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Agricultural economics has, until the 1990s, enjoyeda reputation for relevance and usefulness to theagri-food industry and policy-makers. Thatreputation has been jeopardized by a growinginfatuation with models and quantification, and aconcomitant underemphasis placed on many complexproblems and issues of society. An illustrativeexample is explored, using agriculturalactivity-related damage to the natural resourcebase, environment and ecology. Agriculturaleconomists are urged to respond by broadening theirterms of reference and joining forces with otherdisciplines. 相似文献
我国不同区域玉米施肥的生命周期评价 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9
以吉林、陕西、河南、湖南、广西等玉米主产省份为例,以生产1t玉米为评价的功能单元,应用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,比较了不同生态区玉米生产过程中施肥的资源环境影响潜力.结果表明,五省环境影响综合指数大小依次为广西0.315、湖南0.309、河南0.273、陕西0.238、吉林0.183.几种资源环境影响中,潜力大小依次是富营养化、环境酸化、温室效应、土地利用和能源消耗,其中,施用氮肥引起的氨挥发是导致富营养化和酸化的主要原因.农户间玉米施肥的资源环境影响潜力差异很大,环境影响综合指数变异范围在41.2%~81.6%之间,且以湖南省最高,吉林省最低.如果将玉米追肥由撒施都改为穴施,五省的环境影响综合指数将降低8.5%~34.1%.总体而言,在目前生产条件下,吉林省具有资源环境影响较低的优势;富营养化是最主要的环境影响类型,而改进施肥方式、减少氨挥发是降低玉米施肥资源环境影响的关键技术途径. 相似文献
分类收集蔬菜垃圾与植物废弃物混合堆肥工艺实例研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
以分类收集的生活垃圾(主要为蔬菜垃圾)和破碎树枝为原料,采用条垛式堆肥工艺,在中试规模条件下考察了原料初始含水率、通风频率、翻堆频率、接种比例4种因素对混合堆肥效果的影响.同时,在试验的9种工况下,对温度、氧浓度、有机碳降解率、有机碳氮比(C/N)、腐殖质含量等指标进行测定.结果表明,堆肥42d时各堆体均已达到稳定化要求.经过比较肥分保持、腐殖化程度和能量投入等指标,获得的最优堆肥控制条件为:初始含水率65%,通风频率15min/60min(开/关),翻堆频率为每3d1次,产物接种比例5%.最优控制方案下的主发酵通风率仅为0.03L.min-1.kg-1(以VS计),可实现堆肥过程的低能耗,适合于我国村镇区域的应用条件. 相似文献
根据能源消费历史状况和氮氧化物(NOX)排放因子,估算了近20年来中国NOX的排放变化,并讨论了1995~1998年分省区、分行业、分燃料的NOX排放清单及特征.中国NOX排放总量已由1980年的4.76Mt快速增加到1996年的12.0Mt,之后,NOX排放持续增加的趋势得到遏制,1998年NOX排放总量与1996年峰值相比下降了约0.82Mt.NOX排放在燃料、行业及地域分布上均不平衡的特征没有根本改变:燃煤排放NOX一直占总量的70%以上;绝大部分NOX来自工业、电力和交通部门,约占90%左右,且交通部门NOX排放比例逐年上升,已由1995年的10.4%快速增长到1998年的约13.0%;中东部的河北、辽宁、江苏、山东、河南、广东等省区NOX排放量较大,均超过0.5Mt而宁夏、青海和海南等边远省区NOX排放量很低,小于0.1Mt. 相似文献
Influence of driving cycles on exhaust emissions and fuel consumption ofgasoline passenger car in Bangkok 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
The influence of different driving cycles on their exhaust emissions and fuel consumption rate of gasoline passenger car was investigated in Bangkok based on the actual measurements obtained from a test vehicle driving on a standard chassis dynamometer. A newly established Bangkok driving cycle (BDC) and the European driving cycle (EDC) which is presently adopted as the legislative cycle for testing automobiles registered in Thailand were used. The newly developed BDC is constructed using the driving characteristic data obtained from the real on-road driving tests along selected traffic routes. A method for selecting appropriate road routes for real driving tests is also introduced. Variations of keyed driving parameters of BDC with different driving cycles were discussed. The results showed that the HC and CO emission factors of BDC are almost two and four times greater than those of EDC, respectively. Although the difference in the NOx emission factor is small, the value from BDC is still greater than that of EDC by 10%. Under BDC, the test vehicle consumes fuel about 25% more than it does under EDC. All these differences are mainly attributed to the greater proportion of idle periods and higher fluctuations of vehicle speed in the BDC cycle. This result indicated that the exhausted emissions and fuel consumption of vehicles obtained from tests under the legislative modal-type driving cycle (EDC) are significantly different from those actually produced under real traffic conditions especially during peak periods. 相似文献
为了有效降低循环冷却水系统补充水量、排污量,节约水处理剂的消耗、降低冷却水处理成本,关键在于提高循环水的浓缩倍数。本文对影响循环水浓缩倍数的因素进行了分析,总结了哈尔滨石化公司循环水场存在的问题。同时本文给出了提高循环水浓缩倍数的方法,上述方法能取得显著的环境效益和经济效益。 相似文献
通过改变内循环生物流化床的启动水质,提高N/C组成以强化流化床后期的硝化作用.结果表明,高N/C和低进水COD强化启动后处理生活污水,在HRT为2h时,可以同时高效去除COD和氨氮,氨氮的平均去除率为74%.耗氧速率试验表明,强化启动后,流化床中生物膜的异养菌活性大幅度降低,氨氧化细菌活性明显提高,硝化细菌活性变化不大.对反应系统微生物醌进行的跟踪分析表明,强化启动后,生物膜中的硝化细菌数量明显增加,微生物种群的分布均匀性变化较小,以革兰氏阴性菌为主.扫描电镜观察显示,低N/C启动条件下,生物膜厚且致密,异养菌所占比例高;高N/C启动条件有利于硝化细菌的生长,生物膜相对稀薄. 相似文献
Samantha Stea 《Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture》2019,13(5):633-648
Red meat production has a range of negative environmental impacts. We sought to characterize the motivations, environmental attitudes and demographics of red meat-eaters, and examine the effect of message framing in reducing future meat consumption. Canadian adult meat-eaters (593) completed a survey and were randomly assigned to one of six message treatments that presented information on the environmental impacts of meat production using frames representing social norms and/or place identity constructs. Taste and quality were the most important motivators for eating meat, while moral/ethical factors were the least. Forty-nine percent of respondents indicated they would reduce red meat intake after exposure to an information only message, while the social norms frame was more effective than others (χ2). Awareness of the environmental effects increased significantly after messaging for all 13 impacts. These findings should assist communicators with designing more effective messaging aimed at encouraging pro-environmental behaviours associated with meat consumption. 相似文献
Adi Kuntsman Imogen Rattle 《Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture》2019,13(5):567-581
The materiality of digital communication inflicts substantial environmental damage: the extraction of resources needed to produce digital devices; the toxicity of e-waste; and the rapidly increasing energy demands required to sustain data generated by digital communication. This damage, however, is paradoxically under-theorized in scholarship on environmental sustainability. Despite the existing critique of the “techno-fix” approach in sustainability studies, digitization – and digital communication in particular – continue to be celebrated as the tool for environmental sustainability; an approach we coin “digital solutionism.” The article presents the first systematic review of the literature to map the implicit assumptions about the relationships between digital communications and environmental sustainability, in order to examine how digital solutionism manifests, and why it persists. We propose a concept matrix that identifies the key blind spots with regards to environmental damages of the digital, and call for a paradigmatic shift in environmental sustainability studies. An agenda for future research is put forward that advocates for the following: (1) a systematic account of material damages of devices, platforms and data systems adopted into sustainability research and practice, resulting in changes in both research framing and methodological foundations; (2) a reconceptualization and denaturalization of the digital itself as a promising solution; (3) a theoretical dialogue between sustainability studies and environmental communication. (4) an expansion of environmental communication as a field, from focusing on the communication aspect of environmental change to include the environmental footprint of communication itself. 相似文献
目的 研究FPSO工艺水舱中铝牺牲阳极消耗过快的原因。方法 参照GB 17848—1999牺牲阳极电化学性能试验方法,对比水舱环境与普通环境下,在役阳极的电化学性能数据,并模拟水舱环境,监测阳极工作时实际的发生电流与工作电位等情况,据此分析牺牲阳极在工艺水舱中消耗过快的原因。结果 在常温(25 ℃)、常温充空气、高温(65 ℃)充空气等条件下,阳极的电化学容量分别是2522.07、2464.29、1943.74 Ah/kg,且高温(65 ℃)充空气环境下阳极的晶间腐蚀较其他两组试验严重许多,说明温度是影响阳极电化学容量的关键因素。在模拟工艺水舱环境下,实测的阳极发生电流最高可达100 mA。将工艺水与海水1:5稀释后,实测的保护电流密度最高达45 mA,说明工艺水中存在大量的去极化剂,是造成阳极快速消耗的又一重要因素。结论 工艺水舱环境下,阳极发生严重的晶间腐蚀,严重影响了阳极的电化学容量,使阳极寿命缩短。工艺水成分中含大量去极化剂,使船舱所需的保护电流密度大大增加,促使阳极发生电流加大,亦缩短了阳极的实际服役寿命。 相似文献