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Different water Acts (e.g., the European Water Framework Directive) and stakeholders involved in aquatic affairs have promoted integrated river basin management over recent decades. However, few studies have provided feedback on these policies. The aim of the current article is to fill this gap by exploring how local newspapers reflect the implementation of a broad public participation within a catchment of France known for its innovation with regard to this domain. The media coverage of a water management strategy in the Drôme watershed from 1981 to 2008 was investigated using a content analysis and a geographic information system. We sought to determine what public participation and decentralized decision-making can be in practice. The results showed that this policy was integrated because of its social perspective, the high number of involved stakeholders, the willingness to handle water issues, and the local scale suitable for participation. We emphasized the prominence of the watershed scale guaranteed by the local water authority. This area was also characterized by compromise, arrangements, and power dynamics on a fine scale. We examined the most politically engaged writings regarding water management, which topics of each group emphasized, and how the groups agreed and disagreed on issues based on their values and context. The temporal pattern of participation implementation was progressive but worked by fits and starts.  相似文献   
The survival of marine predators depends on behavioural plasticity to cope with changes in prey distribution. Variability in behaviour might predict plasticity and is easier to assess than plasticity. Using miniaturized GPS loggers over several breeding seasons in two Norwegian Northern gannet (Morus bassanus) colonies, we investigated if and how the variability within and between individuals, but also between colonies and years, affected foraging strategies. Results revealed strong individual variability (foraging trip durations, foraging effort and different foraging areas). Individuals from both colonies showed preferred commuting routes, flight bearings and feeding hotspots. Individuals from the largest colony used larger and more foraging areas than individuals from the small colony. Feeding hotspots and foraging ranges varied amongst years in the largest colony only. Our study demonstrated that gannets show flexibility by changing prey fields that are driven by shifting oceanographic conditions.  相似文献   
The water-soluble fraction (WSF) of petroleum contains a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile hydrocarbons, phenols, and heterocyclic compounds, considered deleterious to aquatic biota. Marine “pejerrey” Odontesthes argentinensis (Teleostei: Atherinopsidae) has a great commercial importance in local fisheries and a high potential for aquaculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the histopathological effects in “pejerrey” larvae exposed to different concentrations of petroleum WSF. The chronic toxicity test was conducted with newly hatched larvae exposed for 21 days to sublethal concentrations of WSF (2.5, 5, 10, and 20 % of WSF), plus one control. Survival and growth were significantly lower in the highest concentration. Several histopathological changes were found in the gills (e.g., hyperplasia, aneurisms, edema, and necrosis), kidney (e.g., nuclear alterations, decrease in the hematopoietic cells), and liver (e.g., hypertrophy, karyorrhexis, and karyopyknosis). An index of branchial lesion was proposed to standardize gill lesions to different pollutants.  相似文献   
Petroleum hydrocarbons are considered one of the main organic chemicals found in water bodies. In the present study, the median lethal concentration (LC50) was estimated for mullet Mugil liza after acute exposure to petroleum water-soluble fraction (PWSF). Furthermore, histopathological studies and micronuclei frequency were also performed in order to observe deleterious effects of medium-term exposition to PWSF. Mullets (25?±?2.3 g) were exposed to chronic concentrations (1.7, 3.5 and 7 % of PWSF), plus the control group, for 14 and 7 days of clearance time. Throughout the experimental period (1, 4, 14 and 21 days), blood samples were collected for analysis of micronucleus (MN) and liver and gills for histopathological study. For these procedures, seven fish were sampled per concentration tested. The LC50-96 h was estimated at 37.5 % of the PWSF. The time required for MN induction was 96 h of exposure. The time of clearance was sufficient to achieve a MN frequency similar to that of the control group. Histopathological studies showed severe changes in the gill and liver tissues. The most relevant histopathology in the gills was telangiectasia. Hepatic histopathology such as cholestasis, dilated sinusoids and inflammatory infiltrates were commonly described. The MN test and histological study effectively detected damages caused by medium-term exposition to the PWSF, and despite the toxicity, a few days without exposure can minimize PWSF genotoxicity in juveniles of M. liza.  相似文献   


Transition from first- to second-generation photocatalysts has followed the notion that greater absorption of light in the visible region would yield greater spectral sensitivity and greater photoactivity. Though a promising strategy, in practice, it did not meet expectation because of various side issues, which in many cases has led to loss of photoactivity and chemical reactivity. This article examines some earlier notions that arose from applications of different metal oxides (e.g., TiO2, ZnO, MgO among others) that made these oxides good photocatalysts in many processes.


Phenomena that proved relevant in developing next generation photoactive materials are considered: the dependence of the activity of photocatalysts on the band gap energy, the spectral variations of the activity of photoactive materials, and the spectral variations of selectivity of photoactive materials. The tendency to decrease the energy of actinic photons through doping in forming second-generation photocatalysts is completely opposite the fundamental observation in first-generation photocatalysts whereby the activity increased with increasing band gap energy. Extension of spectral sensitivity of second-generation photoactive materials also caused a decrease of their photoactivity; hence, some notions are reconsidered to produce next(third) generation photoactive materials.


The article proposes the following concepts to develop next generation photocatalysts: (1) multi(two)-photon excitation of photoactive materials with lower energy photons to achieve the same excited state as with higher energy photons, (2) utilization of heterojunctions to drive electronic processes in the desired direction, and (3) selective photoexcitation of localized electronic states to gain better selectivity.  相似文献   
Orientation based on visual cues can be extremely difficult in crowded bird colonies due to the presence of many individuals. We studied king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) that live in dense colonies and are constantly faced with such problems. Our aims were to describe adult penguin homing paths on land and to test whether visual cues are important for their orientation in the colony. We also tested the hypothesis that older penguins should be better able to cope with limited visual cues due to their greater experience. We collected and examined GPS paths of homing penguins. In addition, we analyzed 8 months of penguin arrivals to and departures from the colony using data from an automatic identification system. We found that birds rearing chicks did not minimize their traveling time on land and did not proceed to their young (located in crèches) along straight paths. Moreover, breeding birds' arrivals and departures were affected by the time of day and luminosity levels. Our data suggest that king penguins prefer to move in and out of the colony when visual cues are available. Still, they are capable of navigating even in complete darkness, and this ability seems to develop over the years, with older breeding birds more likely to move through the colony at nighttime luminosity levels. This study is the first step in unveiling the mysteries of king penguin orientation on land.  相似文献   
Bioavailability is critical for understanding effects that might result from exposure of biota to contaminated soils. Soils from military range and training areas (RTAs) are contaminated principally by energetic materials (EM) and metals. Their chemical characteristics are relatively well known and toxicity assessment of soils from RTAs are in some cases available. However, bioavailability on these sites needs to be comprehensively characterized. A holistic approach to bioavailability, incorporating both chemical and earthworm toxicological indicators, was applied to soils from an anti-tank firing range at a Canadian Forces Base. Results showed that HMX and the metals Zn, Pb, Bi and Cd, though not consistently the prevailing toxicants, were the most accessible to earthworms. Some metals (notably Cu, Zn, Cr and Bi) were also accumulated in earthworm tissue but those were not necessarily expected given their bioaccessibility (i.e., the chemical availability of contaminants in the environment for the organisms) at the beginning of the exposure. The tested soils impaired earthworm reproduction and reduced adult growth. Measurement of selected sublethal parameters indicated that lysosomal integrity (determined as the neutral red retention time--NRRT) was decreased, while elevated superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity suggested that earthworms experienced oxidative stress. The correspondence between the NRRT and metal contamination pattern suggested that metals may be the main cause of lysosomal disruption in EM-contaminated soils. The approach to bioavailability appraisal adopted in this case appears to be a promising practice for site-specific assessment of contaminated land.  相似文献   
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