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A new method to diagnose the environmental sustainability of specific orchard management practices was derived and tested. As a significant factor for soil quality, the soil carbon (C) management in the topsoil of the tree-row of an integrated and organic apple orchard was selected and compared. Soil C management was defined as land management practices that maintain or increase soil C. We analyzed the impact of the soil C management on biological (microbial biomass C, basal respiration, dehydrogenase activity, respiratory quotient) and physical (aggregate stability, amount of plant-available water, conductive mean pore diameter near water saturation) soil properties. Soil in the alley acted as a reference for the managed soil in the tree row. The total and hot-water-extractable C amounts served as a combined proxy for the soil C management. The soil C management accounted for 0 to 81% of the degradation or enhancement of biophysical soil properties in the integrated and organic system. In the integrated system, soil C management led to a loss of C in the top 0.3 m of the tree row within 12 yr, causing a decrease in microbial activities. In the tree row of the organic orchard, C loss occurred in the top 0.1 m, and the decrease in microbial activities was small or not significant. Regarding physical soil properties, the C loss in the integrated system led to a decrease of the aggregate stability, whereas it increased in the organic system. Generally, the impact of soil C management was better correlated with soil microbial than with the physical properties. With respect to environmental soil functions that are sensitive to the decrease in microbial activity or aggregate stability, soil C management was sustainable in the organic system but not in the integrated system.  相似文献   
Land treatment of dairy-farm effluent is being widely adopted as an alternative to disposal into surface waters in New Zealand. This study investigated water balances and associated N leaching from short-rotation forest (SRF) species irrigated with dairy-farm effluent. Single trees were grown in lysimeters filled with Manawatu fine sandy loam (mixed mesic Dystric Eutrochrept). Dairy-farm effluent was applied during two irrigation periods at 21.5 mm wk(-1) with a total loading equivalent to 870 kg N ha(-1) occurring over 17 mo. Following tree harvest in April 1997, measurements continued until August 1997 to monitor tree reestablishment. Cumulative N leached did not differ between lysimeters in which evergreen Sydney blue gum (Eucalyptus saligna Sm.) and shining gum [Eucalyptus nitens (H. Deane & Maiden) Maiden] and deciduous kinu-yanagi (Salix kinuyanagi Kimura) were grown. Leachate N concentrations of all treatments were on average higher than the New Zealand drinking water standard of 11.3 mg N L(-1). The E. nitens and S. kinuyanagi treatments leached 33 and 35 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) in 1996 following application of 236 kg N ha(-1) during the first irrigation season. Leaf area was strongly correlated to evapotranspiration, drainage volume, and nitrogen leached. The majority of leaching in the tree treatments occurred after harvest. Reducing the leaching in the regrowth phase may be achieved through timing harvest in the spring when growth rates are higher and leaching potential is lower. Based on N uptake rates observed in this study and average pond discharge, a plantation of 5.4 ha would be required for N recovery on a typical dairy farm in New Zealand.  相似文献   
The development of effective safety regulations for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) is an issue of paramount concern for industry. The development of this framework is a prerequisite for greater UAS access to civil airspace and, subsequently, the continued growth of the UAS industry. The direct use of the existing conventionally piloted aircraft (CPA) airworthiness certification framework for the regulation of UAS has a number of limitations. The objective of this paper is to present one possible approach for the structuring of airworthiness regulations for civilian UAS. The proposed approach facilitates a more systematic, objective and justifiable method for managing the spectrum of risk associated with the diversity of UAS and their potential operations. A risk matrix is used to guide the development of an airworthiness certification matrix (ACM). The ACM provides a structured categorisation that facilitates the future tailoring of regulations proportionate to the levels of risk associated with the operation of the UAS. As a result, an objective and traceable link may be established between mandated regulations and the overarching objective for an equivalent level of safety to CPA. The ACM also facilitates the systematic consideration of a range of technical and operational mitigation strategies. For these reasons, the ACM is proposed as a suitable method for the structuring of an airworthiness certification framework for civil or commercially operated UAS (i.e., the UAS equivalent in function to the Part 21 regulations for civil CPA) and for the further structuring of requirements on the operation of UAS in un-segregated airspace.  相似文献   
All Australian coal for export is washed — that is, the low-grade high-ash material is separated out and disposed of at the washery site. The coarse rejects are generally placed in embankments and the tailings are pumped into settling ponds. These methods of waste disposal can create environmental problems. In addition, they represent a significant energy loss, because about one-third of the waste material is combustible and is thus a potentially valuable source of energy. Laboratory studies at the CSIRO Division of Fossil Fuels at North Ryde, New South Wales, have shown that energy can be successfully recovered from washery wastes by the process of fluidized-bed combustion. A pilot fluidized-bed combustor, with a capacity of 2 tonnes/hour, is undergoing prolonged trial at the Clutha washery near Camden, New South Wales, in a joint project between the Joint Coal Board and CSIRO. The results from the pilot plant tests have provided the basis for a conceptual design and feasibility study for a full-scale tailings treatment plant. This study has indicated that fluidized-bed combustion:
  1. offers an environmentally attractive and economically competitive alternative to the disposal of tailings in settling ponds, and
  2. can be used to generate large quantities of energy from the wastes, reducing the energy lost in coal washing from around 16% to 6% of the coal mined.
Allophanic soils are widespread around the world, but little research has been done on their transport properties. This study reveals the effect of two soil water potential heads and two water-flow regimes of continuous and intermittent flow on solute transport through undisturbed soil columns of Horotiu silt loam (Typic Hapludand), an allophanic soil. Two different methods--breakthrough curves (BTCs) and time domain reflectometry (TDR)--were employed to determine the extent of preferential solute transport in the topsoil. The TDR data were also used to look at the depth dependence of the transport properties. The convection-dispersion equation (CDE) with the appropriate boundary conditions adequately described the movement of both Br and Cl under the various flow conditions. Although no preferential flow was found under the imposed unsaturated flow conditions, the flow of water and transport of solute became more uniform with depth. The results show that both Br and Cl are retarded in this allophanic soil. Retardation values range from 1.5 to 1.9, and, as the TDR data showed, increase from the depth of 5.0 to 10.0 cm. Intermittent leaching results showed that there was no effect on solute concentrations in the leachate following no-flow periods. This suggests that water and solute transport in this soil were either relatively uniform or that transverse mixing during flow was already fast enough to eliminate concentration gradients between regions of different "mobility."  相似文献   
Boron (B) is a widespread environmental contaminant that is mobile relative to other trace elements. We investigated the potential of hybrid poplar (Populus sp.) for B phytomanagement using a lysimeter experiment and a field trial on B-contaminated wood-waste. In both studies, poplars enhanced evapotranspiration from the wood-waste, reduced B leaching, and accumulated B in the aerial portions of the tree. When grown in a substrate containing 30 mg/kg B, poplar leaves had an average B concentration of 845 mg/kg, while the stems contained 21 mg/kg B. Leaf B concentrations increased linearly with leaf age. A decomposition experiment revealed that abscised leaves released 14% of their B during the winter months. Fertiliser application enhanced tree growth without decreasing the leaf B concentrations. Harvesting alternate rows of trees on a contaminated site would reduce leaching from the site while removing B. Harvested plant material may provide bioenergy, stock fodder, or an amendment for B-deficient soils.  相似文献   
Tailings containing toxic qualities of heavy metals are a potential source of pollution. Stabilisation by vegetative methods have been found the most effective. In an attempt to vegetate tailings dams it has been noted that while certain milky latex containing plants can be grown without any preconditioning of the soil, almost any plant can be grown after proper conditioning. However, the plants grown there cannot be consumed by humans or cattle due to their high metal content.  相似文献   
Hydroelectricity has been rated to have a large water footprint (WF) on global average. We assessed the WF of hydroelectricity by three different methods using New Zealand as a case study. The first (WF-1) and second (WF-2) methods only consider the consumptive water use of the hydroelectricity generation system, while our third method (WF-3) accounts for the net water balance. Irrespective of the method, the WF of New Zealand’s hydroelectricity was found much smaller than the commonly cited international value of 22 m3 GJ−1. Depending on the method, the national WF ranged from 1.55 m3 GJ−1 (WF-3) to 6.05 m3 GJ−1 (WF-1). The WF- 3 considers the net water balance including rainfall, which is the key driver for replenishing water resources. It provides meaningful information that helps our understanding of the differences of the WF in locations, which are diverse in terms of water resource availability. We highlight the effects of local climatic differences and the structural specifics of a hydroelectricity scheme on the WF. The large variation in the WF of hydropower across New Zealand illustrates the inappropriateness of using global average values. Local values, calculated using our hydrologically rational method, must be used.  相似文献   
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