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Different livestock feeds manipulations have been reported to reduce the total P concentration in manure. Information on the influence of these dietary manipulation strategies on the forms of P in manure is, however, limited. This study was, therefore, conducted to investigate the effect of diet manipulation through feed micronization and enzyme supplementation on the forms of P in swine manure. Eight growing pigs were fed four diets: barley-raw pea (BRP), barley-micronized pea (BMP), barley-raw pea with enzyme (BRPE), and barley-micronized pea with enzyme (BMPE) in a 4 x 4 Latin square design. Because we are interested in the effect of enzyme cocktail and pea micronization on manure P, we did not reduce the non-phytate P with enzyme addition in this study. The fecal material and urine were collected and analyzed for total P. Fecal material was fractionated to determine the total P in H2O-, NaHCO3-, NaOH-, and HCl-extractable fractions. The total P in the residual fractions was also determined. About 98% of the total P excreted by the pigs was found in the fecal material. Inclusion of micronized pea in pig diet did not have any significant effect (p > 0.1) on either the total P or the different P fractions in the manure. The labile P (the sum of H2O-P and NaHCO3-P) was significantly reduced (p < 0.05) by the addition of enzyme to swine diets. Pigs fed the BRPE and BMPE had 14 and 18% lower labile P, respectively, compared with pigs fed the BRP. Enzyme addition to pig diets reduced not only the total P in manure, but also the labile P fraction, which is of great environmental concern. Thus, the potential of P loss to runoff and the subsequent eutrophication can be reduced by enzyme addition to pig diets.  相似文献   
Prediction of phosphorus (P) availability from soil-applied composts and manure is important for agronomic and environmental reasons. This study utilized chemical properties of eight composted and two non-composted beef cattle (Bos taurus) manures to predict cumulative phosphorus uptake (CPU) during a 363-d controlled environment chamber bioassay. Ten growth cycles of canola (Brassica napus L.) were raised in pots containing 2 kg of a Dark Brown Chernozemic clay loam soil (fine-loamy, mixed, Typic Haploboroll) mixed with 0.04 kg of the amendments. Inorganic P fertilizer (KH2PO4) and an unamended control were included for comparison. All treatments received a nutrient solution containing an adequate supply of all essential nutrients, except P, which was supplied by the amendments. Cumulative P uptake was similar for composted (74 mg kg-1 soil) and non-composted manures (60 mg kg-1 soil) and for the latter and the fertilizer (40 mg kg-1 soil). However, the CPU was significantly higher for organic amendments than the control (24 mg kg-1 soil) and for composted manure than the fertilizer. Apparent phosphorus recovery (APR) from composted manure (24%) was significantly lower than that from non-composted manure (33%), but there was no significant difference in APR between the organic amendments and the fertilizer (27%). Partial least squares (PLS) regression indicated that only two parameters [total water-extractable phosphorus (TPH2O) and total phosphorus (TP) concentration of amendments] were adequate to model amendment-derived cumulative phosphorus uptake (ACPU), explaining 81% of the variation in ACPU. These results suggest that P availability from soil-applied composted and non-composted manures can be adequately predicted from a few simple amendment chemical measurements. Accurate prediction of P availability and plant P recovery may help tailor manure and compost applications to plant needs and minimize the buildup of bioavailable P, which can contribute to eutrophication of sensitive aquatic systems.  相似文献   
The degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS) has been used in evaluating the risk of P loss from soil to runoff. While techniques are available for calculating DPS for acid soils, no widely used technique exists for neutral to calcareous soils that are typical of the Northern Great Plains, including Manitoba (Canada) soils. This study aimed to develop techniques of calculating the DPS of neutral to alkaline soils. Four measures of soil labile P and ten indices of P sorption capacity were used to calculate the DPS of 115 Manitoba soils. The various DPS calculated were evaluated using water-extractable ((H2O)) P as an index of P susceptibility to runoff loss. The DPS obtained using Olsen-extractable ((Ols)) P and the Langmuir adsorption maximum (ES(max)) ranged from 0.5 to 31.9% while those obtained from P(Ols) and the single-point adsorption index (P(150)) ranged from 0.9 to 73.9%. Of all the DPS evaluated, those that included P(Ols) and Mehlich 3-extractable ((M3)) P as the numerator with either P(150) or ES(max) as the denominator were fairly well correlated with P(H2O) (r values ranged between 0.45 and 0.63). Along with ES(max) and P(150), a new method of calculating DPS was formulated as the ratio of P(Ols) or P(M3) to Ca(M3) or (Ca + Mg)(M3). We found that the ratio of ammonium oxalate-extractable ((ox)) P to (Al + Fe)(ox), which has been widely used to calculate DPS in acid soils, was not suitable for neutral to alkaline soils of Manitoba. In these neutral to alkaline soils, Ca(M3) or (Ca + Mg)(M3) were better indices of P sorption capacity while P(Ols) and P(M3) provided better estimates of labile soil P. The DPS calculated using Ca(M3) or (Ca + Mg)(M3) were well correlated with P(H2O); however, they were numerically smaller than those obtained from the Langmuir adsorption maximum. As such, a saturation coefficient (alpha) with a value of 0.2 was generated to improve the numerical values of the newly estimated DPS. This new approach can be used to estimate the DPS in neutral and calcareous soils without the need to generate a P adsorption maximum.  相似文献   
The chemical forms of phosphorus in organic amendments are essential variables for proper management of these amendments for agro-environmental purposes. This study was performed to elucidate the forms of phosphorus in various organic amendments using state-of-the-art spectroscopic techniques. Anaerobically digested biosolids (BIO), hog (HOG), dairy (DAIRY), beef (BEEF), and poultry (POULTRY) manures were subjected to sequential extraction. The extracts and residues after extraction were analyzed by solution (31)P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and synchrotron-based P 1s X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopies, respectively. Most of the total P analyzed by inductively coupled plasma- optical emission spectroscopy in the sequential extracts of organic amendments was orthophosphate, except POULTRY, which was dominated by organic P. The labile P fraction in all the organic amendments, excluding POULTRY, was mainly orthophosphate from readily soluble calcium and some aluminum phosphates. In the poultry litter, Ca phytate was the main P species controlling P solubility. The recalcitrant fraction of BIO was mainly associated with Al and Fe. Those of HOG, DAIRY, and POULTRY were calcium phytate, which were identified only as organic species in the XANES spectra. The combination of the three techniques-sequential chemical extraction, solution (31)P NMR spectroscopy, and P 1s XANES-provided molecular characterization of P in organic amendments that would not have been possible with just one or a combination of any two of these techniques. Therefore, P speciation of organic amendments should use solid-phase and aqueous speciation techniques as deemed feasible.  相似文献   
This study was performed to determine the forms of P and to examine the influence of oven-drying on P forms in different organic amendments. Samples of biosolids, beef and dairy cattle manures, and hog manures from sow and nursery barns were used in this study. Both fresh and oven-dried amendments were analyzed for inorganic (Pi), organic (Po), and total phosphorus using a modified Hedley fractionation technique. Water extracted about 10% of total biosolids P and 30 to 40% of total hog and cattle manure P. The amount of P extracted by NaHCO3 ranged from 21 to 32% of total P in all organic amendments except in the dairy cattle manure with 45% of total P. The labile P fraction (sum of H2O- and NaHCO3-extractable P) was 24% of biosolids P, 60% of hog manure P, and 70% of dairy cattle manure P. The residual P was about 10% in biosolids and cattle manures and 5 to 8% in hog manures. Oven-drying caused a transformation in forms of P in the organic amendments. In hog manures, H2O-extractable Po was transformed to Pi, while in the dairy manure NaHCO3-extractable P was converted to H2O-extractable Pi with oven-drying. Therefore, caution should be exercised in using oven-drying for studies that evaluate forms of P in organic amendments. Overall, these results indicate that biosolids P may be less susceptible to loss by water when added to agricultural land.  相似文献   
The risk of P loss from manured soils is more related to P fractions than total P concentration in manure. This study examined the impact of manure P fractions on P losses from liquid swine manure- (LSM), solid cattle manure- (SCM), and monoammonium phosphate- (MAP) treated soils. Manure or fertilizer was applied at 50 mg P kg soil, mixed, and incubated at 20°C for 6 wk to simulate the interaction between applied P and soil when P is applied well in advance of a high risk period for runoff. Phosphorus fractions in manure were determined using the modified Hedley fractionation scheme. We used simulated rainfall (75 mm h?1 for 1 h) to quantify P losses in runoff from two soils (sand and clay loam). The proportion of total labile P (total P in water+NaHCO fractions) in manure was significantly greater in LSM (70%) than SCM (44%). Mean dissolved reactive P (DRP) load in runoff over 60 min was greatest from MAP-treated soil (18.1 mg tray?1), followed by LSM- (14.0 mg tray?1) and SCM- (11.0 mg tray?1) treated soils, all of which were greater than mean DRP load from the check (5.2 mg tray?1). Total labile P (water+NaHCO) in manure was a more accurate predictor of runoff DRP loads than water extractable P, alone, for these two soils. Therefore, NaHCO extraction of manure P may be a useful tool for managing the risk of manure P runoff losses when manure is applied outside a high risk period for runoff loss.  相似文献   
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