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我国十一五规划对煤炭发展做出了新的要求,要建立和谐社会,煤矿安全是煤炭行业和谐发展的第一要务.煤矿安全立法相对滞后,现行法律缺乏针对性和可操作性,应加强煤矿安全立法.加强煤矿安全司法力度,对有效预防煤矿安全事故意义重大,同时应积极开展煤矿安全法制教育,提高煤矿从业人员的安全法治意识.强化煤矿安全执法力度,执法必严,是保障煤矿安全的关键环节.  相似文献   
为促进相关单位准确理解《废锂离子动力蓄电池处理污染控制技术规范(试行)》(HJ 1186-2021)各条款,推动废锂离子动力蓄电池处理行业全面执行环境管理技术要求,结合行业典型工艺路线、特征污染物排放和环境污染防治措施现状,对新发布的技术规范进行了解读。技术规范的实施将推动废锂离子动力电池处理行业开展技术改造,进一步提高重金属、氟化物等污染防治水平,以促进中国废锂离子动力蓄电池处理行业绿色发展。  相似文献   
上海市扬尘污染源遥感解译及其管理信息系统   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用遥感影像资料,分析了上海市扬尘污染源的空间分布特征与规律,并计算了上海市主要扬尘源的起尘量。利用获取的基础数据,建立了上海市扬尘污染源管理地理信息系统,为上海市扬尘污染源的控制管理提供了依据。  相似文献   
以SPOT-4/5卫星影像为信息源,以ERDA S 8.7软件为处理平台,运用多种图像处理方法对影像进行综合处理,在此基础上对滇西山区某铁路选线勘察进行了实例研究。根据滇西山区地质灾害的分布规律及遥感影像特征,结合地学知识对该线路部分区段的地质灾害进行遥感解译,查明了区段内滑坡、泥石流及崩塌对线路的影响,为该铁路拟选线路的建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
银川活动断层卫星遥感图像解译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用对地表具有一定穿透能力的合成孔径雷达数据(ENVISAT ASAR)和光谱信息丰富的常规光学遥感数据(Landsat-7 ETM)作为主要数据源,综合了雷达遥感与光学遥感的成像优势,利用图像预处理、图像增强处理与多源遥感信息融合突出了银川研究区的活动断裂遥感影像特征。根据活动断层遥感解译标志,共解译出8条主要活动断层,分别为银川-平罗断裂、芦花台断裂、镇北堡断裂、黄河-灵武断裂、贺兰山东麓断裂带、黎家新庄-南泉子断裂、三关口断裂与青铜峡断裂,并对其影像特征与空间分布规律进行详细分析。银川活动断裂的解译分析为该地区的地震安全性评价与地震活动性分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   
2006年世界环境日聚焦"沙漠和荒漠化",关注人为因素导致的土地退化,为全人类敲响"沙漠和荒漠化"警钟!本文从土地荒漠化这一概念入手,分析了中国西北地区土地荒漠化的现状及成因;以各个部门法为切入点,阐述了目前中国预防西北地区土地荒漠化的法律对策.  相似文献   
对中国防灾减灾立法体系的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国是自然灾害和经济、社会发展中人为突发事件灾害普遍、灾情严重的国家。灾害已直接影响和制约着国家的经济建设、社会发展和公众的安全。要把防灾减灾作为中国的基本国策。为此,必须长远规划和全面制定中国的防灾减灾立法体系,以适应21世纪中国减灾安全与可持续发展的战略任务。本文就编制中国防灾减灾立法体系应遵循的指导方针、基本原则及方案的框架设想全面提出研讨建议。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Faced with the necessity of meeting growing municipal water requirements in areas where available supplies are completely allocated, numerous cities throughout the West are turning to their eminent domain powers to affect a reallocation of water from less preferred uses to municipal uses, thus bringing about a sharp conflict with agricultural interests. As a basis for discussing these eminent domain powers, this paper begins with a brief review of the development of property rights. The existence of both private and public (social) rights in the “bundle of rights” is noted. In recent years the Public Trust Doctrine has been used to limit private rights in property, and to protect and strengthen social rights. A case study which focuses on a conflict between individual and social interests in water rights is discussed. This case involves the City of Thorton, Colorado which initiated municipal condemnation proceedings to acquire the water rights and structures of two nearby irrigation companies. The case represents an attempt to incorporate the spirit of the Public Trust Doctrine into legislation which sets forth procedures for resolution of similar water rights conflicts that will inevitably become more numerous throughout the West in the future.  相似文献   
Thousands of individuals throughout the world are now users of satellite data. Hundreds of satellites have been launched—military, navigation, communications, educational, weather, and earth resources. One of the weather satellites (the SMS/GOES) and the NASA earth resources mapping satellite (Landsat) are the subjects of this article. Data from these systems have been highly cost beneficial, not only in the United States, but in developed and developing nations all over the globe as well. There is an increasing demand both for data and for training in data use.Data samples are shown and applications are discussed. Strong reference is made to the value of the digital computer in natural and man-made features mapping and monitoring. Procedures for acquiring NASA data are explained so that the reader may order data for his home region, or for other regions throughout the world which are of interest for their agriculture, forestry, hydrology, marine resources, geology, or land use. The cost of data is incredibly low; some products cost as little as three dollars.Also discussed are the remotely based data-collection platforms that acquire ground or water data daily and relay results to the NASA Landsat or to the NOAA SMS/GOES.  相似文献   
杨泰平  唐川  齐信 《灾害学》2009,24(4):68-72,80
通过汶川8.0级地震后对绵阳市安县地震诱发地质灾害的应急调查和遥感解译,共获得地质灾害点187处。在此基础上,利用GIS技术对地震诱发地质灾害分布与发震断裂距离、坡度、岩性、水系等因素的关系进行统计分析。结果表明,地震诱发地质灾害在区域上沿断裂带呈带状分布和沿水系呈线状分布的特点;地震诱发的地质灾害与地形坡度有很大的关系,绝大部分的灾害点集中在15°-45°的范围内;地震诱发的地质灾害与地形有很好的对应关系,北部高山地区地质灾害数量明显高于南部平原区;滑坡多发生在千枚岩、泥页岩等软岩中且多为土质滑坡,而岩浆岩等硬岩中多发生崩塌。  相似文献   
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