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用StrandenE.推荐的测量方法对哈密地区环境空气中220Rn子体α潜能浓度测量结果表明,室内、外平均值分别为56.1和10.2(×10-7J·m-3)。室内外220Rn/222Rn子体α潜能浓度比值分别为0.84和032。220Rn子体所致居民有效剂量当量为228μSv·a-1(集体有效剂量当量为0.9×02man·Sv)。  相似文献   
废物水泥窑共处置产品中重金属释放量研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
杨玉飞  黄启飞  张霞  杨昱  王琪 《环境科学》2009,30(5):1539-1544
通过模拟煅烧实验制取水泥熟料,并采用国标GB/T 17671-1999制取混凝土样品.选用EA NEN7371和EA NEN7375浸出方法,利用基于菲克扩散第二定律的一维扩散模型对废物水泥窑共处置产品(混凝土)中重金属长期累积释放量进行了研究.结果表明,混凝土中重金属的最大释放量低于总量;各种重金属在混凝土中的扩散系数不同,且Cr>As>Ni>Cd; Cr、As、Ni和Cd 30a的累积释放量分别为4.43、 0.46、 1.50和0.02 mg/kg,释放率(累积释放量/最大释放量)分别为27.0%、 18.0%、 3.0%和0.2%;扩散系数是影响重金属累积释放量的重要因素,且两者表现出较好的相关性;Cr和As的扩散系数较大(分别为1.15E-15 m2/s和6.42E-16 m2/s),应重点控制其进入水泥窑处置过程的总量.  相似文献   
规范了水环境容量的定义和分类,建立了符合泗河水文、水资源特征和水环境状况的河流水环境容量模型,与GIS技术结合构建了适合北方地区的河流水环境容量计算程序和方法;摸清了水功能区-入河排污口-点源排放口的一一对应关系,提出了将水域环境容量转换为陆域点源最大允许排污量的估算方法。计算了泗河在满足水功能区划条件下的水环境容量及最大允许排污量,从而为制定该河流水污染物容量总量控制方案提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
污染物排放总量监测存在问题和对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
指出了目前总量监测中存在问题,如技术规范不够完善、监测能力和人员素质难以满足变化的生产工况、企业的配合不到位以及环评预测总量与实际情况出入太大,且不合理等。提出,应尽快制定和完善相关监测技术规范;加强在线监测监控体系的建设;加强监测人员自身专业素质的建设,以提高总量监测质量,更好地为环境管理服务。  相似文献   
利用IED22000A便携式微机多道能谱仪对成都市区土壤的天然放射性核素进行了直接就地测量,估算出天然环境放射性核素^238U、^232Th、^40K的比活度范围分别为10.37~77.19Bq/kg、17,85~225.74Bq/kg、284.83~892.67Bq/kg;外照射指数范围为0.16—0.8;离地面1m高的空气吸收剂量率均值为83.23nGy/h;1外照射年有效剂量当量为0.34~0.70mSv;等效镭浓度的变化范围是59.06-386.45Bq/kg,均值为164.15Bq/kg。各项指标均在容许范围之内,因而成都市属于外照射水平的安全区域,人居环境不受影响。  相似文献   
Bankside groundwater is widely used as drinking water resource and, therefore, contamination has to be avoided. In the European Union groundwater protection is explicit subject to Water Framework Directive. While groundwater pollution may originate from different sources, this study investigated on impacts via flood events.Groundwater was sampled with increasing distance to the river Rhine near Karlsruhe, Germany. Samples were HPLC-MS-MS analyzed for the river contaminant carbamazepine to indicate river water infiltration, giving permanent presence in 250 m distance to the river (14-47 μg L−1). Following a flood event, concentrations of about 16-20 μg L−1 could also be detected in a distance of 750 m to the river. Furthermore, estrogenic activity as determined with the Yeast Estrogen Screen assay was determined to increase up to a 17β-ethinylestradiol equivalent concentration (E-EQ) = 2.9 ng L−1 near the river, while activity was initially measured following the flood with up to E-EQ = 2.6 ng L−1 in 750 m distance. Detections were delayed with increasing distance to the river indicating river water expansion into the aquifer.Flood suspended matter and floodplain soil were fractionated and analyzed for estrogenic activity in parallel giving up to 1.4 ng g−1 and up to 0.7 ng g−1, respectively. Target analysis focusing on known estrogenic active substances only explained <1% of measured activities.Nevertheless, river water infiltration was shown deep into bankside groundwater, thus, impacting groundwater quality. Therefore, flood events have to be in the focus when aiming for groundwater and drinking water protection as well as for implementation of Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   
An environmental assessment of six scenarios for handling of garden waste in the Municipality of Aarhus (Denmark) was performed from a life cycle perspective by means of the LCA-model EASEWASTE. In the first (baseline) scenario, the current garden waste management system based on windrow composting was assessed, while in the other five scenarios alternative solutions including incineration and home composting of fractions of the garden waste were evaluated. The environmental profile (normalised to Person Equivalent, PE) of the current garden waste management in Aarhus is in the order of −6 to 8 mPE Mg−1 ww for the non-toxic categories and up to 100 mPE Mg−1 ww for the toxic categories. The potential impacts on non-toxic categories are much smaller than what is found for other fractions of municipal solid waste. Incineration (up to 35% of the garden waste) and home composting (up to 18% of the garden waste) seem from an environmental point of view suitable for diverting waste away from the composting facility in order to increase its capacity. In particular the incineration of woody parts of the garden waste improved the environmental profile of the garden waste management significantly.  相似文献   
通过对全国、江苏省以及南京市工业危险废物的产生量和排放量进行调查、总结和对比分析,指出江苏省作为一个工业大省、强省,每年工业危险废物的产生量接近全国的10%,且呈逐年下降趋势.而排放量所占比例大于10%,且出现了先降低、再增加、又降低到零的现象,最高时达到16.67%.造成这一现象的原因可能跟工业危险废物的管理有关.同时指出了目前江苏省乃至南京市目前存在的问题以及相应的对策措施.  相似文献   
基于常熟河网原型调水实验和水功能区划,建立了感潮地区河网水量水质模型,对常熟河道水质降解系数及水环境容量进行了计算,并按照点源和面源对区域内污染源进行统计,在此基础上进行了常熟河网水污染物总量控制值和现状削减量的计算,为该地区的水污染防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
氧化亚铁硫杆菌对亚铁离子的氧化及其动力学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用9K培养基研究了氧化亚铁硫杆菌氧化Fe^2+过程中,pH和氧化还原电位的变化规律,并对Fe^2+的氧化过程进行动力学分析,确定了其反应级数及反应速率常数。结果表明,(1)在温度为30℃,摇床转速为150r/min的条件下,氧化亚铁硫杆菌的最佳接种量为10.0%;(2)Fe^2+初始质量浓度在11.39~21.72g/L时,随着浓度的增大,Fe^2+达到100%转化率需要的时间增加;(3)氧化亚铁硫杆菌对Fe^2+的氧化可近似看作一级反应,反应速率常数为0.0527~0.0788h。  相似文献   
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