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分析了盘锦市湿地由于不合理的开发利用,导致生态功能受损状况;为防止湿地资源的过度开发,保护湿地生态系统的结构、物种、功能效应,使湿地资源永续利用,提出了具有可操作性的恢复措施。  相似文献   
Footprints for Sustainability: The Next Steps   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The concept of an ecological footprint is based on the understanding that every individual human appropriates a share of the productive and assimilative capacity of the biosphere. An ecological footprint corresponds to this exclusive biologically productive area that a defined population uses for all its resource requirements and wastes, and is expressed in terms of bioproductive space, with world-average productivity. Humanity's footprint or its aggregate ecological demand can only temporarily exceed the productive and assimilative capacity of the biosphere without liquidating and weakening the natural capital on which humanity depends fundamentally. Therefore, accounting tools for quantifying humanity's use of nature are essential for overall assessments of human impact as well as for planning specific steps towards a sustainable future.This paper discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the ecological footprint as an ecological accounting method, points out research needs for improvement of the analysis, and suggests potential new applications. The paper identifies ten new applications of the tool to make it applicable at various geographic scales and for a number of analytical and didactic purposes. Then nine methodological improvements are suggested that could refine the currently applied method, making assessments more sensitive to a larger number of ecological impacts. It concludes that many crucial questions pertinent to building a sustainable society can be addressed by current ecological footprint research. By making the method more complete, this tool could evolve from being largely of pedagogical use to become a strategic tool for policy analysis.  相似文献   
通过对塔河上游阿拉尔地区天然植被的物种多样性的特征分析,并结合实际情况,得出了该地区天然植被生态系统在人类干扰下普遍存在退化现象,尤其在绿洲—荒漠过渡带,这种现象更为严重。应采取有效措施对天然植被特别是过渡带的植被进行生态恢复。另外还讨论了本地区植被恢复与重建的对策。  相似文献   
本文针对目前环境保护的热点之一——全球和地区性生物多样性保护,对其中的一个基础理论问题,即区域生物多样性评价标准进行了探索;从理论上对制定这一标准的必要性、可行性、生物多样性的基本内涵、区域生物多样性中心标准的意义及标准制定的原则和依据进行了阐述,并在此基础上提出了我国区域生物多样性中心标准的基本框架。  相似文献   
应用Wackemagel等提出的生态占用测度方法对芜湖市2004年的生态占用和生态容量进行了分析和计算。利用生态占用分析方法从宏观上度量了芜湖市社会经济发展的可持续性以及生态状况。结果表明,计算年的人均生态赤字为3.757429226hm^2.并提出了相应的对策和措施,为芜湖市建设“生态城市”提供量化依据。  相似文献   
人口、资源、环境是城市和谐发展的三大基本支撑要素。通过计算广州适度人口、验证库兹尼茨曲线、计算生态足迹等,分析了广州人口、资源与环境三者之间的关系。通过分析可以看出,支撑广州城市可持续发展的三大基本要素——人口规模、资源承载力和环境容量基本都已接近峰值,城市发展面临着有史以来的最大压力,而且资源支撑经济社会发展的能力在弱化,但环境总体质量趋向于好转,库兹尼茨曲线正在向其倒U形的右半部分过渡。为实现城市的可持续发展,广州要处理好经济社会发展与人口、资源、环境的关系,更加关注自然资本。  相似文献   
芜湖市2003年生态足迹研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态足迹是近年来较为流行的定量测定人类对自然利用程度的新方法.利用生态足迹计算方法对芜湖市2003年的生态足迹进行了实证计算与分析,计算结果显示芜湖市2003年人均生态赤字为1.65hm2,表明其发展处于不可持续状态.针对目前的状况提出了芜湖市可持续发展的对策和建议.  相似文献   
Sagoff [Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (2005), 215–236] argues, against growing empirical evidence, that major environmental impacts of non-native species are unproven. However, many such impacts, including extinctions of both island and continental species, have both been demonstrated and judged by the public to be harmful. Although more public attention has been focused on non-native animals than non-native plants, the latter more often cause ecosystem-wide impacts. Increased regulation of introduction of non-native species is, therefore, warranted, and, contra Sagoff’s assertions, invasion biologists have recently developed methods that greatly aid prediction of which introduced species will harm the environment and thus enable more efficient regulation. The fact that introduced species may increase local biodiversity in certain instances has not been shown to result in desired changes in ecosystem function. In other locales, they decrease biodiversity, as they do globally.  相似文献   
Recent research has focused on establishing the values of preserving biodiversity both in agriculture and in less managed ecosystems, and in showing the importance of the role of cultural diversity in preserving biodiversity in food production systems. A study of the philosophy embedded in cultural systems can reveal the importance of the technological information for preserving genetic biodiversity contained in such systems and can be used to support arguments for the protection/preservation of cultural diversity. For example, corn or maize can serve as a paradigm of Native American thinking and can provide one of the few areas from which common philosophical conceptions can emerge. An examination of the cultivation of corn or maize as an agricultural activity and as a cultural activity in Native American literature reveals a philosophy that recognizes the importance of biodiversity and provides techniques for its preservation. Corn, and the food and the materials derived from it, is something thought out, not by specialists, but by the entire tribe and its ancestors, even if this thinking is done within what we might consider a framework of highly mythical notions. Importantly, this framework yields an understanding of both the genetics and nutrition of corn. A survey of these mythical notions (myths and stories) and agricultural practices makes this thought explicit and exemplifies the value of cultural diversity and biodiversity.  相似文献   
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