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1978—1994年分省农业旱灾灾情的经验正交函数EOF分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文利用1978~1994年各省、市、自治区的农业旱灾受灾面积及播种面积的资料,以旱灾受灾率(即旱灾受灾面积与播种面积之比)作为刻划旱灾灾情的指标。对标准化的旱灾受灾率进行经验正交函数分析,发现前五个典型场方差贡献达70.7%,可以概括我国旱灾灾情的空间分布主要类型。其中,前三个典型场的正负区域分界线的大体位置分别为长城一线、秦淮线和江南丘陵北缘  相似文献   
低碳试点工作正在全国试点省市全面展开,试点省市分别制定了适合当地特色的低碳发展工作方案,这些工作方案中均运用了认证体系这一典型自愿性工具。本文详细介绍了绿色建筑评价标识、低碳产品认证制度和低碳企业认定标准三个方面的认证体系。研究表明,在已经取得的低碳试点阶段性成果中,认证体系已成为低碳发展的强效助推剂。  相似文献   
一体化接触氧化反应器处理景区生活污水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常州某旅游景区采用一体化生活污水处理装置处理该区生活污水,通过试验确定反应器的最佳工艺参数,研究表明采用接触氧化反应器处理农村污水,在反应器内溶解氧维持在2.0~4.0 mg/L,水力负荷为3.53 m3/(m3.d)的运行条件下,对COD、NH3-N及TN去除率分别达80.82%、69.12%、63.16%,出水可稳定达GB18918-2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》一级标准。  相似文献   
钢渣处理技术的环境性能比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着钢铁工业的快速发展,大量钢渣弃置堆积,不仅成为环境污染源,而且占用大量的土地。目前钢渣处理技术较多,其中主要的处理方法有冷弃法、热闷法、热泼法、浅盘法、水淬法、风淬法等。本研究采用生命周期评价方法,对主要钢渣处理技术进行评估,定义了生命周期评估边界和清单指标,建立了清单计算模型,得到了不同钢渣处理技术的生命周期清单。为了提高结果的可信性,对模型进行了不确定性分析。结果表明滚筒法和风淬法的环境性能较好,是值得推广的钢渣处理技术。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the evolution of generation technology-mix in Australia, with specific emphasis on understanding how such evolution has been shaped by wider political and socio-economic influences. This assessment is predicated on the argument that the contemporary, quintessentially techno-economic, policy discourse on renewable energy is deficient, as it ignores climacteric political and socio-economic influences on generation technology-mix. The methodological framework employed in this paper is informed by the core tenets of technological change theory. The assessment suggests that generation technology-mix in Australia has historically been overwhelmingly influenced by the underlying technological paradigm of the electricity industry; and that this technological paradigm essentially draws its imprimatur from the wider political and socio-economic contexts. By implication, it suggests that a rapid uptake of renewables will have widespread ramifications, extending into political, socio-economic and cultural realms of a society. Clearly, existing policy discourse – that tends to focus on technical potentials, cost competitiveness, externalities and risks of various renewable technologies – is deficient. A much broader discourse is needed. This paper also made an attempt to develop a basis for such a discourse by reviewing broader aspects of the Australian society that would be affected by a rapid uptake of renewables.  相似文献   
采用飞灰和水菱镁石水合搅拌制备飞灰/水菱镁石新型复合脱硫剂,模拟湿法烟气脱硫过程,采用正交实验分析法探讨了液固比(质量比)、反应温度、搅拌速度以及鼓泡深度4个因素对脱硫效率的影响。结果发现:复合脱硫剂的比表面积增大,这有利于该复合脱硫剂与气相SO2的接触和反应,因而提高了脱硫效率。复合脱硫剂的最佳反应组合:液固比为15.0∶1.0、反应温度为常温(20℃)、搅拌速度为150r/min、鼓泡深度为2.0cm,该条件下脱硫效率为98.58%。  相似文献   
根据建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价技术导则要求,通过对油气田地面工程职业病危害控制效果评价及职业病防护设施竣工验收的实践经验,归纳评价过程中现场调查及检测常见的实际问题及难点,总结经验,探讨解决对策,使油气田建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价更加科学、公正、客观、真实。  相似文献   
The present work compares the efficiency of homogenous Fenton and photo-Fenton processes in the presence of Fe(III)–EDDS complex under different experimental conditions. 4-tert-Butylphenol (4-t-BP), which is one of the endocrine disrupting chemicals, was used as a model pollutant to investigate the Fenton and photo-Fenton application. The efficiency of homogenous photo-Fenton process was significantly much higher than homogenous Fenton process, which is due to the rapid formation of Fe2+ under UV irradiation of the iron complex and the photochemical formation of HO? from the photolysis of the complex Fe(III)–EDDS. Through the degradation of 4-t-BP, the effect of Fe(III)–EDDS concentration, H2O2 concentration, pH, and oxygen was investigated in both processes. Such trend was also correlated with pH calculating the polychromatic Fe2+ quantum yield formation at pH 4.0, 6.0, and 8.6. The results showed that at high Fe(III)–EDDS and H2O2 concentrations, a negative effect was found. By the way, the Fenton process was found to be enhanced at basic pH. These results can be very useful for the use and optimization of such iron complex in water treatment process as function of different physico-chemical conditions.  相似文献   
植物和土壤的δ13C(碳同位素组成)能可靠记录环境信息,综合反映植物的生理生态特征以及碳循环过程中的生物化学过程,为人们理解生态系统碳循环提供有用信息.因此,研究植物和土壤的δ13C与环境因子的关系可以揭示生态系统碳循环的格局及其控制因子,进而有效预测全球变化及其对生态系统的影响.对植物和土壤的δ13C以及二者的差值(Δδ13C)与气候因子(如温度、降水量、大气压强等)、土壤因子(如C/N、土壤质地、土壤pH等)的关系进行了综述.现有研究表明:C3植物的δ13C与降水量、大气压强均呈负相关,与温度的关系非常复杂,而针对C4植物和在群落水平上开展的研究还较少;土壤δ13C与降水量、土壤C/N、土壤w(粉粒)及w(黏粒)均呈负相关,与温度、土壤pH、土壤w(砂粒)均呈正相关,然而环境因素间的耦合作用使得情况复杂化,多种环境因素的匹配关系究竟如何影响土壤δ13C的机制问题仍有待深入研究;Δδ13C能够更加全面准确地反映土壤碳循环信息,但对其与环境因子关系的研究较少,并且影响Δδ13C的驱动因子及机制也不明确.因此,在土壤-植物体系内,同时在物种和群落水平上,进行植物和土壤δ13C特别是Δδ13C与环境因子关系的研究,能够更加准确地预测和揭示环境变化对生态系统碳循环的影响,这也将是今后该领域的研究重点.   相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The problems of data leakage and unreliable information transfer in the management process make sustainability management an inevitable need for...  相似文献   
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