光化学净生成率可知.光化学影响主要集中在高污染源排放地区.其与水平输送对臭氧影响的分布具有负相关性.说明光化学生成的O3可被输送至下风地区,而不仅限于局地.   相似文献   
Inbreeding depression is an important long-term threat to reintroduced populations. However, the strength of inbreeding depression is difficult to estimate in wild populations because pedigree data are inevitably incomplete and because good data are needed on survival and reproduction. Predicting future population consequences is especially difficult because this also requires projecting future inbreeding levels and their impacts on long-term population dynamics, which are subject to many uncertainties. We illustrate how such projections can be derived through Bayesian state-space modeling methods based on a 26-year data set for North Island Robins (Petroica longipes) reintroduced to Tiritiri Matangi Island in 1992. We used pedigree data to model increases in the average inbreeding level (F ) over time based on kinship of possible breeding pairs and to estimate empirically Ne/N (effective/census population size). We used multiple imputation to model the unknown components of inbreeding coefficients, which allowed us to estimate effects of inbreeding on survival for all 1458 birds in the data set while modeling density dependence and environmental stochasticity. This modeling indicated that inbreeding reduced juvenile survival (1.83 lethal equivalents [SE 0.81]) and may have reduced subsequent adult survival (0.44 lethal equivalents [0.81]) but had no apparent effect on numbers of fledglings produced. Average inbreeding level increased to 0.10 (SE 0.001) as the population grew from 33 (0.3) to 160 (6) individuals over the 25 years, giving a ratio of 0.56 (0.01). Based on a model that also incorporated habitat regeneration, the population was projected to reach a maximum of 331–1144 birds (median 726) in 2130, then to begin a slow decline. Without inbreeding, the population would be expected stabilize at 887–1465 birds (median 1131). Such analysis, therefore, makes it possible to empirically derive the information needed for rational decisions about inbreeding management while accounting for multiple sources of uncertainty.  相似文献   
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