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Effects of experimental protocol on global vegetation model accuracy: A comparison of simulated and observed vegetation patterns for Asia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Prognostic vegetation models have been widely used to study the interactions between environmental change and biological systems. This study examines the sensitivity of vegetation model simulations to: (i) the selection of input climatologies representing different time periods and their associated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, (ii) the choice of observed vegetation data for evaluating the model results, and (iii) the methods used to compare simulated and observed vegetation. We use vegetation simulated for Asia by the equilibrium vegetation model BIOME4 as a typical example of vegetation model output. BIOME4 was run using 19 different climatologies and their associated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The Kappa statistic, Fuzzy Kappa statistic and a newly developed map-comparison method, the Nomad index, were used to quantify the agreement between the biomes simulated under each scenario and the observed vegetation from three different global land- and tree-cover data sets: the global Potential Natural Vegetation data set (PNV), the Global Land Cover Characteristics data set (GLCC), and the Global Land Cover Facility data set (GLCF). The results indicate that the 30-year mean climatology (and its associated atmospheric CO2 concentration) for the time period immediately preceding the collection date of the observed vegetation data produce the most accurate vegetation simulations when compared with all three observed vegetation data sets. The study also indicates that the BIOME4-simulated vegetation for Asia more closely matches the PNV data than the other two observed vegetation data sets. Given the same observed data, the accuracy assessments of the BIOME4 simulations made using the Kappa, Fuzzy Kappa and Nomad index map-comparison methods agree well when the compared vegetation types consist of a large number of spatially continuous grid cells. The results of this analysis can assist model users in designing experimental protocols for simulating vegetation. 相似文献
Bioeffects created by electromagnetic field (EMF) are the subject of intensive studies. This paper critically considers estimations
of exposure to EMF in bioelectromagnetic experiments. Results of calculations presented herein show the significant role of
the presence of conducting bodies (the exposure system) near an object under test on EMF energy absorption as well as mutual
interactions between simultaneously exposed objects. Our aims herein are twofold: firstly to find a way to refer measurement
results to free-space conditions in order to enable comparison of results obtained in different laboratories, and secondly
to show that EMF energy absorption in any exposed object is different and that this difference is a function of the size of
the exposure system, the number of exposed objects, and the particular properties (i.e., the electromagnetic structure) of
the objects. In the authors’ opinion the existence of interactions caused by the presence of the exposure system and other
exposed objects is a reason why remarkable differences are observed between experiments performed even under supposedly identical
conditions. The presented considerations and conclusion suggest wider participation of physicists and engineers in bioelectromagnetic
experiments in order to ensure the correctness of metrological aspects of these experiments. 相似文献
HANNA C200离子分析仪测定水中的氨氮操作简便、快速、试剂用量小;经统计学处理,标准样品在中间浓度精密度、准确度较高;测定值更准确。 相似文献
从仪器精密度、方法检出限、准确度等角度对吹扫捕集浓缩仪Stratum PTC与Eclipse 4660的性能进行比较。结果表明,大部分分析物用Stratum PTC的方法检出限略高于Eclipse 4660,但精密度比Eclipse 4660稍差;Eclipse 4660用于分析极性的、水溶性物质的效果比Stratum PTC好,回收率更高。两种吹扫捕集仪的测试结果均满足《土壤和沉积物挥发性有机物的测定吹扫捕集/气相色谱-质谱法》(HJ 605-2011)标准方法的指标要求。 相似文献
在水质监测及诸多行业的工业废水监测中,COD是一个必测项目,微波密封消解测定COD是一种新方法,此方法与国标(GBll914—89)重铬酸钾法回流测定COD相比,具有成本低、操作安全、快速便捷等优点,其测定结果同标准重铬酸钾回流法相比对线性相关系数r大于0.999,是值得推广使用的一种方法。但为了得到准确可靠的分析结果,提高测定COD的工作效率,必须严格把握好一些关键性的技术问题。 相似文献
为独立评估环境空气连续自动监测系统运维质量,掌握环境空气监测数据准确性等信息,我国开展了环境空气连续自动监测系统性能审核工作,通过分析影响审核结果的相关因素,提出,性能审核标准气体浓度应接近实际监测空气中的气体浓度,性能审核时间的选择应满足《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—2012)中数据统计的有效性规定,性能审核气体压力应保持恒定并接近实际采样时的气压,标准气体进样方式应通过日常采样管路等,从而进一步提高性能审核结果的科学性和准确性,为生态环境管理部门了解环境空气数据质量提供坚实基础。 相似文献
纪欣 《石油化工环境保护》2006,29(1):49-50
通过对水质自动监测系统的日常维护与质量控制管理,从水质自动监测系统的维护、室内外质量控制管理、综合分析与控制管理等方面进行分析,提出了保证自动监测系统准确性控制措施,为水质自动监测系统管理提供参考。 相似文献
降尘监测可以较客观地反映与评价城市区域扬尘污染水平。及时掌握降尘污染状况,对区域扬尘污染治理措施成效和评价城市区域环境空气质量具有实际意义。降尘监测具有采样设备简单、操作简便易行、成本相对较低等特点。但是监测周期长、环节多等都会影响降尘监测的准确性。本文通过对吴泾工业区扬尘污染治理中降尘数据分析发现,降尘监测中存在降尘数据波动大、受周边环境影响大、人为损坏多等诸多因素的影响,就这些影响因素进行分析探讨,并提出了若干建议和解决方法。 相似文献
环境水样前处理对监测结果准确度的影响不容忽视,是保证监测结果准确度的一个重要环节,样品前处理技术方法及需要注意的问题是保证监测结果真正可靠的保障。 相似文献