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介绍了产业生态学的兴起,阐述了作为一门交叉学科,产业生态学广泛吸取了其他学科的理论和方法,例如生态学中的系统演化理论、经济学中的投入产出分析方法等,并在这些理论和方法的基础上,形成了自身的理论和方法体系,其中包括物质和能量流分析、生态效率、生产者责任延伸制、产品导向的环境政策等。提出随着这些理论和方法研究的不断完善和深入,产业生态学将广泛用于企业、区域、国家甚至全球层面上,在更广的领域和范围内发挥积极作用。 相似文献
利用室内动三轴实验研究了振动频率与龄期对河道淤泥气泡混合轻质土(FMLSS)动力特性的影响。结果表明,振动频率和龄期对FMLSS的动力特性有明显影响。振动频率越小,轴向动应变和阻尼比越大,动模量越小。随着养护龄期的增长,动模量增大而阻尼比减小。动模量曲线在振动频率大、养护龄期长和水泥含量高时更加陡峭。当动应变较小时,不同龄期的FMLSS阻尼比很接近,随着动应变不断发展,阻尼比差异增大。FMLSS的动模量曲线都呈平缓衰减型,阻尼比在0.01~0.03之间,体现出FMLSS是良好的弹性材料。最后,探讨了振动频率和龄期对FMLSS动力特性的影响机理。 相似文献
用CTMAB(十六烷三甲基溴化铵)对陶粒进行改性,以卡马西平(CBZ)为目标污染物,研究了吸附去除饮用水中CBZ的性能并探讨了其应用的可行性。通过滤料吸附去除CBZ的动态实验,发现改性陶粒的去除效果优于陶粒。进水CBZ浓度为2 μg·L-1时,改性陶粒对CBZ的去除率最高为50%,陶粒最高的去除率为40%。研究了滤料再生对吸附性能的影响,发现陶粒和改性陶粒对CBZ的去除均随再生次数的增加而降低,改性陶粒的去除效果仍优于陶粒,改性陶粒的使用期限更长久。讨论了修正前后的Thomas模型,推导得到能更准确描述穿透曲线的Thomas模型取值范围。滤料穿透曲线用原始Thomas模型能很好地计算的速率常数kTh和平衡吸附量q0。利用原始Thomas模型也能较为准确地预测滤柱的穿透时间。 相似文献
Thomas Eisner Daniel J. Aneshansley Jayne Yack Athula B. Attygalle Maria Eisner 《Chemoecology》2001,11(4):209-219
Summary. The defensive glandular apparatus of primitive bombardier beetles of the tribe Crepidogastrini (Carabidae) is described for
the first time. As exemplified by two African species (Crepidogaster ambreana and C. atrata), the apparatus conforms to the basic bombardier plan, in that the glands are bicompartmented and the secretion is quinonoid
(it contains 1,4-benzoquinones and hydrocarbons), hot, and discharged audibly. In a number of morphological respects the crepidogastrine
apparatus resembles that of the classical bombardiers of the tribe Brachinini (rather than that of bombardiers of the paussoid
lineage), reinforcing the view, already held on taxonomic grounds, that the Crepidogastrini and Brachinini are closely related.
That the Crepidogastrini may be primitive relative to Brachinini is underscored by the finding that, unlike brachinines, crepidogastrines
do not pulse their secretory emissions. Moreover, they discharge their secretion as a mist, rather than forcibly in the form
of jets.
Received 22 May 2001; accepted 29 May 2001. 相似文献
在电化学处理高硬度氨氮废水过程中,Ca2+、Mg2+等会在电场作用下富集并沉积在电极表面,引起电极结垢,最终影响氨氮去除效率。倒极除垢操作简单、脱垢效果佳,但会折损电极寿命。为了解决这一问题,研制了一种可在倒极操作下保持长寿命的Ti/RuO2-IrO2-RhOx新型电极,以用于处理上述高硬度氨氮废水。结果表明,在倒极操作下,Ti/RuO2-IrO2-RhOx电极加速寿命高达1 400 h,分别是Ti/RuO2-TiO2与Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5电极的47倍与23倍。物理化学表征结果表明,RuO2-IrO2-RhOx涂层为致密均匀固溶体,表面有簇状晶粒析出。将研制的Ti/RuO2-IrO2-RhOx新型电极用于电解氨氮废水,发现其在析氯与氨氮去除方面均优于Ti/RuO2-TiO2和Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5。此外,氨氮浓度、电流密度以及初始氯离子浓度对氨氮去除效率均有明显影响。以上研究结果可为Ti/RuO2-IrO2-RhOx新型电极在氨氮废水的处理中的应用提供参考。 相似文献
Summary. Larvae of Chrysomela leaf beetles release for defence volatile compounds belonging to various chemical families. This study focuses on the defensive
strategy based on the esterification of isobutyric acid and 2-methylbutyric acid with a wide variety of alcohols taken up
from the host plant. To date, only two species are known to produce these repellents C. interrupta, which is associated with Betulaceae and C. lapponica which occurs either on Betulaceae or Salicaceae.? In order to know if other species have developed this chemical defence
and how the food plant influences the secretion of these toxins, we targeted by mass spectrometry the presence of iso- and
2-methylbutyric acids and esters of them in the defensive secretions of Chrysomela larvae exclusively associated with Betulaceae or Salicaceae. ?Screening analyses reveal that the synthesis of these compounds
is a common character restricted to all the members belonging to the C. interrupta group sensu Brown (1956) regardless of the host-plant family. These results suggest that the biochemical mechanism leading
to the synthesis of these compounds could be considered as a synapomorphy meaning that the group is probably monophyletic.
?Defensive secretions of the members of the interrupta group are quantitatively assayed for iso- and 2-methylbutyric acids
and their (Z)-3-hexenyl esters. Results reveal a chemical plasticity developed by Chrysomela species associated with Salicaceae. The amounts of iso- and 2-methylbutyric acids derivatives and of salicylaldehyde in their
larval secretions depend on the food plant and on its content in phenolglucosides.
Received 5 October 1998; accepted 25 November 1998. 相似文献
Andrew Simon 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1989,25(6):1177-1188
ABSTRACT: Approximately 400 million cubic feet of channel sediments have been delivered to the Mississippi River from the Obion-Forked Deer River system in the last 20 years. The discharge of sediment from these channelized networks in West Tennessee varies systematically with the stage of channel evolution. Variations in yields over time reflect the shifting dominance of fluvial and mass-wasting processes as the networks adjust to lower energy conditions. Maximum bed-material discharges occur during the initial phases of degradation (Stage III). In contrast, yields of suspended-sediment peak during the threshold stage (Stage 1V: large-scale mass wasting) as sediments are delivered from main-channel banks and tributary beds. Suspended-sediment yields then decrease as aggradation (Stage V) becomes the dominant trend in the main channels, but remains relatively high through restabiliza-tion (Stage VI) because of continued degradation and widening in the tributaries. Bed-material discharges decrease from the degradation stage (III) to Stage V, and increase again during restabiliza-tion (Stage VI) because secondary aggradation increases gradients and incipient meandering serves to rework bed sediments. This secondary maxima in bed-material discharge is analogous to those described previously as complex, or oscillatory, response. The trends of sediment production and transport described from these rejuvenated networks are in agreement with experimental and theoretical results of earlier investigations. 相似文献
Watershed analysis and watershed management are developing as tools of integrated ecological and economic study. They also assist decision-making at the regional scale. The new technology and thinking offered by the advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web is highly complementary to some of the goals of watershed analysis. Services delivered by the Web are open, interactive, fast, spatially distributed, hierarchical and flexible. The Web offers the ability to display information creatively, to interact with that information and to change and modify it remotely. In this way the Internet provides a much-needed opportunity to deliver scientific findings and information to stakeholders and to link stakeholders together providing for collective decision-making. The benefits fall into two major categories: methodological and educational. Methodologically the approach furthers the watershed management concept, offering an avenue for practical implementation of watershed management principles. For educational purposes the Web is a source of data and insight serving a variety of needs at all levels. We use the Patuxent River case study to illustrate the web-based approach to watershed management. A watershed scale simulation model is built for the Patuxent area and it serves as a core for watershed management design based on web applications. It integrates the knowledge available for the Patuxent area in a comprehensive and systematic format, and provides a conceptual basis for understanding the performance of the watershed as a system. Moreover, the extensive data collection and conceptualisation required within the framework of the modeling effort stimulates close contact with the environmental management community. This is further enhanced by offering access to the modeling results and the data sets over the Web. Additional web applications and links are provided to increase awareness and involvement of stakeholders in the watershed management process. We argue that it is not the amount and quality of information that is crucial for the success of watershed management, but how well the information is disseminated, shared and used by the stakeholders. In this respect the Web offers a wealth of opportunities for the decision-making process, but still to be answered are the questions at what scale and how widely will the Web be accepted as a management tool, and how can watershed management benefit from web applications. 相似文献
Patrick A. Mower J. Philip J. O'Kane Jerry D.F. Sherrif Tim Wyatt J. David Barrett 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1971,7(4):831-843
ABSTRACT .Operating rule procedures are developed for the optimal use of desalination in conjunction with surface water impoundments. Results obtained from the use of hill-climbing and dynamic programming methods are compared. Benefits to be obtained from the integrated use of desalination are demonstrated through a case study for the Barcelona area of Spain. 相似文献