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Indoor air quality in university environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study evaluates the airborne microflora in research laboratories of the University of Chieti (Italy). A quali-quantitative evaluation of the index microbial air contamination was performed using the settle plate method. The microbial air contamination was evaluated during 6 months in three university buildings (A, B, and C). Nutrient agar plates were exposed, monthly, for 1 h at the morning and the afternoon to evaluate the colony forming units per plate per hour. Together with the quantitative analysis, the most frequent bacterial and fungal colonies isolated were also characterized. Moreover, in each sampling, the number of the occupants in each room was recorded to evaluate a possible relationship with the microbial pollution. The microbial concentration was always within the limit values defined for these environments. Buildings A and C displayed a seasonal fluctuation of airborne microflora with the increase in microbial concentration in the warmer season (April to June) in respect to the colder period (October to December). The most common microorganisms detected in the indoor air of the examined buildings were Gram-positive bacteria, belonged to the genera Staphylococcus, Bacillus, and Actinomyces. Data presented here underline the useful monitoring of the research university laboratories also emphasizing the effectiveness of the settle plate method.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to evaluate the performance of a bipolar electrolysis/electrocoagulation reactor designed to enhance the sludge dewaterability. The reactor was 15 L in volume, with two series of plates used in it; Ti/RuO2 plates for the electrolysis of the sludge, and also aluminum and iron plates for electrocoagulation process. The dewaterability of the sludge was determined in terms of its capillary suction time (CST) and specific resistance to filtration (SRF), while the degree of sludge disintegration was determined based on the value of degree of sludge disintegration (DDSCOD). The maximum reduction in CST and SRF was observed at a detention time of 20 min and a voltage of 30 V. However, increasing of both detention time and voltage significantly increased the values of CST and SRF even to an extent that they both exceeded those of the untreated sludge. The optimal degree of sludge disintegration achieved by the present study was 2.5%, which was also achieved at a detention time of 20 min and a voltage of 30 V. As reported previously, increased DDSCOD values led to increasing CST and SRF values, due primarily to the disruption of the sludge flocs. According to the results from the present study, it can be concluded that simultaneous application of electrocoagulation and electrolysis is effective in enhancing the sludge dewaterability, because electrocoagulation helps to achieve a higher degree of sludge disintegration while maintaining the desired sludge dewaterability.  相似文献   

The concentrations of four trace metals, namely copper, lead, cadmium and manganese, were determined in six fish species and three crustaceans collected from five sites spanning over 70% of the Ghanaian coastline.

Copper and lead were determined in Barracuda (Spraena spraena), the Ribbon fish (Trichiurus lepturus), the Sardine (Sardinella spp), the Sole (Cynoflossus senegalensis), the Sea Bream (Pagrus coupei) and the Soldier fish (Cynapastas marmuratus). Cadmium and manganese were analyzed in the Blue Crab (Callinectes sepidus), the Spiny lobster (Panilirus regius) and the edible shrimp (Crago septempinosus). Sampling sites included Takoradi, Elmina, Cape Coast, Accra and Tema.

Lead and copper in the fishes ranged 0.25-0.94 μgg?1 fresh weight and 0.40-2.54 μgg?1 dry weight (FW) respectively whilst cadmium and manganese in the crustaceans ranged 0.05-0.083 μgg?1 FW and 0.554-1.404 μgg?1 FW respectively.

The Barracuda accumulated the greatest amount of metals whilst the sardine accumulated the least. with the crustaceans, there was a significant difference between the amounts of the metals accumulated. the blue crab accumulated the greatest and the edible shrimp the least.

The analysis showed that: (i) there was a positive correlation between the metals bioconcentrated and the extent of pollution of the marine waters and (ii) along the Ghanaian Continental Shelf, the extent of pollution was of the increasing order as: Elmina = Cape Coast < Takoradi < Accra < Tema. Pollution of the marine waters could be minimized by control of flow of pollutants from land based activities.  相似文献   
In recent years, interest has grown in the potential to utilize more natural materials in the food industry. Shrimp waste is an important natural resource with functional properties and no known side effects. The major components of shrimp waste are protein, chitin, minerals and carotenoids. In the present study, the extraction of carotenoids was performed with two methods, the use of proteolytic enzymes and extraction by alkaline and enzyme treatment, and the total amount of carotenoids present in the waste was determined. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the method was evaluated through the inhibition of lipid peroxidation. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation was effectively done with carotenoid extracted by trypsin and alkaline treatment.  相似文献   

Background, aims, and scope

Formaldehyde (FA) is a harmful chemical, which is classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Solutions of FA that are used to preserve cadavers in research and education morphological institutes represent a risk to occupational health of professionals and students. During the dissection of cadavers in the anatomy laboratories, FA vapors are emitted, resulting in the exposure of students and their instructors to elevated levels of FA. The World Health Organization recommends an air quality guideline value of 0.1 mg m?3 for exposure to FA. The limit of occupational exposure adopted by the Brazilian legislation (2.3 mg m?3) is markedly higher than those adopted by institutions of other countries around the world. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of personal exposure and the area concentration of FA in the morphology department of the Federal Fluminense University, Brazil, and investigate and compare the relationship between them.


Four rooms distributed in the three floors of the Morphology Department were evaluated: the embalming laboratory, the anatomy laboratories, the corridor of the teachers?? rooms, and the entrance hall. Thirty-six samples in total were collected in the second semester of 2010 and first semester of 2011. The air sampling and FA analysis were performed according to the EPA TO-11A Protocol, using a diffusive sampling device for carbonyl compounds. Personal samples were collected from monitors using a sampling device pinned on each person??s lapel. The samples were analyzed using rapid resolution liquid chromatography with UV-DAD detection at 360 nm.

Results and discussion

The concentrations of FA ranged from 0.20 and 0.18 mg m?3 in the corridor between the teachers?? rooms, 0.03 to 0.37 mg m?3 in the entrance hall, 0.22 to 2.07 mg m?3 in the anatomy laboratory, 2.21 to 2.52 mg m?3, in the embalming room. The levels found in the corridor between the teachers?? rooms and in the entrance hall were lower than in other compartments because of their large distances to the sources of FA and better ventilation. The other rooms presented higher levels of FA because of the activities carried there (embalming and dissection procedures). Even in the rooms that showed the lowest levels of FA, the values found were higher than those established by all international guideline limits, except the Brazilian legislation limit, although, the concentration level in the embalming room was even greater than the Brazilian guideline. These concentrations are 100?C1,000-fold higher than those reported in an FA outdoor study. The exposure levels of monitors and students ranged from 1.89 to 4.82 mg m?3, indicating that current practices at the Morphology Department at the university would represent a health risk. The simultaneous monitoring of area concentrations and personal exposure showed that the characteristics of classes and of cadavers?? parts, the number of students in the room and even the activities of the monitors influence the FA concentrations.


This study revealed that the concentration of FA was low in the ventilated areas of the Morphology Department, and that the personal exposure when the person was close to the cadavers during the dissection procedure was higher than the mean FA concentration. This should be considered in the risk assessment of FA during these activities without effective protection equipment. It is suggested that the Brazilian legislation of exposure to formaldehyde requires an urgent update considering international legislation.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about many critical issues in all aspects such as economy, environment, health, and lifestyle, but people always try to find some response to crisis in different conditions. E-learning is defined as an elaborate response aiming at continuing education during the COVID-19 pandemic. It seems that developed countries have established and adjusted their technological infrastructures for the transition from a face-to-face education to a digital one. In contrast, developing countries were not completely prepared for this transition. Improper and deficient technological and practical fundamentals have been causing problems for all students, instructors, and other involved individuals. Therefore, we reviewed the challenges that have arisen from e-learning during the COVID-19 outbreak in different parts of tertiary education focusing on underprivileged countries.

Surface sediment samples (n = 18) were collected from the Algerian Mediterranean coasts and analyzed for seven metals using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry in order to asses the distribution and bioavailability of metals and to study the anthropogenic factors affecting their concentrations. Sediment samples were size-fractionated into three sizes: 1,080–500 (coarse), 500–250 (medium), and <250 mm (fine). Bulk sediments were subjected to both sequential extraction and total digestion to evaluate the reliability of the sequential extraction procedure (SEP), while the fractions have been only sequentially extracted for metals speciation. The metals were sequentially extracted into five phases namely exchangeable (P1), carbonates (P2), Fe–Mn oxides (P3), organic (P4) and residual (P5). Metal recoveries in sequential extractions were ±20% of the independently measured total metal concentrations; the high recovery rates indicate the good reliability of the SEP used in this study. Correlation coefficients indicated that the grain size has an effect on the distribution of metals in the investigated samples. The order of metal levels in the fractions was medium > fine > coarse for all the metals. The average total extractable metal concentrations for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn were 1.1, 8.8, 4.7, 1,291.3, 13.9, 5.7 and 20.4 μg/g, respectively. The northeastern shelf had the lowest metal levels while the highest were in northwestern part mainly due to the significant tourism activities in the northwestern part. Comparison of our results to Earth’s crust values and to previous studies points out that our samples were relatively unpolluted with respect to the heavy metals investigated; most of the metals are not from anthropogenic sources. Enrichment factors as the criteria for examining the impact of the anthropogenic sources of heavy metals were calculated, and it was observed that the investigated samples were not contaminated with Cr, Cu, and Fe, moderately contaminated with Ni, Pb, and Cd, and contaminated with Cd in some sites. The P5 phase had the highest percents of Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn. Cadmium and lead were predominant in the P4 phase, while Cu, Fe and Zn were distributed in the order P5 > P3 > P4 > P2 > P1. The following order of bioavailability was found with the heavy metals Pb > Cr > Cd > Ni > Zn > Cu > Fe.  相似文献   
This study investigated the electrochemical oxidation of stabilized leachate from Pulau Burung semi-aerobic sanitary landfill by conducting laboratory experiments with sodium sulfate Na2SO4 (as electrolyte) and graphite carbon electrodes. The control parameters were influent COD, current density and reaction time, while the responses were BOD removal, COD removal, BOD:COD ratio, color and pH. Na2SO4 concentration was 1 g/L. Experiments were conducted based on a three-level factorial design and response surface methodology (RSM) was used to analyze the results. The optimum conditions were obtained as 1414 mg/L influent COD concentration, 79.9 mA/cm2 current density and 4 h reaction time. This resulted in 70% BOD removal, 68% COD removal, 84% color removal, 0.04 BOD/COD ratio and 9.1 pH. Electrochemical treatment using graphite carbon electrode was found to be effective in BOD, COD and color removal but was not effective in increasing the BOD/COD ratio or enhancing biodegradability of the leachate. The color intensity of the treated samples increased at low influent COD and high current density due to corrosion of electrode material.  相似文献   

Fluoride is highly present in the environment, especially in water and its derivatives. Excessive fluoride contribution to diet poses a health risk. Tea leaves accumulate fluoride and the consumption of tea (Camellia sinensis) could pose a risk to human by the excessive fluoride intake. Ninety tea samples were analyzed by potentiometry using a selective fluoride ion electrode. Mixed tea samples (2.82?±?1.11 mg/L) and black tea samples (2.28?±?0.79 mg/L) recorded the highest fluoride levels. The contribution of drinking water is important for increasing fluoride levels in teas. The daily consumption of two cups (250 mL per cup) of mixed and black teas prepared with La Laguna tap water does pose a health risk for children (4–8 years old) because of the high contribution percentages (74.4% and 63.6%, respectively) of the Tolerable Upper Intake Level set in 2.5 mg/day by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). A minor consumption in children (4–8 years old) and adults during pregnancy is advisable.

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