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/ This study intended to explore the perceptions of mountain bikingmanagement through a mail survey of state park directors in all 50 states.With a 100% response rate, it was found that 47 states permit mountainbiking in their state parks, however, few state parks have formalized plansto manage this outdoor activity. The management policies that do exist arenot followed on a statewide basis but vary within each state and at eachstate park. Many states have worked cooperatively with local mountain bikingclubs to develop and maintain mountain bike trails, promote rider education,and provide volunteer patrols on trails. The issue of user conflict surfacedwith almost three-fourths of the managers responding that conflict existedbetween mountain bikers and other trail users. This preliminary study shouldprompt further research with on-site managers focusing on the use ofmanagement plans for mountain biking, cooperation between managers and usergroups, and user conflict. It is recommended that an Internet-basedinformation clearinghouse or discussion group be made available to landmanagers by a national bicycling organization.KEY WORDS: Mountain biking; State parks; State park directors;Recreation resource management  相似文献   
城市湿地公园建设中的若干问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
俞青青 《四川环境》2007,26(5):57-59,64
本文主要围绕城市湿地公园建设中的定位、自然化、生态修复、危害物种防治四方面进行探讨,以期对城市湿地公园的建设和管理起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
介绍了一般工业固废填埋场工程的特点和环境监理的现状;结合填埋场项目环境监理工作的实践,分析并总结了填埋场建设项目环境监理要点,即制订切实的监理方案,对工程的关键部位、关键工序做好巡视、旁站监理工作,在实施过程中做好水土保持、生态保护的监理工作。  相似文献   

The participative standard with feedback condition was superior to the assigned difficult (140% of normal) standard with feedback condition in terms of worker productivity. The percentage increase in worker productivity with the participative standard and feedback condition was 46%, whereas the increase in the assigned difficult standard with feedback was 23%, compared to the control group (no standard, no feedback). Worker productivity also Improved significantly as a result of assigning a normal (100%) production standard with feedback, compared to the control group, and the increase was 12%. The participative standard with feedback condition emerges as the optimum strategy for improving worker productivity in a repetitive industrial production task.  相似文献   
Introduction. The majority of industrial accidents occur because of human errors. Human error has different causes, however, in all cases cognitive abilities and limitations of human play an important role. Occupational cognitive failures are cognitively-based human errors that occur at work. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between occupational cognitive failures and safety consequences. Method. Personnel of a large industrial company in Iran filled out an occupational cognitive failure questionnaire (OCFQ) and answered questions on accidents. Univariate and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between cognitive failures and safety consequences. Results. According to developed regression models, personnel with a high rate of cognitive failure, in comparison to low rate, have a high risk of minor injury involvement (OR 5.1, 95% CI [2.62, 10.3]); similar results were for major injury and near miss. Discussion. The results of this study revealed usefulness of the OCFQ as a tool of predicting safety-related consequences and planning preventive actions.  相似文献   
Objectives. The present study was designed to investigate the simultaneous effects of physical, psychosocial and other work-related risk factors on the work ability index (WAI) score among industrial workers. Methods. This study used a cross-sectional design with a questionnaire survey. A total of 280 workers were included in the study. Data were collected using three questionnaires including the Persian version of the WAI, the Persian version of the job content questionnaire and an author-developed measure (to assess work-related factors, health-related factors and socio-demographic characteristics). Results. The majority of the participants were young, but they had poor WAI scores (mean 37.3?±?6.4) and 44.3% of them had poor or moderate work ability. Occupational accidents and injuries were found to be the strongest predictors of WAI scores. Additionally, there was a strong association between WAI scores and supervisor support, skill discretion, occupational training, sleep quality, work nature and educational level. Conclusions. Intervention programs should focus on improving supervisor support, sleep quality, job skills and knowledge and on decreasing physical and mental work demands. Additionally, implementing a comprehensive occupational health and ergonomics program for controlling and reducing hazardous working environments and occupational injury rates should be considered.  相似文献   
“十二五”是我国全面建成小康社会的关键阶段,又由于环境和资源禀赋方面的制约,提高能源效率成为我国经济和社会发展的内在需求.从能源强度的角度出发,分析了我国产业结构和能源效率现状,采用完全因素分解法,从产业结构的角度人手对全国能源效率的影响因素进行了研究.结果表明,技术因素是我国能源效率提高的主要推动力,第二产业对能源效率的影响远远大于第一和第三产业.  相似文献   
根据对天津市2000—2004年工伤事故分析和研究,总结出的天津市工伤事故的规律和特点,以及事故致因的有关理论,提出对策研究的总体思路,并对照天津市及其重点行业的经济发展状况及安全监管的现状,提出了从总体上控制天津市工伤事故、不断提高安全生产水平的对策,即加强安全生产监管体系的建设、建立自律与激励机制、从制度上解决企业安全费用投入不足的问题、加大对重大危险源的监控以期杜绝特大事故的发生、尽快建立安全应急救援体系、加强事故管理、完善地方安全法规的建设使监管做到有法可依、强化安全检查等8项措施。  相似文献   
徐州市职业安全卫生工作探讨   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
本文概略描述了徐州市职业安全卫生各组成部门的工作情况。指出职业病危害存在患者待遇不落实、职业危害项目转移、职业健康检查滞后、工作场所职业危害因素检测、评价制度不健全的状况。调查发现,职业卫生工作存在5个方面的问题:现有职业卫生法律法规不够完善;对职业危害防治工作的支持力度不够;部门之间的协作机制有待加强;执法监督力量不足;企业法制意识淡漠。最后,提出解决问题的应对办法。  相似文献   
通过对全国、江苏省以及南京市工业危险废物的产生量和排放量进行调查、总结和对比分析,指出江苏省作为一个工业大省、强省,每年工业危险废物的产生量接近全国的10%,且呈逐年下降趋势.而排放量所占比例大于10%,且出现了先降低、再增加、又降低到零的现象,最高时达到16.67%.造成这一现象的原因可能跟工业危险废物的管理有关.同时指出了目前江苏省乃至南京市目前存在的问题以及相应的对策措施.  相似文献   
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