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辽东山地属于环境地质灾害易发、多发区域之一,选择本溪市南芬区东部为典型研究区域,以卫星遥感、地面环境调查为主要手段,开展滑坡、泥石流和崩塌环境地质灾害调查,为建立环境地质灾害信息系统、减灾防灾提供科学依据。  相似文献   
中巴地球资源一号卫星(CBERS-1)数据,为环境保护领域提供了重要的遥感信息源,在区域环境监测和生态环境保护中具有广阔的应用前景。将CBERS—1信息与地面监测站、数据传输与处理系统、地理信息系统(GIS)相结合,可以实现对区域环境准确、客观、动态、简捷、快速的监测。选择盘锦市的地面监测站与CBERS-1信息相结合,建立一套高效、准确、快捷的卫星动态遥感监测系统,为环境监控提供科学数据。  相似文献   
海南东寨港红树林湿地面积变化及其驱动力分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文分析了海南省东寨港红树林湿地的面积变化及其驱动力。结合早期地形图和实地调查数据,利用3个时相的TM遥感图片,计算出1959年、1989年、1996年、2002年4个时相的红树林面积分别为3213.8hm^2、1657.8hm^2、2018.8hm^2和1552.6hm^2。在过去的近50年里,有近50%的天然红树林被毁掉,红树林湿地被转换为经济林种植田、水产养殖塘、城镇基础设施建设用地等。自1980年成立红树林自然保护区以来,红树林得到了一定程度的保护,1989年到1996年图像对比上红树林面积增加了361.0hm^2。近年来,旅游业的开发对红树林生态系统存在一定程度的干扰。2002年,红树林面积相对于1996年减少了566.2hm^2。此外,红树林斑块的空间格局和树种的构成发生了变化,红树林群落植物多样性明显减弱。在综合分析基础上,根据生态系统综合管理的思想。提出了建立高水平的管理研究队伍,采用先进的管理技术和手段,综合管理红树林生态系统。  相似文献   
A comparison of current techniques for measuring elevations in the beach and near-shore zones is presented. Techniques considered include traditional methods such as ground survey along transects and airborne stereophotogrammetry, and also newer methods based on remote sensing such as airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR). The approach taken was to identify a representative group of users of beach elevation data, elicit their requirements regarding these data, then assess how well the different methods met these requirements on both technical and financial grounds. Potential users of beach height measurements include those concerned with coastal defence, coastal environmental management economic exploitation of the intertidal zone, and coastal flood forecasting. Three test areas in the UK were identified covering a range of such users and also different beach types. A total of 17 basic user requirements were elicited. For each requirement each method was scored according to the degree to which it could meet the requirement. Total scores were calculated and each method ranked. This was undertaken for all the requirements together, for a subset relating to survey of narrow beaches, and for a subset relating to survey of wide beaches. Approximate costs were also established for the top six methods. Airborne stereophotogrammetry proved to be the best method technically, but was also the most expensive. Ground survey provides very good technical performance on narrower beaches at moderate cost. Airborne LiDAR can achieve good technical performance on both narrow and wide beaches at lower cost than ground survey. The satellite-based waterline method was also inexpensive and gave good results on wide beaches. An overall conclusion is that, while the traditional methods of ground survey and airborne stereophotogrammetry remain the best for engineering-related surveys requiring high levels of accuracy, airborne LiDAR in particular looks set to have a significant impact on beach survey for applications for which a vertical accuracy of 20 cm is acceptable, provided that its technology evolves satisfactorily.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Percent imperviousness is an important parameter in modeling the urban rainfall-runoff process and is usually determined using manual methods such as random sampling or conventional accounting methods. In this study two computerized methods are used for estimating the percent imperviousness of urban watersheds using high altitude remote sensing imagery. These methods include the Laser Image Processing Scanner and the Video-Tape Camera system. Imperviousness is directly estimated in the former method while in the latter it is estimated as a function of the statistics of the responses on emulsions of the imagery. The percent imperviousness computed by utilizing remote sensing imagery was used with the conceptual models of rainfall-runoff models. The models were applied to four urban watersheds and the runoff prediction results indicate that imperviousness determined by using remote sensing imagery was as accurate as that obtained by the manual methods, and that the use of remote sensing imagery requires significantly less time and money.  相似文献   
城市绿色空间及对城市热岛效应的影响   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
采用遥感技术结合实地测定的研究方法,利用1987年至2001年遥感卫星影像数据,建立了北京市不同年份的城市绿色空间专题图和热岛分布图,分析了13年中北京城市绿色空间及热岛效应的演变特点,评价了城市发展及城市绿化对热岛效应的影响。结果表明:受城市化的影响,14年中北京城市绿色空间变化明显,城市热岛效应也随之发生明显变化;随着城市建设范围的扩大,原有自然植被不断减少,热岛影响范围随之扩大;随着市区内的绿化建设,绿色空间总量增加,热岛效应有缓解的趋势。  相似文献   
机动车排放遥感监测反映实际道路行驶中的排放状况,对全面分析排放水平有很强的统计意义。北京市机动车排放遥感监测的CO、HC和NOx的平均浓度分别为1.94%、388×10-6和700×10-6。北京市机动车排放的CO、HC和NOx中50%分别来自于15.90%、13.98%、11.13%的高排放车,但某车辆对于一种污染物出现高排放并不意味着它对其他污染物也是高排放。根据遥感监测得到北京市轻型汽油车基于油耗的CO、HC和NOx平均尾气管排放因子分别为200.1g/L、11.05 g/L和6.68 g/L。  相似文献   
Thousands of individuals throughout the world are now users of satellite data. Hundreds of satellites have been launched—military, navigation, communications, educational, weather, and earth resources. One of the weather satellites (the SMS/GOES) and the NASA earth resources mapping satellite (Landsat) are the subjects of this article. Data from these systems have been highly cost beneficial, not only in the United States, but in developed and developing nations all over the globe as well. There is an increasing demand both for data and for training in data use.Data samples are shown and applications are discussed. Strong reference is made to the value of the digital computer in natural and man-made features mapping and monitoring. Procedures for acquiring NASA data are explained so that the reader may order data for his home region, or for other regions throughout the world which are of interest for their agriculture, forestry, hydrology, marine resources, geology, or land use. The cost of data is incredibly low; some products cost as little as three dollars.Also discussed are the remotely based data-collection platforms that acquire ground or water data daily and relay results to the NASA Landsat or to the NOAA SMS/GOES.  相似文献   
对卫星遥感技术在小城镇发展规划中的应用进行了分析,包括小城镇空间布局信息分析、小城镇区位分析和小城镇环境污染分析,介绍了遥感技术在小城镇变化监测中的应用。分析表明,遥感技术能为小城镇发展规划提供众多基础数据,具有广阔的应用前景,但不能完全取代地面调查。  相似文献   
This study quantified nonpoint source nitrogen (NPS‐N) sources and sinks across the 14,582 km2 Neuse River Basin (NRB) located in North Carolina, to provide tabular data summaries and graphic overlay products to support the development of management approaches to best achieve established N reduction goals. First, a remote sensor derived, land cover classification was performed to support modeling needs. Modeling efforts included the development of a mass balance model to quantify potential N sources and sinks, followed by a precipitation event driven hydrologic model to effectively transport excess N across the landscape to individual stream reaches to support subsequent labeling of transported N values corresponding to source origin. Results indicated that agricultural land contributed 55 percent of the total annual NPS‐N loadings, followed by forested land at 23 percent (background), and urban areas at 21 percent. Average annual N source contributions were quantified for agricultural (1.4 kg/ha), urban (1.2 kg/ha), and forested cover types (0.5 kg/ha). Nonpoint source‐N contributions were greatest during the winter (40 percent), followed by spring (32 percent), summer (28 percent), and fall (0.3 percent). Seasonal total N loadings shifted from urban dominated and forest dominated sources during the winter, to agricultural sources in the spring and summer. A quantitative assessment of the significant NRB land use activities indicated that high (greater than 70 percent impervious) and medium (greater than 35 percent impervious) density urban development were the greatest contributors of NPS‐N on a unit area basis (1.9 and 1.6 kg/ha/yr, respectively), followed by row crops and pasture/hay cover types (1.4 kg/ha/yr).  相似文献   
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