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采用文献资料法,问卷调查法,统计法,从"省运会"、"全运会"、"国际大赛"3个层面,对陕北竞技体育的实力现状进行分析;从数量和质量两个角度探讨陕北竞技体育人力资源的乐观面与存在的问题,提出开发人力资源的对策.  相似文献   
对辽河铁岭段3条支流清河、柴河和混河入水库前的河段,利用底栖动物需氧特性,以需氧有机体百分率指标,对3条支流的水环境质量状况进行了监测调查和评价。  相似文献   
对在粪大肠菌群实验过程中涉及到的实验室质控设备、培养基、精密度检验等内容进行了分析,并对实验过程中的关键问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   
利用UG软件对隔膜压滤机滤室内流体进行三维建模,导入Gambit中进行网格划分及边界条件的设定,结合Fluent选用RNG k-ε湍流模型,采用多孔介质模型模拟隔膜压滤机滤室内固-液两相流分离,得到不同空腔厚度下滤室内流体的体积分数轮廓图、压强云图,得出滤饼含水率与空腔厚度大小的关系。实验结果表明,模拟和实验结果具有较好的一致性。在压滤机滤室空腔厚度为12 mm时,滤饼含水率为48%,每天污泥处理量为102 t,隔膜压滤机工作效率最高。  相似文献   
针对目前铬污染场地表层重污染铬渣混土难处理的问题,选用河南义马某铬盐厂铬渣堆场表层渣土混合物为研究对象,在分析其理化特性的基础上,研究CaS4、FeSO4·7H2O和葡萄糖3种还原药剂对Cr(VI) 的还原效率,通过改变药剂投加量、反应体系pH、反应时间等条件,优化修复工艺参数。结果表明,3种还原药剂对渣土混合物的最佳还原效率大小为CaS4(98.50%)>FeSO4·7H2O(72.21%)>葡萄糖(51.45%)。CaS4还原修复渣土混合物的最优工艺参数为:药剂投加量为还原反应理论当量的2倍,体系pH在3~9,反应时间0.5 h。  相似文献   
The objective of a long-term soil survey is to determine the mean concentrations of several chemical parameters for the pre-defined soil layers and to compare them with the corresponding values in the past. A two-stage random sampling procedure is used to achieve this goal. In the first step, n subplots are selected from N subplots by simple random sampling without replacement; in the second step, m sampling sites are chosen within each of the n selected subplots. Thus n · m soil samples are collected for each soil layer. The idea of the composite sample design comes from the challenge of reducing very expensive laboratory analyses: m laboratory samples from one subplot and one soil layer are physically mixed to form a composite sample. From each of the n selected subplots, one composite sample per soil layer is analyzed in the laboratory, thus n per soil layer in total. In this paper we show that the cost is reduced by the factor m — 1 when instead of the two-stage sampling its composite sample alternative is used; however, the variance of the composite sample mean is increased. In the case of positive intraclass correlation the increase is less than 12.5%; in the case of negative intraclass correlation the increase depends on the properties of the variable as well. For the univariate case we derive the optimal number of subplots and sampling sites. A case study is discussed at the end.  相似文献   
通过对塔河上游阿拉尔地区天然植被的物种多样性的特征分析,并结合实际情况,得出了该地区天然植被生态系统在人类干扰下普遍存在退化现象,尤其在绿洲—荒漠过渡带,这种现象更为严重。应采取有效措施对天然植被特别是过渡带的植被进行生态恢复。另外还讨论了本地区植被恢复与重建的对策。  相似文献   
20世纪长江的3次巨洪   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
分析了形成20世纪长江3次巨洪的3个遥相关因子:(1)太阳黑子活动;(2)厄尔尼诺事件,(3)青藏高原南部大震。依据长江巨洪和遥相关因子的基本事实,讨论了长江发生巨洪的统计规律。指出当3个因子的出现时间互相重叠时,长江很可能发生巨洪,这对长江巨洪的超长期预测具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
本文对近年来有关灭多威的环境毒理研究进行了综述。内容包括,在土壤和水中的归趋;在作物上的残留;在高等动物体内的代谢;对土壤生物群落的影响;对水生生物、天敌和有益节肢动物、高等动物和人以及植物的毒性。  相似文献   
Riverine nutrient loads are among the major causes of eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. This study applied the Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in three catchments flowing to the Baltic Sea, namely Vantaanjoki (Finland), Fyrisån (Sweden), and Słupia (Poland), to simulate the effectiveness of nutrient control measures included in the EU’s Water Framework Directive River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). Moreover, we identified similar, coastal, middle-sized catchments to which conclusions from this study could be applicable. The first modelling scenario based on extrapolation of the existing trends affected the modelled nutrient loads by less than 5%. In the second scenario, measures included in RBMPs showed variable effectiveness, ranging from negligible for Słupia to 28% total P load reduction in Vantaanjoki. Adding spatially targeted measures to RBMPs (third scenario) would considerably improve their effectiveness in all three catchments for both total N and P, suggesting a need to adopt targeting more widely in the Baltic Sea countries.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01393-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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