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/ Why are some environmental risks distributed disproportionately in the neighborhoods of the minorities and the poor? A hypothesis was proposed in a recent study that market dynamics contributed to the current environmental inequity. That is, locally unwanted land uses (LULUs) make the host communities home to more poor people and people of color. This hypothesis was allegedly supported by a Houston case study, whereby its author analyzed the postsiting changes of the socioeconomic characteristics of the neighborhoods surrounding solid waste facilities. I argue that such an analysis of postsiting changes alone is insufficient to test the causation hypothesis. Instead, I propose a conceptual framework for analysis of environmental equity dynamics and causation. I suggest that the presiting neighborhood dynamics and the characteristics of control neighborhoods be analyzed as the first test for the causation hypothesis. Furthermore, I present theories of neighborhood change and then examine alternative hypotheses that these theories offer for explaining neighborhood changes and for the roles of LULUs in neighborhood changes. These alternative hypotheses should be examined when analyzing the relationship between LULUs and neighborhood changes in a metropolitan area. Using this framework of analysis, I revisited the Houston case. First, I found no evidence that provided support for the hypothesis that the presence of LULUs made the neighborhoods home to more blacks and poor people, contrary to the conclusion made by the previous study. Second, I examined alternative hypotheses for explaining neighborhood changes-invasion-succession, other push forces, and neighborhood life-cycle; the former two might offer better explanation.KEY WORDS: Environmental equity and justice; Locally unwanted lane uses; Siting; Market dynamics; Invasion-succession; Neighborhood changes  相似文献   
徐红  刘飚 《干旱环境监测》1991,5(4):208-209,213
本文对某铀矿职业工人和非职业工人头发中的总β、总α放射性水平和铀、钍含量进行了分析测定.结果表明,该矿工人体内铀和钍的蓄积量均在正常放射性本底水平范围内,从头发中检验未观察到工人体内铀、钍放射性水平有明显的升高.  相似文献   
我国淡水水域光合产物的气候生产力探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据太阳辐射在水体中的有效分布、生长季水温和浮游植物光合生态特性等因子,模拟计算了我国大陆东部淡水水域的光合生产力、气候生产力及其季节变化的地理规律。从中得知,这些水域初级产物的年气候生产力主要呈纬向分布,由南向北递减,各地范围在 1.6-24.4gC/m2·a之间,长江以南是>15.0gC/m2·a的高值区,长城以北和四川盆地为<10.0gC/m2·a的低值区,因此,在气候生产力高值区有可能充分利用气候资源优势,开发低成本的自然淡水水域渔业;而在低生产力区,受自然资源的局限其自然捕鱼量需适量控制,因地制宜。  相似文献   
某石化企业粉体料仓爆燃事故原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以某企业HDPE料仓的一次爆燃事故为案例,通过分析事故的成因,提供了调查料仓事故的思路及整改方案的确定方法.  相似文献   
本文于1994年11月用气相色谱法研究了旱季珠江口区环境中BHC和DDT的含量与分布。结果表明,表层海水BHC含量为0.187μg/L,DDT为0.080μg/L;底层海水BHC为0.117μg/L,DDT为0.506μg/L。沉积物BHC为11.15×10-9(干),DDT为33.46×10-9(干)。海水中的盐度、DO、C  相似文献   
采用Nafion修饰电极,以微分计时电位溶出法分析测定废水中对—氨基苯酚(PAP)。在选定的条件下,PAP的测定范围在1.0μ~0.5mmol/l之间;最低检测浓度为0.1μmol/l;标准偏差为1.6%:方法的回收率为92.5%~96.5%。  相似文献   
杨文鹏 《云南环境科学》1999,18(2):54-55,60
临沧是我国铀矿资源地之一,本文在对当地多年的放射性矿及伴生放射性矿产产品开发中放射性污染问题进行了分析研究后,对目前采取的一些防治和管理措施进行了综合评价,对同类地区进行放射性污染管理具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
根据近两年高邮市试点工作经验,介绍基本农田分等定级的环境监测与评价方法,认为积极开展农田环境监测并进行科学评价是基本农田保护的重要工作内容。  相似文献   
主要介绍了工业牌号高强铝合金在供应态或经简单预处理后在通用油压机上超塑成形的实例,并分析探讨了非理想组织材料超塑成形中微观组织的变化。  相似文献   
We have devised and evaluated a rapid screening method for the detection of numerical aberrations of chromosomes13, 18 and 21 in chorionic villus cells. We used non-radioactive in situ hybridization (ISH) with three chromosome-specific probes on overnight-attached mesenchymal cells from chorionic villi. A blind study was performed of 47 karyotypically normal samples, one triploid sample, two samples trisomic for chromosome 21, and two samples from a fetus with putative mosaicism (46/47, +21). All samples were hybridized with the chromosome 18- and 21-specific probes. Thirty samples were additionally hybridized with the chromosome 13-specific probe. The test could be completed within 3-4 days of sampling. In samples disomic with respect to the probed chromosomes, an average of 2 per cent (range 0-9 per cent) had three hybridization signals. By contrast, in the samples trisomic for the probed chromosome(s), 57 per cent (chromosome 13), 51 per cent (chromosome 18), and an average of 74 per cent (55-86 per cent) (chromosome 21) of the nuclei exhibited three signals. In the putative mosaic samples, the number of nuclei with three chromosome 21-specific signals ranged from 41 to 69 per cent. We conclude that this technique rapidly and clearly distinguishes between normal and trisomic/triploid samples, and consequently may be of use in future prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   
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