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为了对钢铁企业安全投资进行模糊综合评价,建立了钢铁企业安全投资的评价体系,确定各因素的权重。得出模糊综合评价矩阵,可对各因素进行评价分析;得出某钢铁企业安全投资现状分数为83.9分,等级为较好,需着重加强安全培训、劳保品、工业卫生等人因素方面的投资;在环境方面的投资较合理。  相似文献   
The quantitative relationship between the median effective concentration (EC50) of organic chemicals to Daphnia magna and the number of molecular fragments was investigated based on experimental EC50 values for 217 chemicals derived from the literature. A fragment constant model was developed based on a multivariate linear regression between the number of fragments and the logarithmically transformed reciprocal values of EC50. Functional correction factors were introduced into the model. The model was verified using an independent set of randomly selected data. The mean residual of the final model was 0.4 log-units. The robustness of the model was discussed based on the results of three jackknife tests.  相似文献   
Eight pharmaceuticals were selected on the basis of their domestic consumption in Japan, the excretion ratio of the parent compound and the frequency of detection in the aquatic environment or wastewater treatment plant effluent. Toxicity tests on these pharmaceuticals were conducted using Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), daphnia (Daphnia magna), and green algae (Psuedokirchneriella subcapitata). Predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) was calculated using lethal or effect concentration 50 (LC50 or EC50) values and no effect concentration (NOEC) obtained in the toxicity tests for these compounds. Predicted environmental concentration (PEC) was also calculated from annual consumption, the excretion rate of the parent compound, and removal rate in the preliminary batch activated sludge treatment performed in this study. Maximum concentrations found in the aquatic environment or sewage effluent in Japan or foreign countries were also used for another calculation of PEC. Initial risk assessment on the selected pharmaceuticals was performed using the PEC/PNEC ratio. The results of initial risk assessment on the eight selected pharmaceuticals suggest neither urgent nor severe concern for the ecological risk of these compounds, but further study needs to be conducted using chronic toxicity tests, including reproduction inhibition and endocrine disruption assessments.  相似文献   
论述了用市场化模式解决三峡库区城市污水处理场和垃圾处理场的建设和运营问题,并提出了市场化的总体架构。  相似文献   
进入“十一五”规划期,中国的大城市正面临着“建构资源节约型、环境友好型和谐社会”的重大战略转型。城市地下空间资源的综合开发利用是实现这一伟大战略目标的重要保障之一。作者在研究总结国外大城市地下空间资源综合开发利用成功经验与教训的基础上,分析未来中国城市发展趋势,论述城市地下空间资源综合开发利用的发展方向与战略目标,创造性的提出了实现这一伟大战略目标应该创建的中国式综合管理的体制、机制与法制。本文可供政府决策参考。  相似文献   
广州中心镇的城市化发展建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对广州区域城市化的发展形势、中心镇的城市化建设研究,探讨了为实现三个发展目标,建立多层次、多元化、多体系的理论框架.  相似文献   
宁西铁路的建成与开通对加强我国东西部地区之间的联系和促进沿线地区的资源开发、经济发展将产生重要的影响,沿线经济带正在逐步形成.从区域经济的角度,运用点-轴理论探讨了宁西铁路线与沿线经济发展区域一体化和形成经济带应注意的几个问题:加快沿线城镇建设,完善综合交通通道,强化铁路为地方经济服务功能,建立沿线区域经济协作体系.  相似文献   
本文主要论述了在实现我国中长期环境与资源保护战略目标过程中,环境形势的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性;指出必须通过发展观念、经济增长方式、经济体制和政策职能的转变,树立和落实全面、协调和可持续的科学发展观,促进经济、政治、文化、生态环境的全面发展。  相似文献   
论述了为实现全面建设小康社会的发展目标,必须走跨越式发展之路。  相似文献   
罗布泊野骆驼自然保护区的建设及生物多样性保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆罗布泊野骆驼自然保护区位于我国西部极旱荒漠带 ,以保护世界濒危物种———野双峰驼为主要对象 ,同时也保护当地特有的地貌、盐泉、丝绸之路遗迹及其他珍稀动植物物种 ,面积 7 8× 10 4km2 。该保护区在世界生物多样性保护中有重大作用。由于周边地区经济的发展 ,对该保护区的影响逐渐扩大 ,威胁到野生动植物的生存安全 ,急需加强宣传、建卡、检查、巡护等保护管理措施 ,同时需要提高周边贫困社区人民生活水平 ,强化管制非法采矿业  相似文献   
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