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Characteristics that influence male reproductive success on a lek of Lethrinops c.f. parvidens (Teleostei: Cichlidae) 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Sexual selection has long been proposed as a mechanism leading to the diverse cichlid (Teleostei: Cichlidae) fauna of Lake
Malawi, Africa. Many of the shallow-water, sand-dwelling, bower-building cichlid species are particularly well suited for
studies of sexual selection because they participate in leks. Since females in lekking systems appear to acquire only genetic
material from their mates, it has been suggested that leks are ideal systems to study female mate choice. The objectives of
the investigation were to examine Lethrinops c.f. parvidens male bower characteristics (i.e., bower size and location) as well as other male characteristics (i.e., length, gular color,
and duration on the lek) for their influence on male mating success as measured by the number of visits, circles, and eggs
laid by females. These measures are nested in that a visit by a female may or may not lead to circling, and circling by a
female may or may not lead to egg-laying. We found increased bower height and higher numbers of conspecific neighbors (analogous
to shallow-water, near-shore bower positions) to be positively, significantly associated with the number of visits by females.
The only significant correlate with the number of circles was visits, and similarly circles was the only significant correlate
with the number of eggs laid. The R
2 value for the egg-laying regression was quite low (19.8%) compared with visits (54.3%) and circling (78.9%), suggesting that
females may be using additional cues, that we failed to measure, when in close proximity to males or simply that a small proportion
of the females were ready to spawn. Both indirect selection and direct selection pressure due to egg predation may have influenced
female choice on the lek.
Received: 10 April 1999 / Received in revised form: 26 July 1999 / Accepted: 18 September 1999 相似文献
The identities and concentrations of low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOAs) were determined by ion chromatography throughout a 20-m water column in Hongfeng Lake, China. The spatiotemporal variations of LMWOAs and their contributions to dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a research period of 24 hr were also investigated. The results demonstrated that five LMWOAs (lactic, acetic, pyruvic, sorbic, oxalic acid) were detected, and their total concentration and proportion in DOC were 6.55 μmol/L and 7.47%. Their average levels were 2.50, 0.65, 2.35, 0.96 and 0.09 μmol/L, respectively. LMWOAs were higher during daytime (10:00-18:00 on Jun 13, 2008) than nighttime (21:00-6:00 the next morning), in particular 4.99 μmol/L high in the epilimnion ( 1 m water depth), reflecting the fact that direct import from terrigenous sources and photochemical production from humic materials were dominant during LMWOAs’ origin and accumulation. The same factors caused LMWOAs to be 0.63 μmol/L in the epilimnion higher than in the hypolimnion. The rapid decrease of total organic acid (TOA) up until 18:00 mainly resulted from bio-uptake and mineralization in the hypolimnion (>1 m water depth). Pyruvic acid increased with time in the epilimnion and decreased in the hypolimnion, largely related to the two contrary processes of continuous degradation and synthesis of macromolecular organic matter during life materials’ cycle mediated by organisms. Simultaneously, plankton behavior and thermal stratification played a pivotal role in LMWOAs’ behavior in the water column, causing decreasing and increasing profiles. The distribution of LMWOAs represents an interesting resource for biogeochemical research of DOM in aquatic ecosystems. 相似文献
巢湖表层沉积物重金属生物有效性与生态风险评价 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
以巢湖表层沉积物为对象,对重金属(Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Ni和Pb)总量及形态进行分析并运用潜在风险指数法和风险评价编码两种方法对巢湖表层沉积物重金属的生态风险进行了评价.结果表明,巢湖表层沉积物中的重金属含量表现为西部湖区高,东部湖区低的特征,其中南淝河入湖区重金属含量是全湖的1.09~1.21倍.BCR形态分析表明,巢湖表层沉积物中Cr、Ni和Cu以残渣态为主(分别占总量82.99%、63.63%和54.25%),Cd和Zn以弱酸提取态为主(分别占总量55.96%和35.84%),Pb以可还原态和可氧化态为主(分别占总量39.66%和24.56%).潜在生态风险危害指数(RI)表明,南淝河入湖河口区域具有较大生态风险(RI值范围为351.54~381.17).风险评价编码方法(RAC) 的结果显示,Cd处于极高风险水平,Zn基本处于高风险水平,Cu 和Ni处于中低风险,Pb处于低风险水平,Cr各采样点均处于无风险.因此, 对需着重考虑对南淝河入湖湖区的Cd和Zn元素的重点治理. 相似文献
太湖悬浮物对水体生态环境的影响及其高光谱反演 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
利用太湖水质参数数据、水面以下实测光谱数据以及水-气界面辐射传输模型,计算得到了水体漫射衰减系数和水面以上遥感反射比,探讨了悬浮物对水体中营养盐以及水下光照等水体环境因子的影响,在此基础上,利用水面以上遥感反射率建立了悬浮物浓度的定量反演模型.研究结果表明:悬浮物浓度与水体下行漫射衰减系数具有很好的相关性,在可见光波段相关系数达到0.8以上,与真光层深度具有很好的负指数关系;水面以上遥感反射比与悬浮物浓度对数(In(Tss))具有很好的相关性,在500~600nm范围内呈负相关,在620-882nm范围呈正相关,最大负相关出现在522nm附近,最大正相关出现在692nm附近;选用Rra(522nm)、Rra(692nm)以及其比值作为变量建立悬浮物反演模型,得出的单波段线性对数模型能够较好地反演悬浮物浓度. 相似文献
利用鄱阳湖的原位监测数据,分析鄱阳湖水华蓝藻的分布现状及其影响因素,探索鄱阳湖水华蓝藻的源头.研究结果表明,鄱阳湖浮游植物的优势种为硅藻,蓝藻为鄱阳湖的次级优势种,蓝藻在浮游植物总生物量的比例有逐年增加的趋势.水华蓝藻的主要优势种为鱼腥藻,其次为微囊藻和浮游蓝丝藻. 鄱阳湖蓝藻水华形成初期的基本规律为水华蓝藻在营养盐浓度相对较高且水流较缓的内湾及尾闾区生长分布,在夏秋季水位较高时在水流和风的作用下向主航道输移聚集. 结合鄱阳湖水文特点,主航道的水华蓝藻聚集有可能是上游四个湖区的蓝藻向下游漂移综合作用的结果.研究成果可为控制鄱阳蓝藻水华区域风险灾害提供基础数据. 相似文献
基于不同土壤数据单元法的DNDC模型对太湖地区水稻土CH4排放模拟研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用农业土壤痕量气体排放模型DNDC(DeNitrification-DeComposition),以整个太湖地区37个县234万hm2水稻土为例,分析了3种不同土壤数据单元法对CH4排放模拟的影响.其中,1∶5万图斑单元法土壤属性来自1∶5万土壤数据库,图斑为最小模拟单元;1∶5万"县级"单元法土壤属性也取自1∶5万土壤数据库,"县"为最小模拟单元;1∶1 400万"县级"单元法土壤属性取自国内同类研究使用最多的1∶1 400万土壤图和《中国土种志》,"县"为最小模拟单元.结果表明,虽然1∶5万图斑单元法大多数县的CH4排放量都在1∶5万"县级"单元法最大与最小值范围之间,但整个地区总排放量(以C计,下同)相差达到1 680 Gg;而1∶1 400万"县级"单元法CH4排放量与1∶5万图斑单元法相比,尽管整个地区总排放量只相差180 Gg,但各"县级"单元之间的估算差异却很大,这一方面说明了土壤数据的详细程度是保证地球生物化学模型模拟精度的重要因子,另一方面也说明在区域CH4排放量估算模拟中使用更详细的土壤资料是非常必要的. 相似文献
采用连续培养法,在淹水条件下研究了添加外源氮对滇池沉积物氮矿化过程的影响.结果表明,在本研究条件下,添加水生植物残体或无机氮,均未改变沉积物氮矿化的总体趋势,表现为培养前期矿化量迅速升高并达到峰值,之后逐渐下降.各处理累积氮矿化量最大值为722.34~625.67mg/kg,约占总氮的10.5%~20.3%,与土壤相比,具有较大的矿化潜能.外加水生植物(孤尾藻,芦苇)残体的处理约在21d达到累积氮矿化量的峰值,比原沉积物分别增加了15.9%和9.3%.外加水生植物(孤尾藻,芦苇)残体和无机氮的处理比仅添加水生植物残体的处理累积氮矿化量达到峰值的时间晚一周,其最大累积氮矿化量分别减少了7.5%,9.8%和8.3%.运用Two–pool模型对试验结果进行了非线性回归拟合,通过参数和实际应用可能性剖析,Two–pool模型能较为准确地描述沉积物氮矿化过程. 相似文献
阐述了水生态健康的内涵与意义,从江苏省率先在太湖流域开展水生态环境功能分区管理的顶层设计,构建以水生态健康指标为核心的水生态健康评估技术体系,地方对照水生态环境功能区划的水生态分级管控目标开展的应用与实践结果等3个方面,回顾了江苏省太湖流域水生态健康评估工作的主要进展,提出了完善水生态健康评估技术体系和推进流域水生态健康评估工作的建议。 相似文献
太湖西部河湖氮污染物来源及转化途径分析 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
通过2014年枯水、丰水两期监测,综合分析了太湖西部入湖河流与湖区水体及其沉积物的无机氮形态与同位素特征,并利用δ~(15)N识别了太湖西部上游区氮污染来源及转化途径的生物化学作用机制.结果表明:NO_3~--N与NH_4~+-N为研究区域入湖河流无机氮的主要形态,而NO_3~--N为西部湖区水体无机氮的主要形态;δ~(15)N-NO_3~-的数值范围揭示了西部入湖河流在枯水季NO_3~--N主要来源于农用化肥,有少量矿化土壤有机氮,而丰水季则以生活污水为主,有少量矿化土壤有机氮及农用化肥;δ~(15)N-NH_4~+的数值范围说明了生活污水是河流水体NH_4~+-N的主要来源;通过水体及沉积物样品NO_3~--N、NH_4~+-N、δ~(15)N-NO_3~-、δ~(15)N-NH_4~+的协同分析可知,湖区氮的赋存形态主要受湖区水体硝化作用及沉积物内反硝化作用的影响. 相似文献
滇池污染底泥环保疏浚一期工程实施后环境效益评估 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对滇池草海污染底泥环保疏浚一期工程实施前后水质、底质及水生生物的监测和分析,评价工程实施后对改善草海水质,减轻内源负荷及对水生态恢复的环境效益。结果表明,疏浚工程直接去除了草海污染底泥层,随污染层分别去除TN、TP20 538 t和1 716 t。疏浚后草海水体透明度由0.37 m提高到0.80 m,水体中的TN和TP由疏挖前的8.91 mg/L和1.07 mg/L降低到疏挖后的8.15 mg/L和0.69 mg/L。疏浚后新生界面层促使形成新的水—沉积物的平衡,水质与底质条件改善以及水下光照条件超过沉水植物恢复的需求,是疏浚后水生态呈现恢复趋势的机理。 相似文献