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介绍一例窄小场地条件下柴油发电机噪声综合治理工程。通过对机房实行整体封闭隔声与吸声、以消声道兼作通风道强制通风、以消声器加垃圾道消除排气噪声等综合措施 ,使柴油发电机噪声完全达到标准。 相似文献
本文主要研究模糊控制技术在柴油发动机隔振系统中的应用,将模糊控制技术引入柴油发动机隔振主动控制系统,针对柴油发动机隔振模拟实验台架的振动特点,建立了控制系统数学模型,进行了柴油发动机隔振模拟实验台架垂直方向的仿真研究。 相似文献
研究了柴油机掺烧液化石油气(LPG)以降低黑烟排放的技术方案,并开发出了一种以独特型板调节装置为特征的机械控制式柴油/LPG双燃料供给系统。发动机不改变原有结构加装该系统后即成为柴油/LPG双燃料发动机,可以同时燃烧柴油和LPG两种燃料,并且在整个工作范围内,随着工况变化能够按照预先优化设定的型板型线规律而自动调节柴油/LPG供给量比例,使烟度降低50%以上,同时满足经济性、动力性以及操作性能等要求,此外,也可以切换为单独燃烧柴油,而不改变发动机的原有性能。该系统结构简单、成本低廉,非常适合于改装城市在用公交车,降低其黑烟排放。 相似文献
Carbonyl emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicle exhaust in China and the contribution to ozone formation potential 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Fifteen heavy-duty diesel vehicles were tested on chassis dynamometer by using typical heavy duty driving cycle and fuel economy cycle. The air from the exhaust was sampled by 2,4- dinitrophenyhydrazine cartridge and 23 carbonyl compounds were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. The average emission factor of carbonyls was 97.2 mg/km, higher than that of light-duty diesel vehicles and gasoline-powered vehicles. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone and propionaidehyde were the species with the highest emission factors. Main influencing factors for carbonyl emissions were vehicle type, average speed and regulated emission standard, and the impact of vehicle loading was not evident in this study. National emission of carbonyls from diesel vehicles exhaust was calculated for China, 2011, based on both vehicle miles traveled and fuel consumption. Carbonyl emission of diesel vehicle was estimated to be 45.8 Gg, and was comparable to gasolinepowered vehicles (58.4 Gg). The emissions of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone were 12.6, 6.9, 3.8 Gg, respectively. The ozone formation potential of carbonyls from diesel vehicles exhaust was 537 mg O3/km, higher than 497 mg O3/km of none-methane hydrocarbons emitted from diesel vehicles. 相似文献
DOC/CCRT老化对柴油公交车气态物排放特性的影响 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1
基于重型底盘测功机,研究新鲜及老化氧化型催化器(DOC)、氧化型催化器耦合催化型颗粒捕集器(DOC+CDPF,CCRT)对在用国Ⅲ柴油公交车进行中国典型城市公交车循环CCBC时一氧化碳(CO)、总碳氢化合物(THC)、一氧化氮(NO)、二氧化氮(NO_2)和氮氧化物(NO_x)、二氧化碳(CO_2)等气态物排放特性的影响.结果表明:采用新鲜及老化DOC/CCRT,均可以降低CO、THC、NO排放,增加NO_2排放,NO_x及CO_2排放基本不变;在怠速、加速、减速及匀速这4种工况下,新鲜DOC比老化DOC对CO、THC氧化效率好,新鲜CCRT比老化CCRT对THC氧化效率好,但老化CCRT对CO氧化效率更好,新鲜DOC/CCRT比老化DOC/CCRT对NO减少幅度高,对NO_2增加幅度高,但对NO_x排放总量基本无影响. 相似文献
北京地区土壤对柴油的吸附及影响因素研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过静态吸附实验,研究了北京地区土壤对柴油的吸附行为,考察了溶液pH和添加乙醇对柴油吸附的影响. 结果表明,6种不同土样对柴油的吸附等温线均较好地符合Langmuir吸附方程,其吸附系数(K)分别为0.193, 0.218, 0.203, 0.199, 0.211和0.182 L/mg,6种土样吸附能力依次为轻壤土>轻粘土>中壤土>砂壤土>重壤土>紧砂土,这主要是由于6种土样的pH,有机质含量和机械组成不同所致;溶液pH的升高,不利于柴油在土壤中的吸附,pH从4升高到10,柴油在1~6号土样中的吸附量分别从1 012, 1 800, 1 377, 1 272, 1 601和862 μg/g降低到114, 236, 163, 150, 201和85 μg/g;向柴油中添加乙醇会减小柴油的吸附量,并且吸附量随添加乙醇量的增大而降低,这有利于柴油的向下运移. 相似文献
Nutrient addition has been proved to be an effective strategy to enhance oil biodegradation in marine shorelines.To determine the optimal range of nutrient concentrations in the bioremediation of oil-polluted beaches,nitrate was added to the simulated shoreline models in the initial concentration of 1,5 and 10 mg/L.Whenever the NO3-N concentration declined to 70% of its original value, additional nutrients were supplemented to maintain a certain range.Results showed adding nutrients increased the oil biodegradation level,the counts of petroleum degrading bacteria(PDB)and heterotrophic bacteria (HB),and the promoted efficiency varied depending on the concentration of nitrate.Oil degradation level in 5 mg/L(NO_3-N)group reached as much as 84.3% accompanied with the consistently highest counts of PDB;while in 1 mg/L group oil removal efficiency was only 35.2%,and the numbers of PDB and HB were relatively low compared to the other groups supplemented with nutrients.Although counts of HB in the 10 mg/L group were remarkable,lower counts of PDB resulted in poorer oil removal efficiency (70.5%) compared to 5 mg/L group.Furthermore,it would need more NO_3-N(0.371 mg)to degrade 1 mg diesel oil in the 10 mg/L group than in the 5 mg/L group(0.197 mg).In conclusion, Nitrate concentration in 5 mg/L is superior to 1 and 10 mg/L in the enhancement of diesel oil biodegradation in simulated shorelines. 相似文献
重点论述了柴油机冷启动辅助装置燃油加热器的选型试验。对燃油加热器优劣的评价指标进行了分析研究,提出了燃油加热器的评价方法。最后通过样本CFD分析,优化了燃油加热器与发动机之间水路系统的匹配,实际效果进行了试验验证。 相似文献
强化生物通风修复过程中柴油衰减规律及其影响因素研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
强化生物通风技术对于修复因地下储油罐泄漏引起的土壤污染具有很大的应用前景。通过室内土柱模拟柴油泄漏污染土壤,从土柱中总石油烃(total petroleum hydrocarbon,TPH)剖面分布随时间的变化及降解模式角度,分析了其自然衰减和强化生物通风过程。结果表明:初始柴油浓度直接影响着各柱在自然衰减和强化生物通风过程中柱内的残余TPH平衡分布曲线的形状和浓度峰值位置;在前期自然衰减过程中(约1个月),当土壤中的柴油浓度为5 000~40 000 mg油/kg土时,整个柱内TPH变化的主要原因是重力扩散迁移的结果;当土壤中的柴油浓度≤5 000 mg油/kg土时,其TPH的变化不仅是重力扩散迁移作用的结果,生物降解作用也存在;通风约2个月后,抽提作用对于保持土柱上部柴油浓度稳定变化的意义较为突出。 相似文献
利用餐饮业废油脂制造生物柴油 总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37
世界的石油产量将会逐渐减少,石化柴油燃烧后所排放的废气是造成的城市空气污染的主要原因,生物柴油是石化柴油很好的替代能源,文章介绍了国外废油脂处理利用和甸餐饮业废油脂的概况,提出了利用餐饮业废油脂制造生物柴油的方法和工艺流程,并讨论了利用餐饮业废油脂制造生物柴油的几个问题。 相似文献