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简要叙述了电捕焦油器开工以来存在的问题,对电捕捕焦油器不能安全稳定运行的原因进行了分析,并采取改进措施。实践证明,改进工艺技术合理,方法可行,电捕焦油器运行效果达到指标要求。  相似文献   
Due to assimilation of recycled CO2 from litter decomposition and photosynthetic changes in carbon fractionation at low light levels, the foliage at the base of a forest is often more depleted in13C compared to that exposed to the atmosphere in either the canopy or in open clearings. This is referred to as the canopy effect. African research has indicated that these habitat differences in foliar 13C can be substantial enough to affect the carbon isotope ratios of resident fauna. Previous work documenting a 30-year chronology on moose teeth from Isle Royale National Park indicated a progressive depletion in13C and suggested that this could be due to forest regrowth following extensive burning. The present study examined the assumption implicit in this hypothesis that foliar 13C varies between open and closed boreal forest sites. I found a marginal canopy effect of 2 13C difference between upper canopy and ground flora for a forest in northwestern Ontario and an average difference of 1.2 in under- and mid-story vegetation between closed forests and open clear-cuts. Because of these small differences, the utility of carbon isotope analysis in quantifying temporally integrated exploitation of deforested habitats will be low for northern boreal locations. In denser forests, such as those in the tropics or western North American where the canopy effect can be expected to be much greater, 13C analysis may still offer some promise for determining selection by wildlife of disturbed habitats.  相似文献   
农药对农田蜘蛛生态效应的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农药对农田蜘蛛的生态效应是进行农田害虫综合防治的生态学基础.本文综述了农田蜘蛛接触和吸收农药的主要途径、农药对蜘蛛的生态效应、蜘蛛对农药的抗性以及农药对蜘蛛的致死效应等研究现状.关于农药对农田蜘蛛亚致死效应的研究,特别是分子、生化、生理、行为等方面的异常,国内外报道不多,因此这方面的研究工作有待于进一步加强.参47  相似文献   
电磁环境对采后芒果的生理影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统研究了采后芒果在静电场,磁场,放电生成气环境下的生理变化。测试了呼吸速率,果体与果皮电解质渗出率,商品果率与病情指数等生理指标。研究结果表明,采后芒果在呼吸速率达到高峰之前电磁环境对其均有明显的作用,而在呼吸高峰之后,无明显影响。在我们设置的电磁环境参数中有几项显示保鲜作用。表1参6  相似文献   
研究以EPPM模型作为理论框架,探讨恐惧诉求对危险驾驶行为(超速和不系安全带)态度和行为意向的作用。54名职业驾驶员在观看交通安全恐惧诉求录像后,完成安全驾驶行为问卷。回归分析表明恐惧诉求的交通事故录像能够改变驾驶员对超速及不系安全带驾驶的态度和行为意向,但作用不完全一致。恐惧情绪唤起通过恐惧情感所引发的威胁评估过程中介对不超速行为意向的影响。最后,对研究的局限和未来的研究进行讨论。  相似文献   
PROBLEM: There is limited information about how parents view teen driving risks and intend to handle these risks during the licensing process, and how they will respond to graduated licensing provisions. METHODS: Parents in Connecticut were interviewed when their teens got their learner's permit. The survey was undertaken when the state did not have a midnight restriction or a passenger restriction. RESULTS: Generally, parents were well aware of teen driving risks, thought parents should be thoroughly involved in the licensing process, and plan to be active participants themselves. DISCUSSION: Parents were concerned about the risk of driving after midnight and already restrict that behavior. However, parents do not seem to see or understand the risks of having even one teen passenger in the vehicle. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The views and existing practices of parents need to be taken into account in deciding on the provisions of graduated licensing legislation and how to best ensure acceptance and compliance.  相似文献   
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in positive organizational scholarship in general, including positive organizational behavior (POB) in particular. This work identifies organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as a prototypical POB. Conceptualizing OCBs in this way is sensible in light of more than 30 years of research highlighting the desirable aspects of such behavior. At the same time, some researchers have raised questions about positive organizational scholarship and have called for a more balanced view of ostensibly positive behaviors. The purpose of this paper, then, is to take a more nuanced view of OCBs while highlighting the dark side of citizenship behavior. In doing so, we review conceptual and empirical work that has challenged the idea that OCBs are inherently positive. We also discuss research that seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the conditions under which OCB does more harm than good. Finally, important areas for future research and the practical realities facing scholars who seek to publish research investigating the dark side of citizenship are addressed as well. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
矿井井筒提升设备绕流的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于经典的流体力学理论,建立罐笼绕流的二维RNGκ-ε湍流模型,分析其初始边界条件,并结合工程实际应用FLUENT计算流体动力学软件模拟罐笼运行时井筒内流场及压力场,得出井筒内流场及压力场的变化规律。研究结果表明:在罐笼运行期间,由于空间受限而引发活塞效应,井筒内压力发生瞬态变化,造成通风系统的压力波动,导致气流运动的动态改变,对通风系统稳定性有一定的影响。  相似文献   
综合防尘技术在煤矿的应用实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
粉尘严重威胁矿井安全生产和职工身体健康。公司依靠科学管理,完善了各项综合防尘管理制度,制定了一系列综合防尘方面的管理规定和防尘技术操作规程;加强技术创新,重点抓好综采、综掘工作面以及回风系统和定点尘源的装置,实行自动控制等综合防尘技术;从管理和技术创新角度,通过采用减少粉尘产生、降尘、排尘、除尘、个体防尘等综合防尘技术措施应用实践,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
抽出式通风煤巷掘进过程中粉尘浓度分布规律的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据气固两相流理论,针对矿井掘进工作面的特点,采用计算流体力学的离散相模型(DPM)对掘进工作面通风过程中粉尘浓度进行数值模拟,总结抽出式通风掘进巷道中粉尘浓度的沿程分布及变化规律。  相似文献   
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