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ABSTRACT: By integrating literature from flood hazard research and urban economics a theoretical structure is developed to explain changes in residential land values following flood events. The negative aspects of the flood hazard are shown to be capitalized in the value of the property. It is further suggested that land values (i.e., capitalization) will vary both spatially across the floodplain and temporally depending on the frequency, severity and spatial characteristics of the flood event. Previous work in this area has not addressed the capitalization process explicitly and has not specifically examined the ability of the land market to recover. This may account for the contradictory findings in the published literature.  相似文献   
/ The last 20 years have seen the successful application of environmental dispute resolution processes, where people voluntarily negotiate toward mutually acceptable solutions, to many environmental disputes. The effects of contextual influences, such as the number of parties and presence of deadlines, on outcomes are known and frequently described. Less well documented and understood are the interaction processes themselves. This paper draws on two case studies to develop a conceptual framework describing these processes. Disputes associated with management planning for the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex in the United States and Fitzgerald River National Park in Australia provided the cases. The conceptual framework derived had eight sequential stages: (1) joint definition of problems, (2) uncertainty about what to do, (3) agreement on group procedures, (4) realization of interdependence, (5) enthusiasm about collective possibilities, (6) commitment to working together, (7) consolidation of the group, and (8) implementation of a resolution. The framework provides new insights for managers of public wildlands, especially the need for varying but ongoing managerial involvement in dispute resolution processes. High levels of involvement and influence are essential at the beginning in problem definition and group procedure design and at the end in implementing resolutions. Conversely, agency members must be willing to exert less influence, while still being involved and committed to collective purposes, during the middle stages. Also apparent from the conceptual framework is the importance of developing shared understandings and of allowing sufficient time for understanding to develop, if successful resolution is to be achieved. KEY WORDS: Environmental dispute resolution; Conceptual framework; Public wildlands; Shared understandings; Australia  相似文献   
The term “body of groundwater” represents a new administrative tool established by the water framework directive (WFD) in order to manage European groundwaters. Its practical application raises some difficulties due to unclear definitions and the large heterogeneity of European aquifers. In this work, a methodology is proposed to carry out the delineation of bodies of groundwater according to the requirements of the WFD. This methodology faces up to some of the major difficulties that can arise during the delineation, such as the identification of bodies of groundwater in multilayered aquifers, boundaries between superposed groundwater bodies, and delimitation in low permeability materials or in dismembered aquifers. In order to show its practical application, the proposed methodology is applied in a pilot Mediterranean river basin located in southern Spain. Results show that previous knowledge of the hydrogeological conditions is necessary to enable a correct delineation of groundwater bodies. Finally, alternative procedures are proposed for low permeability and small aquifers in order to reduce the number of groundwater bodies identified and simplify their overall management.  相似文献   
Agricultural economics has, until the 1990s, enjoyeda reputation for relevance and usefulness to theagri-food industry and policy-makers. Thatreputation has been jeopardized by a growinginfatuation with models and quantification, and aconcomitant underemphasis placed on many complexproblems and issues of society. An illustrativeexample is explored, using agriculturalactivity-related damage to the natural resourcebase, environment and ecology. Agriculturaleconomists are urged to respond by broadening theirterms of reference and joining forces with otherdisciplines.  相似文献   
建立我国生态环境标准体系的初步构想   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国的生态环境标准极其薄弱,建立生态环境标准体系是我国生态环境保护的迫切需要。借鉴我国目前针对污染防治的环境标准体系,提出了我国生态环境标准体系的基本框架,以及生态环境标准制订的原则和重点。  相似文献   
根据民用飞机整机开展气候类实验室低温环境试验的工程需求与技术特点,对试验过程中可能出现的中断情况进行了归纳,并给出了相应的实验室中断处理方法 ,形成了实验室操作规程体系.结合相关试验标准归纳的主要中断原因,基于过试验、欠试验、责任故障、非责任故障等引起的中断情况,明确其可能造成的影响后果,并研究了中断后的处理方法 .按...  相似文献   
针对当前化工园区面临异味投诉问题的迫切挑战,探索一套以监测设备为基础、信息平台为手段和管控服务为核心的新技术框架,既有助于企业达标排放,又推动了园区环境质量持续改善。阐述了从国家到园区层面异味管控模式的三大目标,以如东化工园区为例,从设计有效技术框架、筛选异味优控因子、建设监测站点、搭建信息平台和建立管控服务等方面对技术框架进行了探讨;其次,基于“设备+平台+服务”综合管控模式,实现如东化工园区环境效益、经济效益和社会效益的有机统一;此外,为深化和推广如东化工园区异味管控模式,提出建立“点—线—面”监测网络、一体化管理平台和运维服务机制等建议,以期为我国化工园区恶臭异味管控提供参考。  相似文献   
在当前强调产业结构调整的政策背景下,产业有序转移必须以有利于或者加强环境保护为基本目标。环境规制差异造成了不同经济地域之间污染密集型生产的比较优势调整,强化了高污染产业进行生产区位选择的动机,以规避来自政府的环境监管。环境治理成本的不同是高污染企业区际转移的重要驱动因素,企业环境寻求策略推动了污染密集型生产由环境规制强度高的地区向环境规制松弛地区的转移。企业污染密集型生产的区际转移受到环境要素产品生产比较优势的明显影响,这些环境要素产品与区际环境规制差异、企业市场内部化战略以及污染密集型产品的生命周期密切关联。借鉴一般均衡分析框架,可以明晰企业环境寻求策略下污染密集型生产转移的内在机制。一方面,环境成本差异决定了非环境友好产品生产转移的意愿,高强度的环境规制使得企业生产的边际环境治理成本和平均环境治理成本提高,污染密集型生产外迁的动力加强,生产效率高的企业对环境规制强度更加敏感。污染密集型生产承接地提高环境规制强度能形成对环境负面影响的有力对冲,遏制环境恶化趋势。另一方面,合理的区际环境政策差异能在产业有序转移中发挥重要作用。合理设定区际环境规制级差与碳信征信系统建设,加强分类监管与行业节能减排,建立拟承接生产项目的效率筛选机制,提高区域市场开放程度、降低产业优惠政策所形成隐性市场保护等环境监管手段是保证欠发达地区通过产业承接实现跨越式发展的关键所在。  相似文献   
In the scientific literature, few valuations of biodiversity and ecosystem services following the impacts of toxicity are available, hampered by the lack of ecotoxicological documentation. Here, tributyltin is used to conduct a contingent valuation study as well as cost–benefit analysis (CBA) of measures for improving the environmental status in Swedish coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. Benefits considering different dimensions when assessing environmental status are highlighted and a quantitative environmental assessment framework based on available technology, ecological conditions, and economic valuation methodology is developed. Two scenarios are used in the valuation study: (a) achieving good environmental status by 2020 in accordance with EU legislation (USD 119 household−1 year−1) and (b) achieving visible improvements by 2100 due to natural degradation (USD 108 household−1 year−1) during 8 years. The later scenario was used to illustrate an application of the assessment framework. The CBA results indicate that both scenarios might generate a welfare improvement.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-015-0682-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
通过水热法合成MIL-101(Fe)材料,并在N2氛围中进行高温碳化制备多孔铁碳(N-MIL-FeC)电极材料,探究其电催化氧还原性能及阴极电芬顿降解模拟染料废水性能。将制备的N-MIL-FeC材料进行电催化氧还原反应(ORR)性能测试,结果表明,Fe/H2BDC摩尔比为2∶1,碳化温度为900 ℃,N-MIL-FeC材料CV扫描所得图形峰电位最小且峰电流最高,具有最优的ORR催化活性。在此基础上,将最佳条件下制得的N-MIL-FeC负载在碳纸上制成催化阴极应用于电芬顿反应催化降解模拟染料废水RhB。在催化剂负载量为1.5 mg·cm-2,pH为7条件下,浓度10 mg·L-1的RhB溶液经过70 min降解率达到99%以上。通过淬灭实验和电子顺磁共振(EPR)测试证明羟基自由基(·OH)是参与催化降解反应的主要活性中间体。以MIL-101(Fe)为前驱体制备的多孔铁碳材料性能较好,有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   
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