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A.?LebedevEmail author N.?Sinikova S.?Nikolaeva O.?Poliakova M.?Khrushcheva S.?Pozdnyakov 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2003,1(1):107-112
To estimate air pollution snow samples were collected in March 2001 at six sites in the vicinity of the Kostomuksha factory
in Karelia. Seventy-two chemical elements and more than 200 individual organic compounds were identified by inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It was found that the levels of Li, B,
Al, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Hg, Mn, Mo as well as hydrocarbons, phthalates and phenols exceeded the existing maximum allowable concentrations.
A list of toxicants emitted with the factory exhausts and a list of priority pollutants for Kostomuksha were compiled. The
impact of the exhausts of the Kostomuksha factory on the environment in Finland is relatively small.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
ASD—ICP—MS联合快速测定土壤中部分金属元素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
土壤环境质量例行监测正在全国展开,如何准确快速分析土壤中的金属含量成为当务之急。采用HNO3-HCl-HF—HClO4体系在全自动消解仪(ASD)上对土壤进行前处理,以50.0μg/L的铑作内标,电感耦合等离子体-质谱仪同时测定《土壤环境质量标准》的7种元素:Cd、As、Cu、Ph、Cr、Zn、Ni。各元素的方法检出限为0.003~0.40mg/kg,相对标准偏差小于6.0%,土壤标样的测定值与标准值吻合。该方法简便快捷、灵敏度高、重现性好,为大批量土壤重金属元素含量的快速测定提供了可靠地消解-分析方法。 相似文献
Metal complexation by natural ligands is important for metal transport and distribution in surface and ground water. The goal of the work was to study the ligand exchange rate for two important metal ions in natural aquatic systems (Al, Fe) was determined using EDTA and natural organic matter (NOM) of humic type as ligands. After adding EDTA to a solution containing metal-NOM complexes, these complexes dissociated and metal-EDTA complexes were formed. Metal-NOM complexes were separated from metal-EDTA complexes with the help of size-exclusion chromatography and detected by on-line inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Injecting the samples into the system over time after addition of EDTA allowed us to measure the rate of the exchange of NOM by EDTA. The experiments could be well described with a first-order rate law assuming that the dissociation of the metal-NOM complexes is the rate-determining step. The exchange rate of Fe was found to be faster than that of Al. This corresponds well with the exchange rate of water molecules from the coordination sphere of the metal ions, which is also faster for Fe than for Al. Furthermore, the UV and the fluorescence signal of the chromatograms were measured. The results indicate that no disaggregation of NOM molecules took place, although about 75-85% of the aggregate-forming metal ions exchanged NOM by EDTA in their coordination sphere. This suggests clearly the fundamental role of NOM in colloidal transport of metals and in their bioavailability. 相似文献
本文建立了四酸溶样石墨消解-电感耦合等离子体串接质谱氨气反应模式测定土壤中银的方法.通过对氢气、氧气和氨气的3种模式下测定结果比较,选择了消除银干扰比较完全的氨气模式,同时测定银元素的107Ag和109Ag两个同位素以及土壤国家一级标准物质,结果证明方法准确可靠,方法检出限为0.003 mg·kg-1,精密度(RSD%)小于3%.本方法采用ICP-MS/MS技术,在线彻底去除多原子干扰,一个元素多同位素的测定具有数据双重验证效果.通过与分离富集处理样品以及在线干扰校正系数法测定银的方法相比,本方法节省了前处理时间同时具有更高的准确度. 相似文献
CRC-ICP-MS在重金属突发环境事件中的半定量方法研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
采用非反应性的He碰撞模式和动能歧视与ICP-MS的联用技术,建立了一套在重金属环境突发事件中的半定量检测方法.通过对三江口表层水样加标回收及ESS-2标准土壤样品的半定量分析,结果显示,该方法能够有效消除各种来源和各种活性的多原子离子干扰,实现多种重金属元素的一次性快速测定,水样的回收率85.5%~09%,标准土壤样品的回收率84%~107%.该方法已成功应用于两次突发环境事件中,为快速处理提供了科学依据. 相似文献
珠江下游河段沉积物中重金属含量及污染评价 总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12
为了解珠江下游出海河道沉积物中重金属含量及各污染物的潜在生态危害程度,用电感耦合等离子质谱法和原子荧光法测定了21个样点沉积物中13种元素的总量,及对底泥中主要重金属污染状况和潜在生态风险进行了评价.结果表明,珠江下游河道总Fe、总Mn含量分别为41 658.73 mg.kg-1和1 104.73 mg.kg-1,微量元素Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Se、Cd、Sb、Pb和Hg的平均值分别为86.62、18.18、54.10、80.20、543.60、119.55、4.28、10.60、20.26、104.58和0.520 mg.kg-1,地积累指数评价结果显示,表层沉积物重金属污染程度顺序为:Cd〉As≈Zn〉Hg〉Pb≈Cu≈Cr,潜在生态风险程度大小顺序:Cd〉Hg〉As〉Cu〉Pb〉Zn〉Cr,Cd是该水域污染和潜在生态风险最大的元素,单项潜在生态风险与区域综合潜在生态风险一致.珠江下游河道底泥Cd、Hg和Pb污染受输入影响北江大于西江和东江.聚类分析结果表明,研究站位潜在生态风险可分5类,基本反映了站位分布及沉积物环境污染变化特征.总体而言,重金属污染和生态风险程度较高的江段有陈村-沙湾段、陈村-顺德港段及外海-虎跳门段,北江及相关河道污染程度和潜在生态风险指数高于区域其他江段. 相似文献
赵小学 《中国环境管理干部学院学报》2014,(1):53-56
采用HNO3-HCl-HF-HClO4体系在全自动消解仪消解土壤样品,以50.0μg/L的Rh作内标,用电感耦合等离子体-质谱仪同时测定《土壤环境质量标准》的7种元素Cd、 As、Cu、 Pb、 Cr、 Zn、 Ni。结果表明,土壤标样的测定值与标准值吻合,各元素对应的检出限和相对标准偏差分别为: Cd:0.002 mg/kg和3.6%, As:0.05 mg/kg和5.5%, Cu:0.10 mg/kg和2.9%, Pb:0.18 mg/kg和4.7%, Cr:0.25 mg/kg和2.2%, Zn:0.40 mg/kg和3.4%, Ni:0.20 mg/kg和3.8%。该方法简便快捷,灵敏度高,重现性好。 相似文献
霾与非霾期间汞在不同粒径颗粒物上的分布特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
在我国高速经济增长过程中,霾污染日趋突出,同时大气汞污染也十分严重,而颗粒汞对于汞在大气中的循环演化意义重大.为了探讨霾污染期间汞在不同粒径颗粒物中的分布特征,采用Nano-moudi 12级(6.2~9.9μm、3.1~6.2μm,1.8~3.1μm、1.0~1.8μm、0.56~1.0μm、0.32~0.56μm、0.18~0.32μm、0.10~0.18μm,0.056~0.10μm、0.032~0.056μm、0.018~0.032μm、0.010~0.018μm)大气颗粒物采样器,对上海霾与非霾期间不同粒径大气颗粒物中的汞进行分析.结果表明,颗粒态汞含量与颗粒物含量正相关;采样期间霾天颗粒态汞平均浓度0.31 ng·m-3是非霾天颗粒态汞平均浓度0.11 ng·m-3的2~3倍;霾和非霾天颗粒态汞浓度以及颗粒物质量浓度随粒径分布呈双峰型,霾期间峰值分别出现在0.56~1.0μm粒径段和3.1~6.2μm粒径段,而非霾期峰值分别出现在0.32~0.56μm和3.1~6.2μm粒径段;霾天较非霾天颗粒态汞和颗粒物的粒径分布均出现了向大粒径方向偏移;颗粒态汞主要分布在粒径≤1μm粒子上,能够长时间停留和长距离输送;非霾期间颗粒态汞在颗粒物中的平均含量为0.029 ng·μg-1,而霾期间为0.015 ng·μg-1;霾污染过程中其他污染物迅速成长,而汞成长较慢;霾天积聚核模态粒子中颗粒态汞质量浓度为2.06 ng·m-3,而非霾天为0.55 ng·m-3,积聚态颗粒物的大幅增加,是灰霾形成的主要原因.本地源燃煤等的排放以及风沙扬尘的增加和外地源的输送是导致霾天污染严重的重要原因. 相似文献