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通过对变流量冷冻水系统的分析指出,在运用平衡调温调湿方式的空调系统中,应用变流量冷冻水系统可以较大地节约能源和投资;并提出了实现这种应用的方法。 相似文献
进入“十一五”规划期,中国的大城市正面临着“建构资源节约型、环境友好型和谐社会”的重大战略转型。城市地下空间资源的综合开发利用是实现这一伟大战略目标的重要保障之一。作者在研究总结国外大城市地下空间资源综合开发利用成功经验与教训的基础上,分析未来中国城市发展趋势,论述城市地下空间资源综合开发利用的发展方向与战略目标,创造性的提出了实现这一伟大战略目标应该创建的中国式综合管理的体制、机制与法制。本文可供政府决策参考。 相似文献
我国渔港发展现状及等级划分 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
论述了渔港在我国渔业发展中的重要地位及作用,分析了黄渤海海区、东海海区和南海海区三个海区的水域面积、锚地面积、鱼市场面积、年进出港船数、水产品年加工量、水产品年卸港量、本港总船数、外港总船数共9个定量指标和各海区渔业资源状况及管理水平状况等定性指标,探讨了我国渔港发展现状,并对我国渔港等级划分标准提出了一些参考性意见,认为全国渔港的等级以海区为中心进行评估更显科学性、合理性,更符合各海区及各渔港的发展状况,有利于渔港管理部门有针对性地对渔港进行发展战略上的管理。 相似文献
介绍了如何在国家级生态示范区的可持续发展评估中运用灰色系统理论构建定量评估系统模型,并给出了关系型指标表、量纲模型、多元灰色预测模型和发展系数模型以及应用实例.根据该评估系统模型所开发的灰色评估系统由数学模型、计算机软件和硬件组成,可自动完成量纲统一、指标预测、相关分析、综合评估和趋势图表的运算和输出. 相似文献
美国环保超级基金制度及其实施 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对美国环保超级基金制度的概念和内容作了简要的介绍,并指出了其实施过程中的成功与不足,以期为我国环境法制的完善提供有益的借鉴。 相似文献
本文介绍了国外近二十年来专家系统在废水生物处理工艺控制领域的应用及开发的典型系统,分析了废水生物处理工艺难于控制的原因、各类系统的结构和特点及目前废水处理专家系统的不足,探讨了废水生物处理专家系统今后应深入研究的问题及方向 相似文献
应用灰色系统理论,根据江苏省地震工程研究院的地震科技开发资料,分别以项目负责人的年龄、学历、职称、职务、学科作为比较数列,对年度内完成的实际合同额进行了多因素灰色关联分析,排出了关联序。研究结果客观地揭示了开发能力与人的各种因素——年龄、学历、职称、职务、学科之间的相互关系,为市场经济条件下,地震科技人才的开发、培养和应用,提供了科学依据。 相似文献
Social and mating system of cooperatively breeding laughing kookaburras (Dacelo novaeguineae) 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
DNA fingerprinting was combined with field observations over four breeding seasons to investigate the social structure and
mating system of the laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae). Groups comprised a socially dominant pair and up to six helpers of either sex. Helpers were always recruited from young
hatched in the group. Territorial inheritance, which is a feature of other cooperative breeders and an oft-cited benefit of
philopatry, did not occur. Helpers only attained dominant status in an established group by dispersing into a vacant dominant
position in that group. However, helpers could also form new groups by excising a new territory, often through a ”budding”
process. The mating system was overwhelmingly monogamous. There were no cases of extra-group parentage in a sample of 140
nestlings; within groups of three or more birds, dominance predicted parentage almost perfectly (99.2% of 129 nestlings),
irrespective of whether helpers in the group were related to one or both dominant birds. This is contrary to predictions from
models of reproductive skew, possibly because they currently fail to incorporate the willingness of females to share reproduction
among males.
Received: 15 May 1999 / Received in revised form: 2 November 1999 / Accepted: 6 November 1999 相似文献
In the meerkat (Suricata suricatta), a cooperative mongoose, pups follow potential feeders while the group is foraging and emit incessant calls when soliciting
food from them. In contrast to a ’stationary’ brood of chicks, in which nestlings are fed at a fixed location, meerkat pups
are ’mobile’ and become spread out. The question arises whether meerkat pups that experience different constraints to those
facing chicks have evolved similar begging strategies. This paper describes the vocalisations that meerkat pups emit in the
context of begging and investigates the influence of these calls on food allocation by older group members and on the behaviour
of littermates. Meerkat pups use two types of calls when soliciting food from a potential feeder. The most common is a ’repeat’
call, which pups emit continuously when following an older forager over several hours a day. In addition, when a potential
feeder finds a prey item, the pups next to it emit a bout of calls with increased calling rate, amplitude and fundamental
frequency, termed ’high-pitched’ calls. Observations, together with playback experiments, showed that more prey was allocated
to pups that called longer and more intensely. The pup closest to a feeder was almost always fed. The probability of emitting
high-pitched calls did not depend on the time since a pup had received food, and the change from repeat to high-pitched calls
occurred suddenly. The main function of the high-pitched call, therefore, does not appear to be to signal a pup’s hunger state.
More likely, the two calls, in the context of begging, may be an adaptation to energetic constraints in a mobile feeding system.
Pups, which are dispersed during foraging, may emit repeat calls over long periods to prevent potential feeders from eating
all the prey themselves. At the moment a potential feeder finds prey, pups may give the more intense high-pitched calls to
direct feeders to bring the food item to them and not to a littermate. Therefore, unlike the stationary feeding system where
chicks emit one type of begging call when the feeder approaches the nest, meerkats, with a mobile feeding system, have evolved
two discrete types of vocalisations in the context of begging.
Received: 22 November 1999 / Revised: 1 July 2000 / Accepted: 17 July 2000 相似文献