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The feasibility of using U.K. coal-fired power station waste materials for artificial reef production is being examined. in June, 1989, an experimental artificial reef was constructed in Poole Bay, off the central south coast of the U.K., using three different mixtures of pulverised fuel ash (PFA), flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) gypsum and slurry, stabilized with cement and formed into blocks. Fifty tonnes of 40 × 20 × 20 cm blocks were formed into eight conical reef units replicating three different PFA/gypsum mixtures and one concrete control. the reef structure is 10m below chart datum on a flat sandy sea-bed.

Combustion of coal concentrates the heavy metal content in the resultant ash. the purpose of stabilization of the ash as blocks is twofold: to immobilize heavy metals (or other components) and to provide hard substratum for the attachment of organisms. to examine the effectiveness of this stabilization and hence the environmental compatibility of the block materials, heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, Zn) content of the blocks has been monitored routinely over two years, to determine leaching rates. Sectional profiles indicate partial replacement of calcium content by magnesium. Associated with this there has also been some redistribution of heavy metals. Only in the case of cadmium has there been a detectable loss from the surface of blocks. Chromium and manganese concentrations appear to have increased. the metal content of the reef epibiota (including ascidians, Ascidia mentula; hydroids, Halecium spp.; bryozoans, Bugula spp. and red algae) growing on the ash blocks has been compared to that of epibiota attached to the concrete controls and surrounding sea-bed. to date no evidence of excess bioaccumulation of metals has been detected.

The physical integrity of the ash reef blocks has been maintained. There is evidence that the blocks are increasing in compressive strength.

An indication of the fishery enhancement potential of the experimental structure is given by the presence of eight commercially fished species (crustaceans and molluscs) including lobsters (Homarus gammarus).  相似文献   
The coastal water of northeast Taiwan island, called 'Yin-Yang Hai' for its distinct yellow colour compared with blue offshore water, was investigated from 1989 to 1990 by the authors. Biological study showed the dominant species of plankton to be Copepoda, Cladocera, planktonic eggs and Diatoma. Dominant species of benthos were young crabs, Amphipoda and Annelida, with Amphipoda usually occurring in heavily polluted areas. Heavy metal data showed that the concentration of copper was high. the copper and iron concentration in algae of the intertidal zone was also high. the concentrations of iron and copper in inshore water were also higher than in offshore water. By comparison of the pH and salinity distribution of this area, we conclude that this coastal water has been polluted by acid waste water from coastal industry. the suspended solids concentration in sea water is high. Flocculation occurring at the boundary of fresh and saline water might be a reason for the distinct yellow colour of the water of this area. Further study is required.  相似文献   
蔬菜样品的H_2SO_4-H_2O_2快速消化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了使用硫酸 -过氧化氢对蔬菜样品进行快速消化的方法。其消化时间比常规消化方法大为缩短。重金属元素镉、铬、铜、镍、锌含量测定的结果 ,与用常规消化方法 (硝酸 -高氯酸 )相吻合。  相似文献   
With the advent of more stringent controls on wastewater treatment, sewage sludge production in Europe and many parts of the world is increasing. With this increase comes the problem of sludge disposal, and recycling to land arguably offers an economically and environmentally sustainable option. However, a major limitation of sewage sludge reuse is the potential release of heavy metals from the sludge and heavy metal accumulation to toxic levels in topsoils. The properties of the sludge play a crucial role in determining the initial release and subsequent availability of heavy metals in amended soils. Bioavailable forms of heavy metals in recently amended soils are most likely to be those that are bioavailable in the sewage sludge. In this paper, published research on the importance of sewage sludge characteristics on metal release and bioavailability will be reviewed and contrasted with original research. A selection of sludges from around Australia has been collected for this purpose. Through the use of incubation studies, isotope dilution techniques, ion-selective electrode measurements and 13C-NMR spectroscopy, the importance of a range of sludge properties on heavy metal behaviour in sludges and sludge-amended soils is addressed.  相似文献   
Long-term copper smelting in the Anaconda and Deer Lodge Valley area of Montana has resulted in an extensive area of trace element contamination. Aerial extent of contamination is generally established, but total analysis of soils does not correlate to relative degree of impact on vegetation growth. Three pedons (Beaverell, Cetrack and Judco) were analyzed by routine soil characterization methods, aqua regia microwave digestion, sequential chemical extraction, and X-ray diffraction analysis with the objective of providing a better understanding of chemical forms and potential reactivity of selected trace elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, P, Pb). Surface horizons of soils are more acidic than subsoils, with pH for all horizons ranging from 4.0 to 8.7. Beaverell is the most contaminated in the upper 20 cm with the sum of total extractable (SUMTE) trace elements by microwave digestion ranging from 1836 to 3605 mg kg−1, largest H2O-soluble (WS) and exchangeable (EX) fractions (e.g. 1.6 and 9.3%, respectively), and smallest residual (RES) fraction (e.g. 14.3%). Cetrack has greater SUMTE elements than Judco, though a lower WS+EX fraction due to the effects of alkaline pH, carbonates and high P. Oxide (OX), organic matter/sulfide (OM/S), and RES fractions predominate over WS, EX, and specially-sorbed/carbonate-bound fractions (SS/CAR) for all horizons. Copper, Zn, Pb and Cd are elevated in surface over subsurface horizons in these latter fractions, indicating these elements were anthropogenic additions. X-ray data indicate that Pb, Cu, Cr and Cd partially exists as both OX and sulfide mineral forms.  相似文献   
plane decaying leaves have been found capable of removing chromium and nickel ions from aqueous solutions. The removal efficiency depends upon the pH conditions, ions components and concentrations, and concentrations of leaves in media. The maximum removal for unique Cr6+ is about 7.5-8.0g/kg leaves at pH 4. 0, for unique Ni2+ about 2. 6g/kg at the region of PH5. 0-5.5. Under the described conditions nickel increases chromium uptake by plane decaying leaves from solution.  相似文献   
印刷线路板厂含铜污泥固化处理工艺研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
石太宏  汤兵 《环境工程》2000,18(3):47-49
研究采用水泥作固化基材固化处理某印刷线路板厂酸性废水用石灰混凝所产生的含铜、锡、金的污泥 ,对固化块在不同 pH的水中重金属Cu2 +的浸出实验结果表明 :水泥固化处理该混凝污泥效果良好 ,控制合适的条件 ,可得到混合性能好、初凝时间适当、抗压强度较好的固化块。Cu2 +的浸出率低于允许浸出浓度。混凝过程中加入硫脲硅酸钠等助剂 ,可提高固化效果。研究还对几种不同配比的固化块抗压强度进行了探讨。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: In most studies, quantile estimates of extreme 24-hour rainfall are given in annual probabilities. The probability of experiencing an excessive storm event, however, differs throughout the year. As a result, this paper explored the differences between heavy rainfall distributions by season in Louisiana. It was concluded by using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests that the distribution of heavy rainfall events differs significantly between particular seasons at the sites near the Gulf Coast. Furthermore, seasonal frequency curves varied dramatically at the four sites examined. Mixed distributions within these data were not found to be problematic, but the mechanisms that produced the events were found to change seasonally. Extreme heavy rainfall events in winter and spring were primarily generated by frontal weather systems, while summer and fall events had high proportions of events produced by tropical disturbances and airmass (free-convective) conditions.  相似文献   
New Metal Emission Patterns in Road Traffic Environments   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The increased awareness of traffic as a major diffuse metal emission source emphasizes the need for more detailed information on the various traffic-related sources and how and where the metals are dispersed. In this study, metal emission patterns in the road traffic environment were examined from the perspective of different surrounding factors, e.g. the importance of intersections, deceleration, vehicle speed and traffic density. A total of 148 topsoil samples from 18 south Swedish roads were analysed (using GFAAS) for traffic-emitted metals, i.e. Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn. The roadside topsoil metal concentrations were used to examine correlations between metals and surrounding factors. The studied metals were divided into three groups corresponding to different emission sources: metals from decelerating activities (Cu, Sb and Zn), metals as historical residues from the combustion of petrol (Pb and Cd), and non-source-specific metals (Cr and Ni). It was found that Cu and Sb, despite their rather short history as traffic-emitted metals, have increased more than eightfold in roadside soils compared to background levels. The major source of road traffic related Cu and Sb is brake linings. The significant increase of Cu and Sb in roadside topsoil stresses the need for metal transport studies as well as effect studies of these metals. Metals emitted due to decelerating activities were not correlated to elevated concentrations near road junctions. Emission patterns of traffic-related metals alongside roads are crucial in order to be able to evaluate the optimal localization of storm water treatment ponds.  相似文献   
通过模拟煅烧试验制取水泥熟料,参照JGJ 55-2000(《普通混凝土配比设计规程》)制取混凝土样品,参考SR003.1和NEN 7375浸出试验,分别研究液固比对粒状及块状混凝土样品中重金属(Cr、Ni和As)释放的影响。结果表明,在不同液固比条件下粒状混凝土中的重金属浸出浓度为Cr>Ni>As,Cr、As浸出浓度基本保持不变,分别为2 500 μg/L左右和5~6 μg/L,Ni在液固比(L∶S)<6时,浸出浓度随着液固比的增加而降低,在L∶S>6时,浸出浓度较稳定,为35.7~41.5 μg/L;浸出量均随着液固比的增加而增大。液固比(L∶S)<10时,块状混凝土中重金属累积释放量及扩散系数均随液固比的增加而增大,当L∶S>10时两者基本保持不变。  相似文献   
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