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Since the mid-1980s, sagebrush rangelands in the Great Basin of the United States have experienced more frequent and larger wildfires. These fires affect livestock forage, the sagebrush/grasses/forbs mosaic that is important for many wildlife species (e.g., the greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus)), post-fire flammability and fire frequency. When a sagebrush, especially a Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis (Beetle & A. Young)), dominated area largely devoid of herbaceous perennials burns, it often transitions to an annual dominated and highly flammable plant community that thereafter excludes sagebrush and native perennials. Considerable effort is devoted to revegetating rangeland following fire, but to date there has been very little analysis of the factors that lead to the success of this revegetation. This paper utilizes a revegetation monitoring dataset to examine the densities of three key types of vegetation, specifically nonnative seeded grasses, nonnative seeded forbs, and native Wyoming big sagebrush, at several points in time following seeding. We find that unlike forbs, increasing the seeding rates for grasses does not appear to increase their density (at least for the sites and seeding rates we examined). Also, seeding Wyoming big sagebrush increases its density with time since fire. Seeding of grasses and forbs is less successful at locations that were dominated primarily by annual grasses (cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.)), and devoid of shrubs, prior to wildfire. This supports the hypothesis of a "closing window of opportunity" for seeding at locations that burned sagebrush for the first time in recent history.  相似文献   
Given the expansion of payments for water‐based ecosystem services (PWES) worldwide, two relevant issues are as follows: (1) determination of efficient allocations of payments among land managers, and (2) how this might change when paying one manager to implement a best management practice (BMP) to enhance an ecosystem service impacts the cost‐effectiveness of BMPs considered by other land managers not currently involved in PWES. Such externalities may be negative if diminishing returns dominate, or positive if mechanisms such as “social diffusion” dominate. We analyze how a planner should optimally allocate payments, depending on whether the expected externalities are negligible, negative, or positive. We employ (1) an optimal control model to gain insights on the problem’s dynamics, and (2) stochastic dynamic programming to determine optimal funding strategies using a specific application. The study contributes to the literature by identifying dynamically optimal PWES payment patterns, and illustrates how they should change when one accounts for externalities induced by the program. Because such impacts have not been addressed previously in a rigorous way, this treatment provides useful value added for PWES design and implementation.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Pond-breeding amphibians are affected by site-specific factors and regional and landscape-scale patterns of land use. Recent anthropogenic landscape modifications (drainage, agriculture intensification, larger road networks, and increased traffic) affect species by reducing the suitable habitat area and fragmenting remaining populations. Using a robust concentric approach based on permutation tests, we evaluated the impact of recent landscape changes on the presence of the endangered European tree frog ( Hyla arborea ) in wetlands. We analyzed the frequency of 1 traffic and 14 land-use indices at 20 circular ranges (from 100-m up to 2-km radii) around 76 ponds identified in western Switzerland. Urban areas and road surfaces had a strong adverse effect on tree frog presence even at relatively great distances (from 100 m up to 1 km). When traffic measurements were considered instead of road surfaces, the effect increased, suggesting a negative impact due to a vehicle-induced effect. Altogether, our results indicate that urbanization and traffic must be taken into account when pond creation is an option in conservation management plans, as is the case for the European tree frog in western Switzerland. We conclude that our easy-to-use and robust concentric method of analysis can successfully assist managers in identifying potential sites for pond creation, where probability of the presence of tree frogs is maximized.  相似文献   
1999年委内瑞拉阿维拉山北坡入海型泥石流   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
委内瑞拉阿维拉山呈东一西走向,北坡濒临加勒比海.1999年12月16日,阿维拉山北坡20多条沟谷暴发泥石流,使沿海的城镇、村庄、港口、公路及各种设施遭到毁灭性破坏,造成数万人死亡,直接经济损失超过刀亿美元.泥石流发生在森林植被良好的山区,具低频率和群发性特征,规模大,直接入海.分析这次泥石流灾害,对我国的防灾减灾工作具有启示意义.  相似文献   
王卫  谢小立  谢永宏 《生态环境》2010,19(11):2758-2763
土壤种子库是指存在于土壤表面和土壤中全部存活种子的总和。稻田土壤种子库是地上杂草产生的根本来源。我国是一个水稻种植大国,目前关于稻田土壤种子库的研究还不够全面和深入。研究稻田土壤种子库对于防治稻田草害具有重要指导意义,同时也是种子库研究领域的一个重要补充。取样方法和取样时间是研究土壤种子库的关键所在。而萌发法是最常见的判定方法。关于稻田土壤种子库大小的结论相差很大,从103~105 m-2不等。稻田土壤种子库中的杂草主要有19科55种,一般的稻田可检出10科或20种左右。种子的垂直分布格局主要受耕作强度的影响。70%~80%甚至更多的杂草种子分布在0~10 cm。稻田土壤种子库由于萌发、捕食、衰老和种子散布等原因具有季节动态。轮作制度、耕作方式、不同施肥处理以及除草方式等对稻田土壤种子库有重要影响。连续多年的田间管理会使种子库的大小、分布和物种组成产生年际变化。目前,需要加强长期定位研究,扩大研究区域和研究内容,重点研究杂草种子的休眠萌发机制和种子命运研究,为杂草治理提供更准确的信息。  相似文献   
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