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In this study two sites were selected in order to investigate groundwater contamination and spatial relationships among groundwater quality, topography, geology, landuse and pollution sources. One site is the Asan area, an agricultural district where pollution sources are scattered and which is mainly underlain by granite of Cretaceous age. The other site is the Gurogu area of Seoul city, an industrial district where an industrial complex and residential areas are located and which is mainly underlain by gneiss of Precambrian age. Groundwater samples collected from these districts were analysed for chemical constituents. An attribute value files of chemical constituents of groundwater and the spatial data layers were constructed and pollution properties were investigated to establish out spatial relationships between the groundwater constituents and pollution sources using geographic information systems (GIS).Relatively high contents of Si and HCO3 in the groundwater from the Asan area reflect the effect of water–rock interaction whereas high contents of Cl, NO3 and Ca2+ in the groundwater from the Gurogu area are due to the pollution of various sources. The significant seasonal variation of SiO2, HCO2 and Ca2+ contents, and that of Ca2+ content were observed in the Asan and the Gurogu areas, respectively. Seasonal variation of pollutants such as Cl, NO3 and SO4 2– was not observed in either area. Pollution over the critical level of the Korean drinking water standard has been investigated from 15 sampling sites out of 40 in the Asan area, and 33 sampling sites out of 51 in the Gurogu area. Pollution by NO3 , Cl, Fe2+, Mn2+, SO4 2– and Zn2+ in the groundwater from the industrial district (Gurogu area) and that of NO3 , SO4 2– and Zn2+ in the groundwater from the agricultural district (Asan area) were observed. The principal pollutant in both areas is NO3 . Deep groundwater from the Asan area is not yet contaminated with NO3 except for one site, but most of the shallow groundwater site occurring near the potential point sources is seriously contaminated. From the result of buffering analysis, it seems clear that factories and stock farms are the principal pollution sources in the Asan area. The groundwater from the Gurogu area has already been seriously polluted considering the fact of NO3 contamination of deep groundwater. Chlorine pollution of shallow groundwater in the Gurogu area was also observed. Spatial relationship between pollution level and its source was clarified in this study by using GIS, which will be applicable to the effective management of groundwater quality.  相似文献   
为研究沈阳市大气中PM2.5及其水溶性离子的污染特征、季节差异和来源情况,使用URG-9000D在线监测系统对沈阳市2019年大气颗粒物进行连续的采样分析,并利用正交矩阵因子分析法(PMF)进行污染物的来源解析.结果 表明,2019年沈阳市秋冬季节PM2.5质量浓度变化受相对湿度影响较大,冬季PM2.5平均质量浓度达到85.76 μg·m-3,细粒子污染较为严重.沈阳市大气PM2.5中SNA(SO42-、NO3和NH4+)所占比重表现为春季最高秋季最低;夏季SO42-和NH4+浓度较高,而NO3-浓度较低.SO42-在夏季呈单峰型日变化,与NO3-变化趋势相反.春夏秋三季NH4+与SO42-、NO3-主要结合为(NH4)2SO4和NH4NO3,冬季NH4+主要以(NH4)2SO4和NH4HSO4的形式存在.沈阳市存在较强的SO2和NOx二次转化现象,且各季节中SO2的转化率均高于NO2.PMF源解析结果表明,二次源对沈阳市大气污染贡献最大,夏秋季生物质燃烧和冬季燃煤源贡献同样不可忽视.  相似文献   
Levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, manganese, selenium, and strontium88 were examined in heart, kidney, muscle, spleen and liver of raccoons (Procyon lotor) from four areas on the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS), including near a former reactor cooling reservoir and a coal ash basin, and from public hunting areas within 15 km of the site. Mercury is mentioned briefly because it is discussed more fully in another paper. We test the hypotheses that there are no differences in metal levels between raccoons on SRS and off the SRS (off-site), and among different locations on the SRS. Although raccoons collected off-site had significantly lower levels of mercury and selenium in both the liver and kidney, there were few consistencies otherwise. There were significantly higher levels of cadmium in liver of on-site compared to off-site raccoons, and significantly higher levels of chromium and strontium88 in kidney of on-site compared to off-site raccoons. Copper and manganese were highest in the liver; cadmium, lead, mercury and selenium were highest in the liver and kidney; chromium was highest in the spleen and muscle; arsenic was highest in the heart, and strontium88 was slightly higher in the kidney than other organs. Where there were significant differences on site, chromium, manganese were highest in raccoon tissues from Steel Creek; arsenic, lead and selenium were highest in the Ash Basin; cadmium was highest at Upper Three Runs; and strontium88 was highest at Upper Three Runs and Steel Creek. The patterns were far from consistent.  相似文献   
Blood of adult and juvenile black and turkey vultures in the Savannah River Site of South Carolina, USA was analyzed for the presence of 2,3,7,8-chlorine substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (2,3,7,8-PCDDs), dibenzofurans (2,3,7,8-PCDFs), -dioxin-like and -di-ortho polychlorinated biphenyls. Concentration ranges of 2,3,7,8-PCDD/DFs in blood of black and turkey vultures were 14.2-34.6 and 8.7-56.2 pg/ml wet wt., respectively. Dioxin-like PCBs were in the ranges of 815-4627 and 753-3611 pg/ml wet wt. respectively, in black and turkey vultures. Considerable concentrations of two congeners of di-ortho PCBs were noticed in the ranges of 1415-10325 and 663-7500 pg/ml respectively, in black and turkey vultures. Comparatively, greater toxic equivalency (TEQ) were observed in blood of turkey vultures with the ranges of 3.2-20, whereas black vulture contained 1.8-8.4 pgTEQ/ml wet wt. basis. The species-specific accumulation profiles of PCDD/DFs and dioxin-like PCBs may reflect the different feeding habits, ecology, metabolic capacity and migratory movements of these two scavenging species.  相似文献   
Ecological half-life (Te) is a useful measure for studying the long-term decline of contaminants, such as radionuclides, in natural systems. The current investigation determined levels of radiocesium (137Cs) in two aquatic (Polygonum punctatum, Sagittaria latifolia) and three terrestrial (Alnus serrulata, Myrica cerifera, Salix nigra) plant species from a contaminated stream and floodplain on the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site. Current 137Cs levels in plants were used in conjunction with historical data to determine Te of 137Cs in each species. Median concentrations of 137Cs were highest in S. latifolia (0.84 Bq g(-1)) and lowest in M. cerifera (0.10 Bq g(-1)). Te's ranged from 4.85 yr in M. cerifera to 8.35 yr in S. nigra, both terrestrial species. Te's for all aquatic (6.30 yr) and all terrestrial (5.87) species combined were very similar. The Te's of the two aquatic primary producers (P. punctatum and S. latifolia) in the Steel Creek ecosystem were somewhat longer than Te values previously reported for some consumers from this ecosystem.  相似文献   
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