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Using chemical process simulation to design industrial ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chemical process simulation (CPS) software has been widely used by chemical (process) engineers to design, test, optimise, and integrate process plants. It is expected that industrial ecologists to bring these same problem-solving benefits to the design and operation of industrial ecosystems can use CPS. This paper provides industrial ecology researchers and practitioners with an introduction to CPS and an overview of chemical engineering design principles. The paper highlights recent research showing that CPS can be used to model industrial ecosystems, and discusses the benefits of using CPS to address some of the technical challenges facing companies participating in an industrial ecosystem. CPS can be used to (i) quantitatively evaluate and compare the potential environmental and financial benefits of material and energy linkages; (ii) solve general design, retrofit, or operational problems; (iii) help to identify complex and often counter-intuitive solutions; and (iv) evaluate what-if scenarios. CPS should be a useful addition to the industrial ecology toolbox.  相似文献   
萃取分光光度法测定工业废气中的游离溴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用萃取分光光度法测定工业废气中的游离溴,并对样品的采集与保存,萃取条件的选择进行了研究。结果表明,当溴的含量在18.0-450.0μg/mL范围同时,吸光度与浓度具有良好的线性关系,方法的采样效率大于99%,精密度和准确度较好当采集气体为100L时,最低检出肖度为0.14mg/m^3。  相似文献   
Industrial ecology: a new field or only a metaphor?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 10 years since industrial ecology first became a topic of academic interest, it has grown as a field of inquiry and has produced a community of practice in several sectors including academia, business, and government. Even as the shape of industrial ecology becomes clearer, questions remain as to its lasting power beyond the metaphor that gave it its distinctiveness. This paper examines the development of industrial ecology and assesses its progress towards becoming a field of academic inquiry. And, in a related analysis, I look at the progress industrial ecology has made in establishing itself as an institutional (cultural) basis for action in the above sectors. Ideas like industrial ecology must become institutionalized if they are to have much effect on the reality of everyday activities.  相似文献   
 This paper deals with the present scenario of hazardous waste management practices in Thailand, and gives some insights into future prospects. Industrialization in Thailand has systematically increased the generation of hazardous waste. The total hazardous waste generated in 2001 was 1.65 million tons. It is estimated that over 300 million kg/year of hazardous waste is generated from nonindustrial, community sources (e.g., batteries, fluorescent lamps, cleansing chemicals, pesticides). No special facilities are available for handling these wastes. There are neither well-established systems for separation, storage, collection, and transportation, nor the effective enforcement of regulations related to hazardous wastes management generated from industrial or nonindustrial sectors. Therefore, because of a lack of treatment and disposal facilities, these wastes find their way into municipal wastewaters, public landfills, nearby dump sites, or waterways, raising serious environmental concern. Furthermore, Thailand does not have an integrated regulatory framework regarding the monitoring and management of hazardous materials and wastes. In addition to the absence of a national definition of hazardous wastes, limited funding has caused significant impediments to the effective management of hazardous waste. Thus, current waste management practices in Thailand present significant potential hazards to humans and the environment. The challenging issues of hazardous waste management in Thailand are not only related to a scarcity of financial resources (required for treatment and disposal facilities), but also to the fact that there has been no development of appropriate technology following the principles of waste minimization and sustainable development. A holistic approach to achieving effective hazardous waste management that integrates the efforts of all sectors, government, private, and community, is needed for the betterment of human health and the environment. Received: February 26, 2001 / Accepted: October 11, 2002  相似文献   
The 1984 Bhopal disaster is widely regarded as a watershed event in the field of process-safety and has been largely responsible for a paradigm shift in the outlook of both industry and the public towards risk management within the processing industries. The Bhopal disaster has led to increased regulations and awareness for process-safety related activities across the globe. This paper reports the effect of the infamous Bhopal incident on the research community and examines the performance of manufacturing industries following the disaster.

For this paper, databases of scientific publications were used to investigate research trends in the safety area following the 1984 Bhopal disaster. Our analysis focuses on prominent safety-related research fields that have emerged following the gas tragedy as well as economic indicators of the processing industries. The study reveals that the process industry has consistently progressed over the years, in spite of added regulations and a worsened public image following the Bhopal disaster, and promises to be a stable economy in the future.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to monitor the influent and effluent water quality of the aeration, facultative and oxidation water treatment ponds of an industrial estate. This industrial estate, the largest in northern Thailand, has proposed to utilization of reclaimed treated wastewater in their raw water supply so as to cope with the yearly water shortage during the dry season. Water samples were collected four times from four sampling points and evaluated for their dissolved organic matter (DOM) content in terms of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ultraviolet light absorbance at 254 nm (UV-254), specific ultraviolet absorption (SUVA), trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) and trihalomethane (THM) species. Average values of DOC, UV-254, SUVA and THMFP in the influent wastewater of 12.9 mg L−1, 0.165 cm−1, 1.29 L mg−1m−1 and 1.24 mg L−1, respectively, were observed. The aeration ponds produced the best results: a 54% reduction of DOC, a 33% reduction of UV-254, and a 57% reduction of THMFP. However, SUVA in the aeration pond effluent showed a moderate increase. The facultative ponds and oxidation ponds did not take part in the reduction of DOC, UV-254, SUVA and THMFP. Average DOC, UV-254, SUVA and THMFP value of the treated wastewater were 5.8 mg L−1, 0.107 cm−1, 1.85 L mg−1m−1 and 468 μg L−1, respectively. Chloroform, at 72.6% of total THMFP, was found to be the predominant THM species.  相似文献   
The main objective of this paper is to examine pollution threat, especially to the groundwater resources, around Tarapur industrial area (also called the Tarapur MIDC area) located on the Arabian Sea Coast in Thane District of Maharashtra State, India and suggest remedial measures that may also be relevant to other industrial areas on the Indian Sea Coast. One hundred and thirty one samples were collected from various sources, such as dugwells, borewells, dug-cum-borewells, effluent sumps, drainage channels (effluent channels), creeks and ocean, for chemical analyses. These analyses show that the area in general is characterized by hard water and high salinity hazard, possibly due to its proximity and hydraulic connection with the sea. Although the potability of groundwater is questionable in certain pockets, it is good enough for irrigation purposes at present. Low pH value and high heavy metal contents in the adjoining Muramba creek water is a matter of great concern and may be attributed to the indiscriminate disposal of industrial effluents to the drainage channels connecting the creek. Muramba Creek is well connected with the Arabian Sea, and there are evidences of seawater intrusion around this creek. Because of the fact that Muramba Creek is highly polluted, and is hydraulically connected with the dugwells and borewells surrounding the creek, it cannot be ruled out that the groundwater around this creek is susceptible to contamination. Unless measures are not taken immediately to stop the indiscriminate disposal of the solid wastes and liquid effluents in open ground and drainage channels, and measures are not taken to maintain the appropriate pH values at the effluent treatment facilities before their disposal, the problem would indeed be formidable one day, and it will be too late then for the authorities to take care of the resulting maladies. Few suggestions have been given for controlling and managing the industrial pollution around the Tarapur MIDC area. These suggestions are relevant to other industrial areas situated on the 7,000 km long Indian Sea Coast.  相似文献   
A model of multiple domino scenarios and the risk of the domino effect, which is a sequential chain escalating from the primary unit to the last unit, is presented in this paper. The trajectories of fragments from all units, the ground distribution of projectiles, and the risk of the sequential chain of the domino effect were calculated using Monte Carlo simulations. The results showed that the range affected by the fragments from each tank included the other tanks, meaning that fragments from one tank could hit the other tanks and cause multiple accidents, and that the sequential chain of the domino effect could indeed happen. The distributions of ground impacts showed that tank fragments were projected over long distances, up to 1200 m from the source. The spatial distribution of the kinetic energy at ground impact for tank fragments was also obtained. Moreover, the magnitudes of the probabilities of the primary, secondary, third, and fourth accidents in the domino chain were respectively about 10−7, 10−11, 10−15, and 10−19. These results showed that for neighboring domino effect units in the same accident chain, the risk of the most recent domino effect was 104 times that of the following domino effect.  相似文献   
采用污染源普查资料与实地调查相结合的方法,对南京市各行业氮氧化物(NOx)排放源及排放量进行调查和梳理。结果表明:各行业NO x排放分担率依次为电力41%、机动车25%、钢铁10%、水泥9%、石化7%、其它工业5%、居民生活3%。针对南京市现状,对重点排放源提出了NO x减排措施与对策。  相似文献   
吴凯 《环境与发展》2020,(2):248-248,250
环保是我国在发展中较为重视的一个工作内容,为了能够顺利地做好城市环保工作,在2016年提出了"环保管家"这个环保概念,通过这个理念推动环保服务业的发展。但是由于该理念提出的时间尚短,所以在实施阶段出现了较多的阻力,导致环保管家并没能实现方案提出的预想效果。鉴于环保管家对工业园区工作的重要性,本文将分析环保管家在工业园区开展的意义以及途径,希望能对相关从业人员的工作有所启发。  相似文献   
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