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Sorption–desorption of the insecticide imidacloprid 1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)-methyl]-N-nitro-2-imidazolidinimine onto a lacustrine sandy clay loam Egyptian soil and its clay and humic acid (HA) fractions was investigated in 24-h batch equilibrium experiments. Imidacloprid (IMDA) sorption–desorption isotherms onto the three sorbents were found to belong to a non-linear L-type and were best described by the Freundlich model. The value of the IMDA adsorption distribution coefficient, Kdads, varied according to its initial concentration and was ranged 40–84 for HA, 14–58 for clay and 1.85–4.15 for bulk soil. Freundlich sorption coefficient, Kfads, values were 63.0, 39.7 and 4.0 for HA, clay and bulk soil, respectively. The normalized soil Koc value for imidacloprid sorption was ~800 indicating its slight mobility in soils. Nonlinear sorption isotherms were indicated by 1/nads values <1 for all sorbents. Values of the hysteresis index (H) were <1, indicating the irreversibility of imidacloprid sorption process with all tested sorbents. Gibbs free energy (ΔG) values indicated a spontaneous and physicosorption process for IMDA and a more favorable sorption to HA than clay and soil. In conclusion, although the humic acid fraction showed the highest capacity and affinity for imidacloprid sorption, the clay fraction contributed to approximately 95% of soil-sorbed insecticide. Clay and humic acid fractions were found to be the major two factors controlling IMDA sorption in soils. The slight mobility of IMDA in soils and the hysteresis phenomenon associated with the irreversibility of its sorption onto, mainly, clay and organic matter of soils make its leachability unlikely to occur.  相似文献   
Mesotrione is a benzoylcyclohexane-1,3-dione herbicide that inhibits 4-hydroxyphenyl pyruvate dioxygenase in target plants. Although it has been used since 2000, only a limited number of degrading microorganisms have been reported. Mesotrione-degrading bacteria were selected among strains isolated from Brazilian aquatic environments, located near corn fields treated with this herbicide. Pantoea ananatis was found to rapidly and completely degrade mesotrione. Mesotrione did not serve as a sole C, N, or S source for growth of P. ananatis, and mesotrione catabolism required glucose supplementation to minimal media. LC-MS/MS analyses indicated that mesotrione degradation produced intermediates other than 2-amino-4-methylsulfonyl benzoic acid or 4-methylsulfonyl-2-nitrobenzoic acid, two metabolites previously identified in a mesotrione-degrading Bacillus strain. Since P. ananatis rapidly degraded mesotrione, this strain might be useful for bioremediation purposes.  相似文献   


Prevalence of organic pollutants or their natural analogs in soil is often assumed to lead to adaptation in the bacterial community, which results in enhanced bioremediation if the soil is later contaminated. In this study, the effects of soil type and contamination history on diesel oil degradation and bacterial adaptation were studied.  相似文献   
Soils are often polluted by chlorophenols in timber production areas in the northern hemisphere. The tcpA gene encodes the first step of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (246-TCP) degradation. We tested tcpA gene frequency in three natural pristine soils with different 246-TCP degradation capacity. Gene tcpA frequency increased more in spiked than non-spiked 10-L pails containing coniferous humus soil with high degradation capacity, in contrast to soils where degradation was slower. As the soil in each mesocosm originated from a spatially separate field plot, changes in tcpA gene frequency affected 246-TCP degradation over a range of soil origins. This indicates that the abundance of and changes in tcpA gene frequency could be utilized in estimating the efficacy of natural attenuation and biostimulation treatments in controlled conditions.  相似文献   
To assess the risk of a pesticide to leach to groundwater or to run off to surface water after application, it is necessary to characterize the sorption of the pesticide to soil. For pyrethroids, their hydrophobicity, strong sorption to various materials, and low solubility make it difficult to accurately characterize sorption processes. The objective of this research was to evaluate the variability in cyfluthrin ((RS)-alpha -cyano-4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzyl (1RS,3RS;1RS,3SR)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate) sorption to soil as affected by experiment conditions. To minimize cyfluthrin sorption on the walls of glass, silanized-glass, stainless steel, and PTFE centrifuge tubes, cyfluthrin solution was added to aqueous soil slurries or directly to soil, after which it was equilibrated with aqueous solution. Depending on the soil, variation in sorption coefficients, Koc, obtained using different experimental methodologies with one soil can be comparable to the variation in Koc values obtained for soils with different physical and chemical properties using one method. Koc values for cyfluthrin ranged from 56,000 to 300,000 L kg-1. Sorption methodology needs to be evaluated before sorption coefficients are used in predictive transport models.  相似文献   
Chlorophenols, like many other synthetic compounds, are persistent problem in industrial areas. These compounds are easily degraded in certain natural environments where the top soil is organic. Some studies suggest that mineral soil contaminated with organic compounds is rapidly remediated if it is mixed with organic soil. We hypothesized that organic soil with a high degradation capacity even on top of the contaminated mineral soil enhances degradation of recalcitrant chlorophenols in the mineral soil below. We first compared chlorophenol degradation in different soils by spiking pristine and pentachlorophenol-contaminated soils with 2,4,6-trichlorophenol in 10-L buckets. In other experiments, we covered contaminated mineral soil with organic pine forest soil. We also monitored in situ degradation on an old sawmill site where mineral soil was either left intact or covered with organic pine forest soil. 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol was rapidly degraded in organic pine forest soil, but the degradation was slower in other soils. If a thin layer of the pine forest humus was added on top of mineral sawmill soil, the original chlorophenol concentrations (high, ca. 70 μg g?1, or moderate, ca. 20 μg g?1) in sawmill soil decreased by >40 % in 24 days. No degradation was noticed if the mineral soil was kept bare or if the covering humus soil layer was sterilized beforehand. Our results suggest that covering mineral soil with an organic soil layer is an efficient way to remediate recalcitrant chlorophenol contamination in mineral soils. The results of the field experiment are promising.  相似文献   
The primary focus of many in-stream restoration projects is to enhance habitat diversity for salmonid fishes, yet the lack of properly designed monitoring studies, particularly ones with pre-restoration data, limits any attempts to assess whether restoration has succeeded in improving salmonid habitat. Even less is known about the impacts of fisheries-related restoration on other, non-target biota. We examined how restoration aiming at the enhancement of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) affects benthic macroinvertebrates, using two separate data sets: (1) a before-after-control-impact (BACI) design with three years before and three after restoration in differently restored and control reaches of six streams; and (2) a space-time substitution design including channelized, restored, and near-natural streams with an almost 20-year perspective on the recovery of invertebrate communities. In the BACI design, total macroinvertebrate density differed significantly from before to after restoration. Following restoration, densities decreased in all treatments, but less so in the controls than in restored sections. Taxonomic richness also decreased from before to after restoration, but this happened similarly in all treatments. In the long-term comparative study, macroinvertebrate species richness showed no difference between the channel types. Community composition differed significantly between the restored and natural streams, but not between restored and channelized streams. Overall, the in-stream restoration measures used increased stream habitat diversity but did not enhance benthic biodiversity. While many macroinvertebrates may be dispersal limited, our study sites should not have been too distant to reach within almost two decades. A key explanation for the weak responses by macroinvertebrate communities may have been historical. When Fennoscandian streams were channelized for log floating, the loss of habitat heterogeneity was only partial. Therefore, habitat may not have been limiting the macroinvertebrate communities to begin with. Stream restoration to support trout fisheries has strong public acceptance in Finland and will likely continue to increase in the near future. Therefore, more effort should be placed on assessing restoration success from a biodiversity perspective using multiple organism groups in both stream and riparian ecosystems.  相似文献   
 通过两季马铃薯大田试验,研究了嗪草酮在灌溉沙壤土中的消失和移动情况。结果表明,表层土壤中,嗪草酮施用后最初7~15天内其含量急剧降低,此后随时间推移降低幅度平缓,1993年和1994年试验结束时的残留量分别为5.9μg/kg和2.3μg/kg。两年共采集的379个土样(分布在15~75cm各土层)中只有5个检测到有嗪草酮。1994年大田135cm土层处的水样中,嗪草酮的检测率高达66%,检测浓度范围为0.06~15.85μg/kg,平均浓度为1.94μg/kg。相比较,嗪草酮在大田试验中的消失速率远大于实验室控制条件下的降解速率。  相似文献   

The sorption of imidacloprid (l‐[(6‐chloro‐3‐pyridinyl)‐methyl]‐N‐nitro‐2‐imidazolid‐inimine) (IMI) and its metabolites imidacloprid‐urea (l‐[(6‐chloro‐3‐pyridinyl)‐methyl]‐2‐imidazol‐idinone) (IU), imidacloprid‐guanidine (l‐[(6‐chloro‐3‐pyridinyl)‐methyl]‐4,5‐dihydro‐lH‐imidazol‐2‐amine) (IG), and imida‐cloprid‐guanidine‐olefin ( 1 ‐[(6‐chloro‐3‐pyridinyl)methyl]‐lH‐imidazol‐2‐amine) (IGO) was determined on six typical Brazilian soils. Sorption of the chemicals on the soil was characterized using the batch equilibration method. The range and order of sorption (Kd) on the six soils was IG (4.75–134) > IGO (2.87–72.3) > IMI (0.55 ‐16.9) > IU (0.31–9.50). For IMI and IU, Kd was correlated with soil organic carbon (OC) content and CEC, the latter due to the high correlation between OC and cation exchange capacity (CEC) (R2=0.98). For IG and IGO, there was no correlation of sorption to clay, pH, OC or CEC due to the high sorption on all soils. Average Koc values were IU = 170, IMI = 362, IGO = 2433, and IG = 3500. Although Kd and Koc values found were consistently lower than those found in soils developed in non‐tropical climates, imidacloprid and its metabolites were still considered to be slightly mobile to immobile in Brazilian soils.  相似文献   
Sorption and desorption of aminocyclopyrachlor (6-amino-5-chloro-2-cyclopropylpyrimidine-4-carboxylic acid) were compared to that of the structurally similar herbicide picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid) in three soils of differing origin and composition to determine if picloram data is representative of aminocyclopyrachlor behavior in soil. Aminocyclopyrachlor and picloram batch sorption data fit the Freundlich equation and was independent of concentration for aminocyclopyrachlor (1/n = 1), but not for picloram (1/n = 0.80–0.90). Freundlich sorption coefficients (K f) for aminocyclopyrachlor were lowest in the eroded and depositional Minnesota soils (0.04 and 0.12 μmol (1–1/n) L1/n kg?1) and the highest in Molokai soil (0.31 μmol (1–1/n) L1/n kg?1). For picloram, K f was lower in the eroded (0.28 μmol (1–1/n) L1/n kg?1) as compared to the depositional Minnesota soil (0.75 μmol (1–1/n) L1/n kg?1). Comparing soil to soil, K f for picloram was consistently higher than those found for aminocyclopyrachlor. Desorption of aminocyclopyrachlor and picloram was hysteretic on all three soils. With regard to the theoretical leaching potential based on groundwater ubiquity score (GUS), leaching potential of both herbicides was considered to be similar. Aminocyclopyrachlor would be ranked as leacher in all three soils if t1/2 was > 12.7 days. To be ranked as non-leacher in all three soils, aminocyclopyrachlor t1/2 would have to be <3.3 days. Calculated half-life that would rank picloram as leacher was calculated to be ~15.6 d. Using the current information for aminocycloprachlor, or using picloram data as representative of aminocycloprachlor behavior, scientists can now more accurately predict the potential for offsite transport of aminocycloprachlor.  相似文献   
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