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Our aim was to test the effects of simulated acid rain (SAR) at different pHs, when applied to fertilized and unfertilized soils, on the leaching of soil cations (K, Ca, Mg, Na) and Al. Their effects on soil pH, exchangeable H+ and Al3+ and microbial community structure were also determined. A Paleudalfs soil was incubated for 30 days, with and without an initial application of urea (200 mg N kg?1soil) as nitrogen (N) fertilizer. The soil was held in columns and leached with SAR at three pH levels. Six treatments were tested: SAR of pH 2.5, 4.0 and 5.6 leaching on unfertilized soil (T1, T2 and T3), and on soils fertilized with urea (T4, T5 and T6). Increasing acid inputs proportionally increased cation leaching in both unfertilized and fertilized soils. Urea application increased the initial Ca and Mg leaching, but had no effect on the total concentrations of Ca, Mg and K leached. There was no significant difference for the amount of Na leached between the different treatments. The SAR pH and urea application had significant effects on soil pH, exchangeable H+ and Al3+. Urea application, SAR treated with various pH, and the interactions between them all had significant impacts on total phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs). The highest concentration of total PLFAs occurred in fertilized soils with SAR pH5.6 and the lowest in soils leached with the lowest SAR pH. Soils pretreated with urea then leached with SARs of pH 4.0 and 5.6 had larger total PLFA concentrations than soil without urea. Bacterial, fungal, actinomycete, Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial PLFAs had generally similar trends to total PLFAs.  相似文献   
Centrality metrics evaluate paths between all possible pairwise combinations of sites on a landscape to rank the contribution of each site to facilitating ecological flows across the network of sites. Computational advances now allow application of centrality metrics to landscapes represented as continuous gradients of habitat quality. This avoids the binary classification of landscapes into patch and matrix required by patch-based graph analyses of connectivity. It also avoids the focus on delineating paths between individual pairs of core areas characteristic of most corridor- or linkage-mapping methods of connectivity analysis. Conservation of regional habitat connectivity has the potential to facilitate recovery of the gray wolf (Canis lupus), a species currently recolonizing portions of its historic range in the western United States. We applied 3 contrasting linkage-mapping methods (shortest path, current flow, and minimum-cost-maximum-flow) to spatial data representing wolf habitat to analyze connectivity between wolf populations in central Idaho and Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming). We then applied 3 analogous betweenness centrality metrics to analyze connectivity of wolf habitat throughout the northwestern United States and southwestern Canada to determine where it might be possible to facilitate range expansion and interpopulation dispersal. We developed software to facilitate application of centrality metrics. Shortest-path betweenness centrality identified a minimal network of linkages analogous to those identified by least-cost-path corridor mapping. Current flow and minimum-cost-maximum-flow betweenness centrality identified diffuse networks that included alternative linkages, which will allow greater flexibility in planning. Minimum-cost-maximum-flow betweenness centrality, by integrating both land cost and habitat capacity, allows connectivity to be considered within planning processes that seek to maximize species protection at minimum cost. Centrality analysis is relevant to conservation and landscape genetics at a range of spatial extents, but it may be most broadly applicable within single- and multispecies planning efforts to conserve regional habitat connectivity.  相似文献   
In many intensive agroecosystems continued inputs of phosphorus (P) over many years can significantly increase soil P concentrations and the risk of P loss to surface waters. For this study we used solid-state 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, high-power decoupling with magic angle spinning (HPDec-MAS) NMR, and cross polarization with magic angle spinning (CP-MAS) NMR to determine the chemical nature of potentially mobile P associated with aluminum (Al) and calcium (Ca) in selected arable soils. Three soils with a range of bicarbonate-extractable Olsen P concentrations (40-102 mg P kg(-1)) were obtained from a long-term field experiment on continuous root crops at Rothamsted, UK, established in 1843 (sampled 1958). This soil has a threshold or change point at 59 mg Olsen P kg(-1), above which potentially mobile P (as determined by extraction with water or 0.01 M CaCl2) increases much more per unit increase in Olsen P than below this point. Results showed that CaCl2 and water preferentially extracted Al-P and Ca-P forms, respectively, from the soils. Comparison among the different soils also indicated that potentially mobile P above the threshold was largely present as a combination of soluble and loosely adsorbed (protonated-cross polarized) P forms largely associated with Ca, such as monetite (CaHPO4) and dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (CaHPO4-2H2O), and some Al-associated P as wavellite. The findings of this study demonstrate that solid-state NMR has the potential to provide accurate information on the chemical nature of soil P species and their potential mobility.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of phosphorus solubilisation in a limed soil as a function of pH   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Phosphorus (P) quantity-intensity relationships are central to the solubility and release of P from soil to water. Relationships between P extractable by 0.5 M NaHCO extractable P (Olsen P; quantity, Q) and P extractable by 0.01 M CaCl(2) (CaCl(2)-P; possible predictor of soil solution or drainage water P; intensity, I) are curvilinear: above a certain Olsen P concentration, CaCl(2)-P becomes much more soluble than when below it. Aluminium-, Fe- and Ca-P forms (extractable by Olsen's reagent) are thought to control P solubility. Thus, our objectives were to identify P forms in equilibrium with CaCl(2)-P via solubility equilibrium experiments, and the behaviour of CaCl(2)-P in relation to Al, Fe and Ca associated P, determined with 31P high power decoupling magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P HPDec/MAS NMR). Results indicated that two Q-I relationships occurred, one for soils above pH 5.8, and the other for soils below pH 5.8. Above pH 5.8, soils were saturated with respect to hydroxyapatite (Ca(5)(PO(4))(3)OH) and undersaturated with respect to beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-Ca(3)(PO(4))(2)), while log ion-activity products showed that all soils and pHs were either saturated or in equilibrium with variscite (AlPO(4).2H(2)O) or its amorphous analogue. Using 31P HPDec/MAS NMR, Ca-P was best correlated with CaCl(2)-P in soils above pH 5.8, and with Al-P in soils below this pH. This study demonstrates the value of solid-state NMR in conjunction with wet chemical techniques for the study of labile P and P loss from pasture soils with a wide range of managements.  相似文献   
How integrated is river basin management?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Land and water management is increasingly focused upon the drainage basin. Thirty-six terms recently used for schemes of “integrated basin management” include reference to the subject or area and to the aims of integrated river basin management, often without allusion to the multiobjective nature. Diversity in usage of terms has occurred because of the involvement of different disciplines, of the increasing coherence of the drainage basin approach, and the problems posed in particular parts of the world. The components included in 21 different approaches are analyzed, and, in addition to showing that components related broadly to water supply, river channel, land, and leisure aspects, it is concluded that there are essentially five interrelated facets of integrated basin management that involved water, channel, land, ecology, and human activity. Two aspects not fully included in many previous schemes concern river channel changes and the dynamic integrity of the fluvial system. To clarify the terminology used, it is suggested that the termcomprehensive river basin management should be used where a wide range of components is involved, whereasintegrated basin management can signify the interactions of components and the dominance of certain components in the particular area.Holistic river basin management is advocated as a term representing an approach that is both fully comprehensive and integrated but also embraces the energetics of the river system and consideration of changes of river channels and of human impacts throughout the river system. The paradigm of working with the river can be extended to one of working with the river in the holistic basin context.  相似文献   
Fate and transport of pathogens in lakes and reservoirs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Outbreaks of water-borne disease via public water supplies continue to be reported in developed countries even though there is increased awareness of, and treatment for, pathogen contamination. Pathogen episodes in lakes and reservoirs are often associated with rain events, and the riverine inflow is considered to be major source of pathogens. Consequently, the behaviour of these inflows is of particular importance in determining pathogen transport and distribution. Inflows are controlled by their density relative to that of the lake, such that warm inflows will flow over the surface of the lake as a buoyant surface flow and cold, dense inflows will sink beneath the lake water where they will flow along the bathymetry towards the deepest point. The fate of pathogens is determined by loss processes including settling and inactivation by temperature, UV and grazing. The general trend is for the insertion timescale to be shortest, followed by sedimentation losses and temperature inactivity. The fate of Cryptosporidium due to UV light inactivation can occur at opposite ends of the scale, depending on the location of the oocysts in the water column and the extinction coefficient for UV light. For this reason, the extinction coefficient for UV light appears to be a vitally important parameter for determining the risk of Cryptosporidium contamination. For risk assessment of pathogens in supply reservoirs, it is important to understand the role of hydrodynamics in determining the timescale of transport to the off-take relative to the timescale of inactivation. The characteristics of the riverine intrusion must also be considered when designing a sampling program for pathogens. A risk management framework is presented that accounts for pathogen fate and transport for reservoirs.  相似文献   
Biological and chemical stabilization of organic C was assessed in soils sampled from the long-term experiments at Rothamsted (UK), representing a wide range of carbon inputs and managements by extracting labile, non-humified organic matter (NH) and humic substances (HS). Four sequentially extracted humic substances fractions of soil organic matter (SOM) were extracted and characterized before and after a 215-day laboratory incubation at 25 degrees C from two arable soils, a woodland soil and an occasionally stubbed soil. The fractions corresponded to biochemically stabilised SOM extracted in 0.5M NaOH (free fulvic acids (FA) and humic acids (HA)) and chemically plus biochemically stabilised SOM extracted from the residue with 0.1M Na4P2O7 plus 0.1M NaOH (bound FA and HA). Our aim was to investigate the effects of chemical and biochemical stabilization on carbon sequestration. The non-humic to humic (NH/H) C ratio separated the soils into two distinct groups: arable soils (unless fertilised with farmyard manure) had an NH/H C ratio between 1.05 and 0.71, about twice that of the other soils (0.51-0.26). During incubation a slow, but detectable, decrease in the NH/H C ratio occurred in soils of C input equivalent or lower to 4Mgha(-1)y(-1), whereas the ratio remained practically constant in the other soils. Before incubation the free to bound humic C ratio increased linearly (R2=0.91) with C inputs in the soils from the Broadbalk experiment and decreased during incubation, showing that biochemical stabilization is less effective than chemical stabilization in preserving humic C. Changes in delta13C and delta15N after incubation were confined to the free FA fractions. The delta13C of free FA increased by 1.48 and 0.80 per thousand, respectively, in the stubbed and woodland soils, indicating a progressive biological transformation. On the contrary, a decrease was observed for the bound FA of both soils. Concomitantly, a Deltadelta15N of up to +3.52 per thousand was measured after incubation in the free FA fraction and a -2.58 Deltadelta15N in the bound FA. These changes, which occurred during soil incubation in the absence of C inputs, indicate that free FA fractions were utilised by soil microorganisms, and bound FA were decomposed and replaced, in part, by newly synthesized FA. The 13CPMAS-TOSS NMR spectra of free HA extracted before and after 215 days of incubation were mostly unchanged. In contrast, changes were evident in bound HA and showed an increase in aromatic C after incubation.  相似文献   
Soil organic matter comprises all dead plant and animal residues, from the most recent inputs to the most intensively humified. We have found that traces of fresh substrates at microg g(-1) soil concentrations (termed 'trigger molecules') activate the biomass to expend more energy than is contained in the original 'trigger molecules'. In contrast, we suggest that the rate limiting step in soil organic matter mineralisation is independent of microbial activity, but is governed by abiological processes (which we term the Regulatory Gate theory). These two findings have important implications for our understanding of carbon mineralisation in soil, a fundamental process in the sequestration of soil organic matter.  相似文献   
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