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上海与伦敦城市绿地的生态功能及管理对策比较研究 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
在资料收集及实地采样调查的基础上 ,文章对上海与伦敦城市绿地的生态功能及管理对策进行了比较分析 ,指出了上海城市绿地建设及管理中的一些优点及不足之处。 相似文献
从开采方法、土地复垦与综合治理、经济和政策等方面采取措施,可以最大限度地减小采矿对土地资源的破坏,治理好矿区土地资源,保护好耕地,实现粮食产需总量的大体平衡。“保护粮食安全”关键是抓好耕地保护,根据可持续发展原则,综合考虑矿业经济发展与矿区生态环境保护的关系,走矿业“绿色开采”的道路,研究有利于矿区耕地保护的采矿新技术,使资源开发与耕地保护协调发展,同时还应对煤矸石和粉煤灰进行充分利用、防治水体受到污染、采用先进的土地复垦技术对土地资源的浪费和破坏进行治理,把土地复垦中的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益统一起来,为粮食生产奠定基础。 相似文献
The test was designed to assess the toxicity of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) to Chlorella ellipsoidea and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae during 15 d with concentrations of MTBE from high (2.00×104 mg/L) to low (2 mg/L). The results showed that the toxicity was low when the concentration of MTBE was 1.00×104-2.00×104 mg/L (the greatest inhibition of growth-rate was 70%-71%, occurring on day 1-5). Low concentrations (2-500 mg/L) stimulated algal growth up to the greatest effect of 85%-200% when the concentration of MTBE was 50-100 mg/L on day 3-5. The low concentrations may lead to an algal bloom owing to overabundance, which represents an aquatic ecological risk. However, the stimulatory effect occurred only during the day 1-5 and disappeared gradually during the day 13-15. The toxicity of MTBE (72-120 h EC50) is 6.65×103-9.58×103 mg/L for C. ellipsoidea and that is 1.14×104-2.00×104 mg/L for A. spiroides. We found that the toxicity and ecological risk of MTBE for the algal community structure were low. The toxicity was influenced by the duration of the test. We suggest that the duration of the test should not be shorter than half a life-cycle. 相似文献
绿色大学的建设是贯彻环境保护基本国策和实施可持续发展战略的重要举措之一。建立一套系统全面且便于操作的指标体系对绿色大学建设具有指导意叉。“绿色大学”建设围绕教育的核心,将可持续发展和环境保护的指导思想落实到大学的各项活动中、融入到大学教育的全过程。按目标层、准则层和指标层的思路构建绿色大学的评价指标体系。准则层由绿色教育、绿色校园、绿色科研、绿色实践和绿色办学构成,反映的是绿色校园建设所应包括的5大部分。指标层包括指标和主要参数,反映准则层的具体内容。 相似文献
利用NH4F与废白土中SiO2反应生成的(NH4)SiF6溶液和NH3,进行闭路循环反应,生成NH4F与水合SiO2(白炭黑),通过正交优化,得到最佳工艺为:氟化反应,NH4F∶废白土=1.28,NH4F∶水=0.9,反应温度60℃,反应时间4h;氨化反应,反应温度60℃,反应时间8h,投料比=2〔25%氨水mL/(NH4)SiF6g〕。循环试验结果表明,NH4F转化率可达82%,白炭黑产率达90%以上,只需补充少量NH4F和氨水,就能在不产生环境污染的情况下从废白土中制取白炭黑。 相似文献
Kristie Byrum 《Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture》2019,13(2):209-221
This study addresses the use of message carriers to convey corporate social responsibility information to promote eco-purchasing involvement. The work tests various media formats transmitted via social media. The effects of corporate vs. peer communication in a corporate social responsibility campaign in stimulating self-reported eco-purchasing involvement are indicated. The research varies communication dimensions of a fictional corporate social responsibility campaign sent through social media. Multiple media formats; new release; article; and advertisement were tested, as was the inclusion of social media persuasive sentiment. The analysis of source/format combinations and source/format/sentiment combinations found statistically significant differences for consumer-to-consumer communication in stimulating eco-purchasing involvement in certain circumstances. This research suggests an emerging role for the consumer communicator as a content co-creator and validates the effective use of articles and news releases instead of advertising on social media, yielding managerial and scholarly implications. 相似文献
环境微生物是自然界中主要的分解者,在孔雀石绿降解中发挥着重要作用。由于缺乏低成本的替代品,孔雀石绿持续不断地释放到环境中,其环境分布和对人体健康的潜在影响已得到广泛的关注。综述了可降解孔雀石绿的细菌和真菌及其最适降解条件、降解途径、降解酶,总结了目前通过固定化和组学研究降解孔雀石绿的进展,进而对孔雀石绿的微生物降解领域未来研究趋势进行展望。以期为进一步开展微生物降解孔雀石绿机理研究与技术应用提供有价值的科学论据。 相似文献