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Abstract:  Broadly conceived and considered in its many usages, sustainability has grave defects as a planning goal, particularly when used by conservationists: it confuses means and ends; it is vague about what is being sustained and who or what is doing the sustaining; it is uninspiring; it is little more than Pinchot-era conservation (and thus ignores the many lessons learned since then); it need not be linked to land, to the land's functioning, or to any ecological science; it need not include a moral component; it is consistent with the view of humans as all-powerful manipulators of the planet; and, in general, it is such a malleable term that its popularity provides only a facade of consensus. When sustainability is defined broadly to include the full range of economic and social aspirations, it poses the particular risk that ecological and biodiversity concerns will be cast aside in favor of more pressing human wants. Given these many defects, the conservation movement should discard the term in favor of a more alluring goal, attentive to nature and its ecological functioning. A sound goal would incorporate and distill the considerable ecological and moral wisdom accumulated since Pinchot's day while giving conservationists the rhetorical tools needed to defend the land against competing pressures. In our view, conservation would be well served by an updated variant of "land health," Aldo Leopold's ecologically grounded goal from the 1940s. Land health as an independent understanding should set the essential terms of how we live and enjoy the earth, providing the framework within which we pursue our many social and economic aims.  相似文献   
湖泊综合治理,单靠行政手段和经济手段是远远不够的,必须发动群众,依靠湖区周边的广大群众,通过广泛深入地进行环境保护宣传教育,提高广大群众的环境保护意识,促使他们自觉自愿地投身于湖泊的治理和建设中去,湖泊治理才能取得预期效果.  相似文献   
In spite of stricter provisions inthe new EU directive on deliberate release ofgenetically modified organisms (GMOs), criticsstill advocate a moratorium on permits forcultivation of GMOs. However, in an attempt tomeet concerns raised by the public, thedirective explicitly gives Member States thepossibility to take into consideration ethicalaspects of GMOs in the decision-making. Thisarticle investigates the potential effects ofsuch formulation by means of an empiricalanalysis of experiences gained the last yearsfrom similar Swedish regulations for GMOs,aiming at promoting sustainable development.The faulty implementation shown in the Swedishcase indicates that legal stipulations forethics as such have limited importance. It issuggested that public participation is animportant factor for successful implementationof the ethics of sustainable development.  相似文献   
论国家生态安全   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国家生态安全是一种全新的现代国家安全观,要重视和维护国家生态安全。  相似文献   
矿产资源的开发利用与环境保护   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
作者论述了人口、资源、环境三者之间的辩证关系,提出环境保护是矿产资源开发利用的前提,不能以牺牲环境为代价来开发利用矿产资源。以此为基点,作者概述了我国矿产资源开发利用对环境的影响,以及我国矿山环境保护工作的现状,提出了加强矿产资源开发利用中环境保护的五项建议。  相似文献   
针对四川石油天然气工业环境统计中存在的非稳定污染源监测数据的统计价值不高,统计调查方法单一,个别统计指标计算未使用国家统一标准等现状,从环境监测站改组入手,改革统计调查方法,建立以必要的周期性普查为基础,以经常性的抽样调查为主体,同时辅之以全面统计报表,重点调查和科学推算综合运用的统计调查方法体系。  相似文献   
岷江都江堰段水环境容量计算及水质综合评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梁荫 《四川环境》1996,15(2):58-63
岷江水域兼有灌溉,供水,发电等多重功能。本文对岷江都江堰段水环境现状进行了模糊综合评价,并计算了水环境容量。  相似文献   
本文介绍采用德国进口的LB9100D监测系统对80m烟囟排放的α放射性气溶胶浓度进行连续、自动监测。并与国产FJ-367,FH-463A装置进行了对比则量,两套装置的测量结果符合得较好。  相似文献   
气象卫星遥感在干旱监测中的应用   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
居为民  孙涵 《灾害学》1996,11(4):25-29
本文根据NOAA极轨气象卫星AVHRR资料计算生成植被指数相对距平图用于旱情监测,并在江苏省1994年特大干旱中进行了应用服务  相似文献   
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