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Methane emissions, concentrations, and oxidation were measured on eleven MSW landfills in eleven states spanning from California to Pennsylvania during the three year study. The flux measurements were performed using a static chamber technique. Initial concentration samples were collected immediately after placement of the flux chamber. Oxidation of the emitted methane was evaluated using stable isotope techniques. When reporting overall surface emissions and percent oxidation for a landfill cover, central tendencies are typically used to report “averages” of the collected data. The objective of this study was to determine the best way to determine and report central tendencies. Results showed that 89% of the data sets of collected surface flux have lognormal distributions, 83% of the surface concentration data sets are also lognormal. Sixty seven percent (67%) of the isotope measured percent oxidation data sets are normally distributed. The distribution of data for all eleven landfills provides insight of the central tendencies of emissions, concentrations, and percent oxidation. When reporting the “average” measurement for both flux and concentration data collected at the surface of a landfill, statistical analyses provided insight supporting the use of the geometric mean. But the arithmetic mean can accurately represent the percent oxidation, as measured with the stable isotope technique. We examined correlations between surface CH4 emissions and surface air CH4 concentrations. Correlation of the concentration and flux values using the geometric mean proved to be a good fit (R2 = 0.86), indicating that surface scans are a good way of identifying locations of high emissions.  相似文献   
This study evaluated two biofilter designs to mitigate methane emissions from landfill vents. Water-spreading biofilters were designed to use the capillarity of coarse sand overlain by a finer sand to increase the active depth for methane oxidation. Compost biofilters consisted of 238-L barrels containing a 1:1 mixture (by volume) of compost to expanded polystyrene pellets. Two replicates of each type of biofilter were tested at an outdoor facility. Gas inflow consisted of an approximately 1:1 mixture (by volume) of CH4 and CO2. Methane output rates (J(out); g m(-2) day(-1)) were measured using the static chamber technique and the Pedersen et al. (2001) diffusion model. Methane oxidation rate (J(ox); g m(-2) day(-1)) and fraction of methane oxidized (f(ox)) were determined by mass balance. For methane inflow rates (J(in)) between 250 and 500 g m(-2) day(-1), the compost biofilter J(ox), 242 g m(-2) day(-1), was not significantly different (P = 0.0647) than the water-spreading biofilter J(ox), 203 g m(-2) day(-1); and the compost f(ox), 69%, was not significantly different (P = 0.7354) than water-spreading f(ox), 63%. The water-spreading biofilter was shown to generally perform as well as the compost biofilter, and it may be easier to implement at a landfill and require less maintenance.  相似文献   
The release of methane (CH4) from landfills to the atmosphere and the oxidation of CH4 in the cover soils were quantified with static chambers and a 13C-isotope technique on two landfills in Sweden. One of the landfills had been closed and covered 17 years before this investigation while the other was recently covered. On both landfills, the tops of the landfills were compared with the sloping parts in the summer and winter. Emitted CH4, captured in chambers, was significantly enriched in 13C during summer compared with winter (P < 0.0001), and was enriched relative to anaerobic-zone methane. The difference between emitted and anaerobic zone delta 13C-CH4 was used to estimate soil methane oxidation. In summer, these differences ranged from 9 to 26@1000, and CH4 oxidation was estimated to be between 41 and 50% of the produced CH4 in the new landfill, and between 60 and 94% in the old landfill. In winter, when soil temperature was below 0 degree C, no difference in delta 13C was observed between emitted and anaerobic-zone CH4, suggesting that there was no soil oxidation. The temperature effect shown in this experiment suggests that there may be both seasonal and latitudinal differences in the importance of landfill CH4 oxidation. Finally the isotopic fractionation factor (alpha) varied from 1.023 to 1.038 and was temperature dependent, increasing at colder temperatures. Methanotrophic bacteria appeared to have high growth efficiencies and the majority of the methane consumed in incubations did not result in immediate CO2 production.  相似文献   
In addition to methane (CH(4)) and carbon dioxide (CO(2)), landfill gas may contain more than 200 non-methane organic compounds (NMOCs) including C(2+)-alkanes, aromatics, and halogenated hydrocarbons. Although the trace components make up less than 1% v/v of typical landfill gas, they may exert a disproportionate environmental burden. The objective of this work was to study the dynamics of CH(4) and NMOCs in the landfill cover soils overlying two types of gas collection systems: a conventional gas collection system with vertical wells and an innovative horizontal gas collection layer consisting of permeable gravel with a geomembrane above it. The 47 NMOCs quantified in the landfill gas samples included primarily alkanes (C(2)-C(10)), alkenes (C(2)-C(4)), halogenated hydrocarbons (including (hydro)chlorofluorocarbons ((H)CFCs)), and aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEXs). In general, both CH(4) and NMOC fluxes were all very small with positive and negative fluxes. The highest percentages of positive fluxes in this study (considering all quantified species) were observed at the hotspots, located mainly along cell perimeters of the conventional cell. The capacity of the cover soil for NMOC oxidation was investigated in microcosms incubated with CH(4) and oxygen (O(2)). The cover soil showed a relatively high capacity for CH(4) oxidation and simultaneous co-oxidation of the halogenated aliphatic compounds, especially at the conventional cell. Fully substituted carbons (TeCM, PCE, CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, HFC-134a, and HCFC-141b) were not degraded in the presence of CH(4) and O(2). Benzene and toluene were also degraded with relative high rates. This study demonstrates that landfill soil covers show a significant potential for CH(4) oxidation and co-oxidation of NMOCs.  相似文献   
Many developed countries have targeted landfill methane recovery among greenhouse gas mitigation strategies, since methane is the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. Major questions remain with respect to actual methane production rates in field settings and the relative mass of methane that is recovered, emitted, oxidized by methanotrophic bacteria, laterally migrated, or temporarily stored within the landfill volume. This paper presents the results of extensive field campaigns at three landfill sites to elucidate the total methane balance and provide field measurements to quantify these pathways. We assessed the overall methane mass balance in field cells with a variety of designs, cover materials, and gas management strategies. Sites included different cell configurations, including temporary clay cover, final clay cover, geosynthetic clay liners, and geomembrane composite covers, and cells with and without gas collection systems. Methane emission rates ranged from -2.2 to >10,000 mg CH(4) m(-2) d(-1). Total methane oxidation rates ranged from 4% to 50% of the methane flux through the cover at sites with positive emissions. Oxidation of atmospheric methane was occurring in vegetated soils above a geomembrane. The results of these studies were used as the basis for guidelines by the French environment agency (ADEME) for default values for percent recovery: 35% for an operating cell with an active landfill gas (LFG) recovery system, 65% for a temporary covered cell with an active LFG recovery system, 85% for a cell with clay final cover and active LFG recovery, and 90% for a cell with a geomembrane final cover and active LFG recovery.  相似文献   
The relative importance of jet fuel biodegradation relative to the respiration of natural organic matter in a contaminated organic-rich aquifer underlying a fire training area at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, USA was determined with isotopic measurements. Thirteen wells were sampled and analyzed for BTX (benzene, toluene, xylene), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and CH4 concentrations, and delta13C and 14C of DIC. Results range from non-detectable to 3790 ppb, 1.4-24 mM, 0.2-776 microM, +5.8 per thousand to -22 per thousand, and from 52 to 99 pmc, respectively. Residual fuel was confined to two center wells underlying the fire training area. DIC and CH4 concentrations were elevated down-gradient of the contamination, but also at sites that were not in the apparent flow path of the contaminated groundwater. DIC exhibited greatest delta13C enrichment at highest DIC and CH4 concentrations indicating that CH4 production was an important respiration mode. Radiocarbon-depleted DIC was observed at sites with high hydrocarbon concentrations and down-gradient of the site. The results indicate that while natural attenuation was not rapidly reducing the quantity of free product overlying the aquifer at the site of contamination, it was at least constraining its flow away from the spill site. Apparently under the conditions of this study, BTX was degraded as rapidly as it was dissolved.  相似文献   
Landfills are an anaerobic ecosystem and represent the major disposal alternative for municipal solid waste (MSW) in the U.S. While some fraction of the biogenic carbon, primarily cellulose (Cel) and hemicellulose (H), is converted to carbon dioxide and methane, lignin (L) is essentially recalcitrant. The biogenic carbon that is not mineralized is stored within the landfill. This carbon storage represents a significant component of a landfill carbon balance. The fraction of biogenic carbon that is not reactive in the landfill environment and therefore stored was derived for samples of excavated waste by measurement of the total organic carbon, its biogenic fraction, and the remaining methane potential. The average biogenic carbon content of the excavated samples was 64.6 ± 18.0% (average ± standard deviation), while the average carbon storage factor was 0.09 ± 0.06 g biogenic-C stored per g dry sample or 0.66 ± 0.16 g biogenic-C stored per g biogenic C.  相似文献   
Previous publications described the performance of biocovers constructed with a compost layer placed on select areas of a landfill surface characterized by high emissions from March 2004 to April 2005. The biocovers reduced CH4 emissions 10-fold by hydration of underlying clay soils, thus reducing the overall amount of CH4 entering them from below, and by oxidation of a greater portion of that CH4. This paper examines in detail the field observations made on a control cell and a biocover cell from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005. Field observations were coupled to a numerical model to contrast the transport and attenuation of CH4 emissions from these two cells. The model partitioned the biocover’s attenuation of CH4 emission into blockage of landfill gas flow from the underlying waste and from biological oxidation of CH4. Model inputs were daily water content and temperature collected at different depths using thermocouples and calibrated TDR probes. Simulations of CH4 transport through the two soil columns depicted lower CH4 emissions from the biocover relative to the control. Simulated CH4 emissions averaged 0.0 g m?2 d?1 in the biocover and 10.25 g m?2 d?1 in the control, while measured values averaged 0.04 g m?2 d?1 in the biocover and 14 g m?2 d?1 in the control. The simulated influx of CH4 into the biocover (2.7 g m?2 d?1) was lower than the simulated value passing into the control cell (29.4 g m?2 d?1), confirming that lower emissions from the biocover were caused by blockage of the gas stream. The simulated average rate of biological oxidation predicted by the model was 19.2 g m?2 d?1 for the control cell as compared to 2.7 g m?2 d?1 biocover. Even though its Vmax was significantly greater, the biocover oxidized less CH4 than the control cell because less CH4 was supplied to it.  相似文献   
Landfills are significant sources of atmospheric methane (CH4) that contributes to climate change, and therefore there is a need to reduce CH4 emissions from landfills. A promising cost efficient technology is to integrate compost into landfill covers (so-called “biocovers”) to enhance biological oxidation of CH4. A full scale biocover system to reduce CH4 emissions was installed at Fakse landfill, Denmark using composted yard waste as active material supporting CH4 oxidation. Ten biowindows with a total area of 5000 m2 were integrated into the existing cover at the 12 ha site. To increase CH4 load to the biowindows, leachate wells were capped, and clay was added to slopes at the site. Point measurements using flux chambers suggested in most cases that almost all CH4 was oxidized, but more detailed studies on emissions from the site after installation of the biocover as well as measurements of total CH4 emissions showed that a significant portion of the emission quantified in the baseline study continued unabated from the site. Total emission measurements suggested a reduction in CH4 emission of approximately 28% at the end of the one year monitoring period. This was supported by analysis of stable carbon isotopes which showed an increase in oxidation efficiency from 16% to 41%. The project documented that integrating approaches such a whole landfill emission measurements using tracer techniques or stable carbon isotope measurements of ambient air samples are needed to document CH4 mitigation efficiencies of biocover systems. The study also revealed that there still exist several challenges to better optimize the functionality. The most important challenges are to control gas flow and evenly distribute the gas into the biocovers.  相似文献   
In the method termed “Other Test Method-10,” the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a method to quantify emissions from nonpoint sources by the use of vertical radial plume mapping (VRPM) technique. The surface area of the emitting source and the degree to which the different zones of the emitting source are contributing to the VRPM computed emissions are often unknown. The objective of this study was to investigate and present an approach to quantify the unknown emitting surface area that is contributing to VRPM measured emissions. Currently a preexisting model known as the “multiple linear regression model,” which is described in Thoma et al. (2009 Thoma, E.R., Green, R., Hater, G., Goldsmith, C., Swan, N., Chase, M. and Hashmonay, R. 2010. Development of EPA OTM-10 for landfill applications. J. Environ. Eng., 136: 769776. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), is used for quantifying the unknown surface area.

The method investigated and presented in this paper utilized tracer tests to collect data and develop a model much like that described in Thoma et al. (2009 Thoma, E.R., Green, R., Hater, G., Goldsmith, C., Swan, N., Chase, M. and Hashmonay, R. 2010. Development of EPA OTM-10 for landfill applications. J. Environ. Eng., 136: 769776. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). However, unlike the study used for development of the multiple linear regression model, this study is considered a very limited study due to the low number of pollutant releases performed (seven total releases). It was found through this limited study that the location of an emitting source impacts VRPM computed emissions exponentially, rather than linearly (i.e., the impact that an emitting source has on VRPM measurements decreases exponentially with increasing distances between the emitting source and the VRPM plane). The data from the field tracer tests were used to suggest a multiple exponential regression model. The findings of this study, however, are based on a very small number of tracer tests. More tracer tests performed during all types of climatic conditions, terrain conditions, and different emissions geometries are still needed to better understand the variation of capture efficiency with emitting source location. This study provides a step toward such an objective.

Implications The findings of this study will aid in the advancement of the VRPM technique. In particular, the contribution of this study is to propose a slight improvement in how the area contributing to flux is determined during VRPM campaigns. This will reduce some of the technique's inherent uncertainties when it is employed to estimate emissions from an area source under nonideal conditions.  相似文献   
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