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从自然因素和人为因素两个方面分析了造成本溪地区生态环境退化的主要原因,并从宣传教育、法制建设、科研开发、资金投入、国际合作等方面提出环境保护对策。 相似文献
针对公路建设项目的特点,从选取生态因子入手,采取定量分析手段,研究了公路建设对生态环境和景观的影响程度。结果表明:用8个生态因子进行生态环境影响综合评价,能够反映公路建设对生态环境的综合影响程度,并且具有计算简单和直观的效果。综合来看,定量方法对评价生态和景观受影响的程度效果较好。 相似文献
基于3S技术,利用中巴地球资源卫星解译数据,于2008年秋季对辽宁省锦州市凌河口湿地自然保护区的土地利用/土地覆盖现状进行野外核查,并结合对湿地进行的鸟类、鱼类、植被状况、空气、水体、土壤状况等调查,采用多样性、代表性、稀有性、自然性、稳定性和人类威胁等6项指标组成的湿地生态环境评价指标体系,对凌河口湿地生态环境质量进行了评价。结果表明,凌河口湿地生态环境处于较好水平。 相似文献
介绍了我国生态经济产业在农业、工业两大领域的实践情况,从生态设计、技术体系、管理体系和生态产业链的角度探讨了今后我国生态经济产业的发展趋势。 相似文献
为改善嘉兴南湖水体质量,恢复湖区生态系统,实现南湖水质、生态及景观的全面提升,在分析南湖水质问题和水体浑浊成因的基础上,采取外源污染控制、内源污染清除和原位生态修复的方法,构建了南湖水下生态系统,并对南湖的生态修复效果进行评价分析。结果表明:南湖主要水质指标(COD、NH3-N、TP)基本达到地表水Ⅲ类(湖泊标准),湖区大部分区域水体透明度达到80 cm以上,水体颜色由黄色变为浅绿色;超磁分离一体化设备可以显著去除水体中的TP(去除率为92.61%),对NH3-N(去除率为37.94%)也有一定的去除作用,但是对TN、COD等的去除不明显;以“沉水植物”为主体的水下森林生态系统对悬浮型颗粒物具有明显的去除作用,沉水植物种植区域悬浮物下降值为42.09%;环保绞吸疏浚与土工管袋干化相结合的技术,减少了疏浚过程中的底泥再悬浮,土工管袋干化后的尾水采用超磁分离一体化设备二次处理,悬浮物SS指标均不超过4 mg·L−1,实现了疏浚土尾水的达标排放。嘉兴南湖生态环境修复工程(一期)项目的成功实施,验证了超磁分离一体化工艺、环保绞吸疏浚与土工管袋干化、水上抛投沉水植物种植等技术的有效性。本研究成果可为平原河网水系、开放性水域、高浊度水体的城市湖泊生态修复提供借鉴和参考。 相似文献
为修复受到污染呈黑臭状态的金湖水体,建设金银湖国家湿地公园,在分析金湖水质、底质概况及黑臭水体成因的基础上,采取点源污染、面源污染、内源污染同步控制和边治理边修复的方法,在不进行大规模清淤、不扰动水体情况下建设湖滨缓冲带,对湖泊底质进行修复。结果表明:湖泊水质得到了明显改善,各项水质指标均低于《城市黑臭水体整治工作指南》中的轻度黑臭标准限值,修复后水质达到了地表水Ⅲ类标准;在中央环保督察组巡视反馈重点整治湖泊水质变化报告中被评为“好转”等级,实现了黑臭水体治理以及生态修复的目标。该治理修复案例可为城市内陆景观湖泊生态修复提供参考。 相似文献
从水环境、水资源和水生态3个方面解析了我国华北片区城市水生态环境问题的内在因素。结果表明,区域城市生活污水排放量大,污水收集与处理设施仍存在短板;钢铁、制药、石化行业污染问题突出,特别是山东省和京津冀城市群;季节性降雨引起的城市面源污染不容忽视;城市水生态系统受损严重,水域面积大幅萎缩,河湖岸带破坏严重,富营养化进程加剧,生物多样性下降;城市水资源极度匮乏,水资源开发利用强度大,用水浪费严重,河流干涸断流问题突出。针对上述问题,提出了区域城市近期 (2021—2025年) 、中期 (2026—2030年) 和远期 (2031—2035年) 分阶段的城市水生态环境质量提升目标和综合整治对策建议。本研究结果可为同类北方城市解决水生态环境问题提供参考。 相似文献
Footprints for Sustainability: The Next Steps 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
The concept of an ecological footprint is based on the understanding that every individual human appropriates a share of the productive and assimilative capacity of the biosphere. An ecological footprint corresponds to this exclusive biologically productive area that a defined population uses for all its resource requirements and wastes, and is expressed in terms of bioproductive space, with world-average productivity. Humanity's footprint or its aggregate ecological demand can only temporarily exceed the productive and assimilative capacity of the biosphere without liquidating and weakening the natural capital on which humanity depends fundamentally. Therefore, accounting tools for quantifying humanity's use of nature are essential for overall assessments of human impact as well as for planning specific steps towards a sustainable future.This paper discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the ecological footprint as an ecological accounting method, points out research needs for improvement of the analysis, and suggests potential new applications. The paper identifies ten new applications of the tool to make it applicable at various geographic scales and for a number of analytical and didactic purposes. Then nine methodological improvements are suggested that could refine the currently applied method, making assessments more sensitive to a larger number of ecological impacts. It concludes that many crucial questions pertinent to building a sustainable society can be addressed by current ecological footprint research. By making the method more complete, this tool could evolve from being largely of pedagogical use to become a strategic tool for policy analysis. 相似文献
针对城市污水处理厂尾水的特点,采用生态氧化池/垂直流人工湿地/自然湿地生态工程组合工艺对其进行深度处理,重点分析了运行效果和去除机理。数据结果表明,该工艺运行稳定,系统出水COD,BOD5,NH3-N和TP平均分别为14.4,3.4,0.84,0.19mg/L,平均去除率均在65%以上,出水水质达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)中Ⅳ类标准。 相似文献
Donald S. P. Puccini 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1971,7(6):1144-1152
The recent world-wide trend towards centralization of all environmental management functions into one regulatory agency has illustrated the necessity for resources management agencies to adopt a total systems viewpoint. Environmental systems are typically complex and multi-dimensional in nature. Mathematical models for the management of air, water and land resources have found wide acceptance among planners and decision-makers. Ecological models of life processes have not reached the same state of development or acceptance. A general review of ecological systems theory and examples of the types of ecological models that have been developed to date arc presented in this paper. With this material as a background and given the vast literature on engineering and economic models, a conceptual framework for an approach to environmental studies and the analysis of polluted environmental systems is presented. 相似文献