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为了对钢铁企业安全投资进行模糊综合评价,建立了钢铁企业安全投资的评价体系,确定各因素的权重。得出模糊综合评价矩阵,可对各因素进行评价分析;得出某钢铁企业安全投资现状分数为83.9分,等级为较好,需着重加强安全培训、劳保品、工业卫生等人因素方面的投资;在环境方面的投资较合理。  相似文献   
Abstract:  Introduction of artificial light into wildlife habitat represents a rapidly expanding form of human encroachment, particularly in coastal systems. Light pollution alters the behavior of sea turtles during nesting; therefore, long-wavelength lights—low-pressure sodium vapor and bug lights—that minimize impacts on turtles are required for beach lighting in Florida (U.S.A.). We investigated the effects of these two kinds of lights on the foraging behavior of Santa Rosa beach mice (  Peromyscus polionotus leucocephalus ). We compared patch use and giving-up densities of mice for experimental food patches established along a gradient of artificial light in the field. Mice exploited fewer food patches near both types of artificial light than in areas with little light and harvested fewer seeds within patches near bug lights. Our results show that artificial light affects the behavior of terrestrial species in coastal areas and that light pollution deserves greater consideration in conservation planning.  相似文献   
宋国君 《上海环境科学》2001,20(12):574-576
以固定点源烟尘排放为例,从排放标准和监测标准两方面讨论了中国现阶段“达标排放”的状况,指出当前的大气污染源达标排放实际上是“初步达标排放”,现在的排放标准和监测规范合适考核污染源的初步达标排放,不适合考核污染源的连续达标排放。排放标准的规定形式、监测规范和适用范围需要改革。现在的排放标准指标需要与监测规范和超标率限值结合起来,以促进污染源的连续达标排放。  相似文献   
从自燃煤矸石中提取聚合铝铁(PAFC)的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用盐酸酸浸的方法从自燃煤矸石中提取聚合铝铁,对煤矸石的粉碎粒径、酸浸盐酸的浓度及用量、酸浸的温度等工艺条件进行了试验研究。结果表明,从100g自燃煤矸石中,可提取19.85g固体聚合铝铁,成品的Al2O3含量33%、Fe2O3含量16%、盐基度70%。  相似文献   
编制滇池流域水污染防治"十一五"规划的初步设想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从回顾滇池流域水污染防治“九五”计划和“十五”计划的编制入手,分析了1995、2000、2005年滇池流域的水污染变化趋势,提出了编制“十一五”规划的初步设想。  相似文献   
A number of different models of CF carrier screening have now been tested in pilot trials. Apart from opportunistic and cascade testing (which are strictly speaking not true forms of screening), the major programmes have been directed either to young adults in primary care or to pregnant women in antenatal clinics. Only in the latter form of screening has sufficient data been collected to allow conclusions to be reached on the optimum mode of delivery. It seems very probable that when CF carrier screening passes into routine service, it will be the antenatal couple model that is used.  相似文献   
爆炸法处理废旧轮胎制造橡胶粉末技术及关键机理研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周敬宣  陈进 《环境工程》2003,21(3):51-54
主要介绍了利用爆炸法处理废旧轮胎制造橡胶粉末的技术 ;探讨了橡胶在爆炸作用下破坏的机理 ,爆炸法中橡胶变形速率与它的剪切模量和断裂韧性的关系 ;分析了利用直接爆炸法处理废旧轮胎的 3种实验结果 ,验证了对轮胎进行预处理的必要性 ,探讨了炸药用量的选择原则  相似文献   
林坚  张优珍  邝萍 《环境工程》2002,20(3):62-63
采用双环已酮草酰二腙 (简称BCO)光度法 ,对含铜三氯化铁蚀刻废液综合利用过程中铜的快速测定进行了研究。重点对铁基体对于铜测定的干扰情况进行了研究。在选择的最佳分析条件下 ,测定三氯化铁蚀刻废液综合利用过程含铜浓度为 0 4 6g L的还原液时 ,其相对标准偏差和加标回收率分别为 1 0 5 %、99 2 1%、10 0 2 %。本方法简单快速 ,测定 1~ 2个样品仅需 30min。  相似文献   
湿法烟气脱硫的腐蚀机理及防腐技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了湿法烟气脱硫的腐蚀与防腐现状,分析了腐蚀环境及腐蚀机理,并概括总结了湿法烟气脱硫工艺系统中材料防腐技术和工艺防腐技术,对此法的现场实际应用有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
论述了从培养目标、课程设置、教学方法与实践等方面培养高素质复合型的环境类专业的本科生,以满足社会需求,并为环境类专业本科教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   
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