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Background, Aim and Scope Air quality is an field of major concern in large cities. This problem has led administrations to introduce plans and regulations
to reduce pollutant emissions. The analysis of variations in the concentration of pollutants is useful when evaluating the
effectiveness of these plans. However, such an analysis cannot be undertaken using standard statistical techniques, due to
the fact that concentrations of atmospheric pollutants often exhibit a lack of normality and are autocorrelated. On the other
hand, if long-term trends of any pollutant’s emissions are to be detected, meteorological effects must be removed from the
time series analysed, due to their strong masking effects.
Materials and Methods The application of statistical methods to analyse temporal variations is illustrated using monthly carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations
observed at an urban site. The sampling site is located at a street intersection in central Valencia (Spain) with a high traffic
density. Valencia is the third largest city in Spain. It is a typical Mediterranean city in terms of its urban structure and
climatology. The sampling site started operation in January 1994 and monitored CO ground level concentrations until February
2002. Its geographic coordinates are W0°22′52″ N39°28′05″ and its altitude is 11 m. Two nonparametric trend tests are applied.
One of these is robust against serial correlation with regards to the false rejection rate, when observations have a strong
persistence or when the sample size per month is small. A nonparametric analysis of the homogeneity of trends between seasons
is also discussed. A multiple linear regression model is used with the transformed data, including the effect of meteorological
variables. The method of generalized least squares is applied to estimate the model parameters to take into account the serial
dependence of the residuals of this model. This study also assesses temporal changes using the Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) filter.
The KZ filter has been shown to be an effective way to remove the influence of meteorological conditions on O3 and PM to examine underlying trends.
Results The nonparametric tests indicate a decreasing, significant trend in the sampled site. The application of the linear model
yields a significant decrease every twelve months of 15.8% for the average monthly CO concentration. The 95% confidence interval
for the trend ranges from 13.9% to 17.7%. The seasonal cycle also provides significant results. There are no differences in
trends throughout the months. The percentage of CO variance explained by the linear model is 90.3%. The KZ filter separates
out long, short-term and seasonal variations in the CO series. The estimated, significant, long-term trend every year results
in 10.3% with this method. The 95% confidence interval ranges from 8.8% to 11.9%. This approach explains 89.9% of the CO temporal
Discussion The differences between the linear model and KZ filter trend estimations are due to the fact that the KZ filter performs the
analysis on the smoothed data rather than the original data. In the KZ filter trend estimation, the effect of meteorological
conditions has been removed. The CO short-term componentis attributable to weather and short-term fluctuations in emissions.
There is a significant seasonal cycle. This component is a result of changes in the traffic, the yearly meteorological cycle
and the interactions between these two factors. There are peaks during the autumn and winter months, which have more traffic
density in the sampled site. There is a minimum during the month of August, reflecting the very low level of vehicle emissions
which is a direct consequence of the holiday period.
Conclusions The significant, decreasing trend implies to a certain extent that the urban environment in the area is improving. This trend
results from changes in overall emissions, pollutant transport, climate, policy and economics. It is also due to the effect
of introducing reformulated gasoline. The additives enable vehicles to burn fuel with a higher air/fuel ratio, thereby lowering
the emission of CO. The KZ filter has been the most effective method to separate the CO series components and to obtain an
estimate of the long-term trend due to changes in emissions, removing the effect of meteorological conditions.
Recommendations and Perspectives Air quality managers and policy-makers must understand the link between climate and pollutants to select optimal pollutant
reduction strategies and avoid exceeding emission directives. This paper analyses eight years of ambient CO data at a site
with a high traffic density, and provides results that are useful for decision-making. The assessment of long-term changes
in air pollutants to evaluate reduction strategies has to be done while taking into account meteorological variability 相似文献
M. R. Theobald U. Dragosits C. J. Place J. U. Smith M. Sozanska L. Brown D. Scholefield A. Del Prado J. Webb P. G. Whitehead A. Angus I. D. Hodge D. Fowler M. A. Sutton 《Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus》2004,4(6):135-142
The distribution and impacts of different nitrogen pollutants are inextricably linked. To understand the problem fully, the interactions between the different pollutants need to be taken into account. This is particularly important when it comes to abatement techniques, since measures to reduce emissions of one nitrogen pollutant can often lead to an increase in another. This project represents a step towards greater understanding of these issues by linking together new and existing nitrogen flux models into a larger framework. The modelling framework has been constructed and some of the nitrogen flows between fields, farms and the atmosphere have been modelled for a UK study area for typical farm management scenarios. 相似文献
Liu P Zhu D Zhang H Shi X Sun H Dang F 《Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)》2008,156(3):1053-1060
Improved predictions on the fate of organic pollutants in surface environments require a better understanding of the underlying sorption mechanisms that control their uptake by soils. In this study, we monitored sorption of nine aromatic compounds with varying physicochemical properties (hydrophobicity, electron-donor/acceptor ability and polarity), including two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, two chlorobenzenes, two nitroaromatic compounds, dichlobenil, carbaryl and 2,4-dichlorophenol in aqueous suspension of four surface soils of eastern China. The tested soils were characterized with respect to organic carbon (OC) content, black carbon content, mineralogy, morphology and size fraction to assess the role of the diverse soil characteristics in sorption. The results of this study show that not only the solute hydrophobicity and the OC content of soil are important to the retention of organic pollutants, but also the solute molecular structure and the soil nature. 相似文献
种稻盆钵土壤甲烷排放通量变化的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过温室盆栽试验,研究了不同冬作处理时后茬水稻生长期甲烷排放通量及土壤温度、土壤Eh的日变化规律。结果表明:连续晴天甲烷排放通量和土壤温度存在明显的昼夜变化,最大值出现在下午4时左右,最小值出现在凌晨4时左右,符合余弦函数变化规律;连续阴雨天甲烷排放通量有逐日降低的趋势,但其昼夜变化缺乏规律性。种稻盆钵土壤甲烷排放通量昼夜变化主要受0~10cm深土壤温度的影响,而与土壤氧化还原电位无关。 相似文献
为评估2010—2019年成都市机动车防控措施的减排效果,以2010年为基准年,采用排放清单法计算了各减排措施下2019年的减排量,对比分析了4种控制措施的减排效益。结果表明:成都市机动车排污总量逐年下降,2019年PM2.5、NOx、VOCs、CO、SO2和NH3的排放量分别为0.27×104、4.63×104、1.70×104、28.99×104、0.21×104和0.45×104 t,主要分布在中心城区,其中重型货车对PM2.5和NOx贡献最大,小型客车对VOCs、CO、SO2和NH3贡献最大;措施中加严标准的综合减排量最大,重点减排车型为小型客车、轻型货车、公交车等,2019年6种污染物减排量分别为0.14×104、2.27×104、1.29×104、6.77×104、0.07×104和0.38×104 t;优化城市交通管理对小型客车和摩托车的减排效果显著,2019年6种污染物减排量分别为0.04×104、0.81×104、0.38×104、2.55×104、0.05×104和0.04×104 t;淘汰高排放车辆对小型客车、轻型货车等的减排较明显,2019年6种污染物减排放量分别为0.13×104、0.98×104、0.34×104、2.62×104、0.01×104和0.007×104 t;推广清洁能源汽车的重点减排车型为出租车和公交车,虽然可有效减少PM2.5、NOx的排放,但VOCs却有小幅增加,2019年6种污染物减排放量分别为0.12×104、0.62×104、−0.13×104、0.30×104、0.004×104和0.000 5×104 t。 相似文献
脱硫脱硫弧菌转化二氧化硫气体的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用连续处理工艺研究了SO_2进气摩尔流速和去除率的关系,并对主要转化产物硫化氢和硫化物进行了测定,研究了亚硫酸盐的积累情况及其对脱硫脱硫弧菌生长的影响,同时还对碳源的消耗及转化产物进行了定量研究.实验结果表明,随着SO_2流速的提高(4·975~20·149mmol·h~(-1))菌体对二氧化硫的去除率没有发生明显的变化,始终保持在93%以上,在SO2摩尔流速低于5·034mmol·h~(-1)时产物以硫化氢为主,而随着SO_2摩尔流速的提高,液相中硫化物和亚硫酸盐开始累积;当SO_2摩尔流速增大至20·149mmol·h~(-1)时,亚硫酸盐累积浓度达到74·23mg·L~(-1),该浓度对菌体生长不会产生抑制作用;系统在SO_2摩尔流速为14·063mmol·h~(-1)下运行时较为稳定,乳酸盐全部转化为乙酸盐,每还原1mmol SO_2消耗0·4mmol CH_3CHOHCOO~-. 相似文献
中国经济增长对碳排放的影响分析 总被引:43,自引:1,他引:43
通过相关分析探讨了中国国内生产总值(GDP)的增长与碳排放量的关系.结果表明,二者有明显的相关性(R2=0.958 1).进一步研究认为,由于中国投资率在35%~40%以上,且工业增加值占GDP的比重超过50%,因此中国过分依赖投资的经济增长方式和以第二产业(工业)为主的经济结构在很大程度上是导致温室气体排放量增加的主要原因.未来在全球化背景下,经济增长可转变为更多地依靠科技创新、技术进步和制度的改进,因此,调整经济增长方式和产业结构,可以在保持发展经济的同时,使碳排放强度呈逐渐下降的趋势. 相似文献
文章通过对内蒙古中西部地区沙生灌木的成分分析,基于生命周期法(LCA),定量论证了沙生灌木直燃发电开发模式对环境的影响和推广的可行性,指出相比石油等传统能源,这种模式具有较大的潜在效益,对于我国发展绿色替代能源,促进西部地区生态环境和经济协调发展具有一定的战略意义。 相似文献