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Bunge Michael Khknen Mika A. Rmisch Winfried Opel Matthias Vogler Susanne Walkow Fred Salkinoja-Salonen Mirja Lechner Ute 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2007,14(1):3-10
Background, Aims and Scope Sediments of the Spittelwasser creek are highly polluted with organic compounds and heavy metals due to the discharge of untreated
waste waters from the industrial region of Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany over the course of more than one century. However, relatively
few data have been published about the chloroorganic contamination of the sediment. This paper reports on the content of different
(chloro)organic compounds with special emphasis on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), and chlorobenzenes. Existing concepts for the remediation of Spittelwasser sediment include
the investigation of natural attenuation processes, which largely depend on the presence of an intact microbial food web.
In order to gain more insight in terms of biological activity, we analyzed the capacity of sediment microflora to degrade
organic matter by measuring the activities of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes involved in the biogeochemical cycling of carbon,
nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Furthermore, the detection of physiologically active bacteria in the sediment, particularly
of those known for their capability to reductively dehalogenate organochlorine compounds, illustrates the potential for intrinsic
bioremediation processes.
Methods PCDD/F and chlorobenzenes were analyzed by gas chromatography(GC)/mass spectrometry and GC/flame ionization detection, respectively.
The activities of hydrolytic enzymes were determined from freshly sampled sediment layers using 4-methylumbelliferyl (MUF)
or 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin-conjugated model compounds and kinetic fluorescence measurements. Physiologically active bacteria
from different sediment layers were microscopically visualized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Specific bacteria were identified by 16S rRNA gene amplification and sequencing.
Results and Discussion The PCDD/F congener profile was dominated by dibenzofurans. In addition, the presence of specific tetra and pentachlorinated
dibenzofurans supported the assumption that extensive magnesium production was one possible source for the high contamination.
A range of other chloroorganic compounds, including several isomers of chlorobenzenes, hexachlorocyclohexane and 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis
(p-chloro-phenyl)ethane (DDT), was present in the sediment. Activities of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes showed a strong
decrease in those sediment layers that were characterized by high contents of absorbable organic halogen (AOX), indicating
disturbed organic matter decay. Interestingly, an abnormal increase of cellulolytic enzyme activities below the organochlorine-rich
layers was observed, possibly caused by residual cellulose from discharges of sulfite pulping wastes. FISH revealed physiologically
active bacteria in most sediment layers from the surface down to the depth of about 60 cm, including members of Desulfitobacterium (D.) and Sulfurospirillum. The presence of D. dehalogenans was confirmed by its partial 16S rRNA gene sequence.
Conclusions Results of chemical sediment analyses demonstrated high loads of organochlorine compounds, particularly of PCDD/F. Several
years after stopping the waste water discharge to Spittelwasser creek, this sediment remains a main source for pollution of
the downstream river system by way of the ongoing mobilization of sediment during high floods. As indicated by our enzyme
activity measurements, the decomposition potential for organic matter is low in organochlorine-rich sediment layers. In contrast,
the comparably higher enzyme activities in less organochlorine-polluted sediment layers as well as the presence of physiologically
active bacteria suggest a considerable potential for natural attenuation.
Recommendations and Perspectives From our data we strongly recommend to explore the degradative capacity of sediment microorganisms and the limits for in situ activity towards specific sediment pollutants in more detail. This will give a sound basis for the integration of bioremediation
approaches into general concepts to reduce the risk that permanently radiates from this highly contaminated sediment.
Submission Editor: Dr. Henner Hollert (Henner.Hollert@urz.uniheidelberg.de) 相似文献
贵阳城市污水及南明河中氯霉素和四环素类抗生素的特征 总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3
采用固相萃取-高效液相色谱(UV检测)分析了贵阳城市污水、南明河水和沉积物中氯霉素和四环素类抗生素的特征.结果显示,南北两岸污水中氯霉素、土霉素、四环素和金霉素的平均含量分别为27.0、 2.3、 11.0、 1.1 μg·L-1和21.2、 2.1、 9.5、 0.5 μg·L-1,其中以氯霉素的污染为主;污水中抗生素的含量呈现明显的季节变化,这与用水量和疾病特点有关.南明河已广泛受到包括农业、养鱼塘、城市污水等来源的抗生素污染,其中城市污水是最重要的来源,受其影响,污水口下游的抗生素污染尤为严重.河水中氯霉素、土霉素和四环素在冬季的含量范围分别在2.1~19.0、ND~3.0、 0.8~6.8 μg·L-1之间,夏季分别在0.2~1.3、ND~0.03、 0.2~0.3 μg·L-1之间,金霉素只在冬季检出,含量范围在0.09~0.14 μg·L-1之间;沉积物中4种抗生素在冬季的平均含量分别为147.6、 76.6、 99.2和1.6 μg·kg-1;在夏季分别为195.8、 89.1、 34.4和9.0 μg·kg-1.数据表明,河水中抗生素的含量受河水流量及来源特点的影响很大,冬季河水中抗生素的含量明显高于夏季;沉积物中抗生素的季节变化不明显. 相似文献
随着国家对流域水质改善要求的逐渐提高,流域污染源管理变得日益重要。提出了一种基于CPNTOOLS的辽河流域畜禽养殖行业污染源仿真技术,并采用CPNTOOLS软件对辽河流域内一家典型畜禽养殖基地进行了仿真研究,经过多次仿真与数据统计分析,分别得出了该畜禽养殖基地的CODCr,BOD5,NH3-N,TP,TN日排放量的正态分布均值在90%,95%,99%置信水平下的置信区间,并结合排水量分别计算出各污染物指标排放浓度的区间。结合BAT处理技术对污染物浓度削减进行了计算仿真,并得出了处理后CODCr,BOD5,NH3-N,TP,TN排放浓度的正态分布均值在90%,95%,99%置信水平下的置信区间以及排放浓度的极大值和极小值。 相似文献
以北运河水系主要干支流2011年1~12月23项指标的监测数据为依据,采用水质类别法和平均综合污染指数法,对水质污染特征进行综合评价,运用主成分分析和系统聚类分析法,对水质指标主成分以及水质差异进行分类,并进一步对不同干支流污染来源进行分析.结果表明,北运河水系由于排污量大,地表水污染严重,除城市中心区部分河流水质为Ⅲ~Ⅳ类外,城市排水河流、远郊河流水质均为劣Ⅴ类.水质由3个主成分组成,COD、CODMn、BOD5、NH3-N、TP等为第一主成分;汞为第二主成分;石油类为第三主成分.干支流水质分为4类:第1类为清洁水源类河流,主要集中在城市中心区,降雨地表径流、雨污合流管网溢流引起的非点源污染是影响其水质达标的重要污染源;第2类为再生水水源类河流,主要集中在城市排水上游河流,城镇污水处理厂排水是其主要污染源;第3类为再生水与污水混合水源类河流,主要集中在城市排水下游河流及部分远郊区河流,由于城市下游排水管网不健全,远郊区污水集中处理率低,生活源和农业源的污染贡献率较高,水质污染严重;第4类为污水水源类河流,分布于远郊区县,农业污染占比较大,水质污染最严重. 相似文献
水环境容量核算是流域水环境容量总量分配的重要依据,关系到流域水质目标的实现。控制单元作为流域水环境管理的一个基本实施单位,以其为基础开展水环境容量核算,对于科学制定控制单元容量总量分配具有重要意义。以江西省锦江流域为例,根据水环境容量核算的基本原理,结合锦江流域的污染状况、水质现状和水环境功能区划,对流域各控制单元COD和氨氮的水环境容量进行分析,结果表明,控制单元的水环境容量与其内排污口的分布及功能区水质目标密切相关,COD的水环境容量以高安控制单元的最大,为 21 811 t/a;其次为上宜控制单元,为 21 168 t/a;再次为新丰控制单元,为 14 493 t/a;万载控制单元的最小,为 7 607 t/a。氨氮的水环境容量在各控制单元的分布特征与COD的略有不同,以上宜控制单元的最大,为790 t/a;其次为高安控制单元,为664 t/a;再次为新丰控制单元,为462 t/a;万载控制单元的最小,为303 t/a 相似文献
广东一饮用水源地河流沉积物及鱼体中氟喹诺酮类(FQs)抗生素残留特征研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本研究对广东一饮用水源保护区的河流氟喹诺酮类(Fluoroquinolones,FQs)抗生素进行分析.采用高效液相色谱法定性定量分析9个沉积物样品和5种鱼肉及1种鱼内脏中3种FQs—诺氟沙星(Norfloxacin,NOR)、环丙沙星(Ciprofloxacin,CIP)、恩诺沙星(Enrofloxacin,ENR)的残留特征,并与沉积物中有机质、总氮、总磷进行Person相关性分析.结果表明:河流沉积物各点平均值NORCIPENR,最大含量分别为:NOR248.25 ng·g-1,CIP 158.69 ng·g-1,ENR 56.81 ng·g-1;FQs和沉积物有机质、总磷相关系数平均为0.946、0.968(p0.01);5种鱼的鱼肉中FQs的含量可能高于或低于沉积物中FQs含量均值;鳙鱼内脏FQs含量是鱼肉中的3.21~9.53倍.研究结果对保障饮用水安全及水产品生态安全具有重要的意义. 相似文献
《Journal of Environmental Economics and Management》2014,67(3):639-655
By signing a water sharing agreement (WSA), countries agree to release an amount of river water in exchange for a negotiated compensation. We examine the vulnerability of such agreements to reduced water flows. Among all WSAs that are acceptable to riparian countries, we find out the one which is self-enforced under the most severe drought scenarios. The so-called upstream incremental WSA assigns to each country its marginal contribution to its followers in the river. Its mirror image, the downstream incremental WSA, is not sustainable to reduced flow at the source. Self-enforcement problems can be solved by setting water releases and compensations contingent to water flow. We apply our analysis to the Aral Sea Basin. We compute the upstream incremental compensations for the Bishkek agreement and asses its vulnerability with historical flows. 相似文献
采用Morlet小波分解重构和频谱分析等方法,对宜昌、枝城、沙市、监利和城陵矶1997~2014年水位和流量及三峡水库2003~2014年入库、出库流量和库水位数据进行了统计分析,探究了各水文站在三峡建坝前后水情的变化特征及原因。结果表明:各观测站的水位和流量沿程递减,水位的年内波动处同一水平,研究河段内上游河段流量年内和年际变化比下游河段剧烈;各水文站水位和流量变化的显著周期为6.05、11.78、21.2、30.29和53个月,各水文站水位1 a周期变化幅度均在2 m以上,其他周期上的变化幅度为0.08~0.82 m;三峡水库蓄水活动对下游水文站水位和流量等水情的影响有限,主要反映在对水情趋势项的影响上,三峡大坝蓄水后,各水文站水位和流量受到一定程度影响,呈波动性递减变化。 相似文献
TOXI模型是美国环保局的WASP(水质分析模拟程序)中的一部分。由于该模型考虑了污染物质在河流中溶解态,颗粒态和底泥态的分布关系,对于模拟重金属在河流中的浓度变化效果较好。为保证计算结果的可靠性,首先应对重金属浓度的衰减变化特性进行研究,本文重点讨论的是重金属在河流中迁移转化的过程,并如何将这一过程用数学公式来进行模拟。 相似文献