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The sustainable use and management of important tropical coastal ecosystems (mangrove forests, seagrass beds and coral reefs) cannot be done without understanding the direct and indirect impacts of man. The ecosystem's resilience and recovery capacity following such impacts must be determined. The efficacy of mitigation measures must also be considered. Remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) are excellent tools to use in such studies. This paper reviews the state of the art and application of these tools in tropical coastal zones, and illustrates their relevance in sustainable development. It highlights a selected number of remote sensing case-studies on land cover patterns, population structure and dynamics, and stand characteristics from South-East Asia, Africa and South-America, with a particular emphasis on mangroves. It further shows how remote sensing technology and other scientific tools can be integrated in long-term studies, both retrospective and predictive, in order to anticipate degradation and to take mitigating measures at an early stage. The paper also highlights the guidelines for sustainable management that can result from remote sensing and GIS studies, and identifies existent gaps and research priorities.There is a need for more comprehensive approaches that deal with new remote sensing technologies and analysis in a GIS-environment, and that integrate findings collected over longer periods with the aim of prediction. It is also imperative to collect and integrate data from different disciplines. These are essential in the spirit of sustainable development and management, particularly in developing countries, which are often more vulnerable to environmental degradation.  相似文献   
Temperature is expected to play a significant role in the corrosion of iron pipes in drinking water distribution systems. Temperature impacts many parameters that are critical to pipe corrosion including biological activity, physical properties of the solution, thermodynamic and physical properties of corrosion scale, and chemical rates. Moreover, variations in temperature and temperature gradients may give rise to new corrosion phenomena worthy of consideration by water treatment personnel.  相似文献   
浙江省酸雨的空间分布格局及其未来变化趋势预测   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
利用浙江省1992、2002年的酸雨监测数据,并利用RAINS-ASIA模型模拟了1990-2030年浙江省酸雨前体物(SO2)的排放量,以及酸沉降超临界负荷面积占研究区域面积比例的变化情况.结果表明,浙江省的酸雨分布范围不断扩大、危害程度不断加重;未来一个时期内,SO2排放量都会维持在较高的水平;酸沉降超临界负荷面积所占比例在经历较快的增长阶段之后,会维持在较为恒定的水平,并呈现出明显的时滞性.  相似文献   
In this paper we summarize research issues for spatial environmental sampling stemming from a NISS/USEPA workshop held on 21-22 September 1994 at Chapel Hill, NC.  相似文献   
Bioaccumulation and biological effects of pollution were assessed in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) caged for one month at three sites in the Oiartzun estuary (south-eastern Bay of Biscay, Spain) with the aim of evaluating their usefulness within the investigative monitoring defined in the European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD). The highest concentrations of organic contaminants determined in mussels' tissue were detected towards the inner part of the estuary but no gradient pattern was found for metal bioaccumulation. Population fitness responses measured as condition index, stress on stress and gonad index were similar in all caged mussels and did not follow the organic pollution gradient. However, biomarkers determined at tissue, cell and protein level (histopathology, micronuclei frequency, malondialdehyde levels and vitellogenin-like protein levels) revealed a higher stress syndrome at the inner part of the estuary showing signs of genotoxicity, oxidative stress and endocrine disruption. Overall, the integrated chemical–biological approach in connection with mussel caging technique proved to be a useful tool to assess environmental pollution, allowing a better understanding of the cause–effect relationship within the investigative monitoring defined in the WFD.  相似文献   
以市级区域为空间结构研究对象,分析安徽省20世纪80年代以来区域经济空间结构的演化过程。结果表明:①安徽省各市级区域在近20年的发展中,区域差异空间格局整体上变化不大,20世纪80年代初期经济发达的地区现在仍为发达区,原先落后的地区仍落后;②1980年以来,工业化进程的空间差异与区域社会经济发展的空间差异具有很大的相似性,表明工业化是推动区域经济发展的重要力量;③通过分析区域发展差异的空间机制得出:轴线的地位差异显著,以贯穿南北的中轴线和沿江轴线为主,形成经济实力中心,而其它地区相对落后,形成了明显的中心-边缘模式。  相似文献   
The problem of estimation and prediction of a spatial-temporal stochastic process, observed at regular times and irregularly in space, is considered. A mixed formulation involving a non- parametric component, accounting for a deterministic trend and the effect of exogenous variables, and a parametric component representing the purely spatio-temporal random variation is proposed. Correspondingly, a two-step procedure, first addressing the estimation of the non- parametric component, and then the estimation of the parametric component is developed from the residual series obtained, with spatial-temporal prediction being performed in terms of suitable spatial interpolation of the temporal variation structure. The proposed model formula-tion, together with the estimation and prediction procedure, are applied using a Gaussian ARMA structure for temporal modelling to space-time forecasting from real data of air pollution concentration levels in the region surrounding a power station in northwest Spain.  相似文献   
采集了宁东能源化工基地核心区的146个表层土壤样品,检测了6种优控酚类污染物.运用单因子污染指数、内梅罗综合污染指数和致癌风险指数评价了酚类污染物的污染程度及健康风险.借助主成分分析和绝对主成分分数-多元线性回归受体模型,结合地统计学方法,对酚类污染物的空间分布及来源进行了分析.结果显示:2,4-二氯酚和2,4,6-三...  相似文献   
谢勇  王世航  程先富 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(12):1077-1080,1088
分维数和稳定性指数是土壤空间分布的重要指数。通过建立安徽省土壤的空间数据库,运用分形理论,获得安徽省土壤类型周长与面积的关系,进而计算出各类土属在空间上的分维数和稳定性指数大小,得出如下结论:①安徽省土壤图斑的周长与面积之间存在双对数函数关系,相关性系数大部分在0.9以上,证明了安徽省土壤空间分形的客观存在。②安徽省各类土壤空间分维数大小在1.1375—1.9948之间,平均值为1.6138,最大的是泥质岩砾质土,最小的是脱青湖泥田。分维数在空间分布上存在差异,总的趋势是从西北向东南逐渐变大。③各种土属的稳定性指数在1.0252—0.0124之间,平均值约为0.2324,最大的是湿潮土,最小的是砂礓黄土。  相似文献   
基于GIS的东辽河流域生态安全空间差异评价研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
生态安全建设是协调经济开发与生态保护的重要战略.区域生态安全评价与预警研究具有空间特性、非线性、随机性,研究过程中必须处理大量的空间信息,而空间分析和空间数据管理正是GIS的优势,它使各环境要素的分布态势及彼此间的拓扑关系一目了然,并且图文并茂地展示全流域的生态安全格局.在充分研究辽河流域生态环境状况基础上,选取东辽河流域11个县市区,借助GIS格网赋值技术,讨论了基于GIS的东辽河生态安全空间差异的评价方法.首先,拟定"压力-状态-响应"(P-S-R)指标体系,实地调查并收集资料;然后,数字化流域,运用模糊AHP法赋权并量化计算;最后,建立东辽河流域生态安全指数GRID数据库,进行GIS的空间Interpolate运算和Assembly分析.结果表明,公主岭市是生态安全区,约占全流域面积的10.78%;西丰市和东辽县是生态不安全区,约占流域面积的13.07%;其余8个地区为生态安全中等区,约占全流域面积的76.15%.评价结果与各地区现状生态环境评价基本-致.提出了相应的生态保护建议.  相似文献   
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