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Scenarios of barrier failure and radionuclide release to the near-surface environment are important to consider within performance and safety assessments of repositories for nuclear waste. A geological repository for spent nuclear fuel is planned at Forsmark, Sweden. Conceptual and numerical reactive transport models were developed in order to assess the retention capacity of the Quaternary till and clay deposits for selected radionuclides, in the event of an activity release from the repository. The elements considered were carbon (C), chlorine (Cl), cesium (Cs), iodine (I), molybdenum (Mo), niobium (Nb), nickel (Ni), radium (Ra), selenium (Se), strontium (Sr), technetium (Tc), thorium (Th), and uranium (U). According to the numerical predictions, the repository-derived nuclides that would be most significantly retained are Th, Ni, and Cs, mainly through sorption onto clays, followed by U, C, Sr, and Ra, trapped by sorption and/or incorporation into mineral phases.  相似文献   
The KBS-3 underground nuclear waste repository concept designed by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB) includes a bentonite buffer barrier surrounding the copper canisters and the iron insert where spent nuclear fuel will be placed. Bentonite is also part of the backfill material used to seal the access and deposition tunnels of the repository. The bentonite barrier has three main safety functions: to ensure the physical stability of the canister, to retard the intrusion of groundwater to the canisters, and in case of canister failure, to retard the migration of radionuclides to the geosphere. Laboratory experiments (< 10 years long) have provided evidence of the control exerted by accessory minerals and clay surfaces on the pore water chemistry. The evolution of the pore water chemistry will be a primordial factor on the long-term stability of the bentonite barrier, which is a key issue in the safety assessments of the KBS-3 concept.In this work we aim to study the long-term geochemical evolution of bentonite and its pore water in the evolving geochemical environment due to climate change. In order to do this, reactive transport simulations are used to predict the interaction between groundwater and bentonite which is simulated following two different pathways: (1) groundwater flow through the backfill in the deposition tunnels, eventually reaching the top of the deposition hole, and (2) direct connection between groundwater and bentonite rings through fractures in the granite crosscutting the deposition hole. The influence of changes in climate has been tested using three different waters interacting with the bentonite: present-day groundwater, water derived from ice melting, and deep-seated brine. Two commercial bentonites have been considered as buffer material, MX-80 and Deponit CA-N, and one natural clay (Friedland type) for the backfill. They show differences in the composition of the exchangeable cations and in the accessory mineral content. Results from the simulations indicate that pore water chemistry is controlled by the equilibrium with the accessory minerals, especially carbonates. pH is buffered by precipitation/dissolution of calcite and dolomite, when present. The equilibrium of these minerals is deeply influenced by gypsum dissolution and cation exchange reactions in the smectite interlayer. If carbonate minerals are initially absent in bentonite, pH is then controlled by surface acidity reactions in the hydroxyl groups at the edge sites of the clay fraction, although its buffering capacity is not as strong as the equilibrium with carbonate minerals. The redox capacity of the bentonite pore water system is mainly controlled by Fe(II)-bearing minerals (pyrite and siderite). Changes in the groundwater composition lead to variations in the cation exchange occupancy, and dissolution–precipitation of carbonate minerals and gypsum. The most significant changes in the evolution of the system are predicted when ice-melting water, which is highly diluted and alkaline, enters into the system. In this case, the dissolution of carbonate minerals is enhanced, increasing pH in the bentonite pore water. Moreover, a rapid change in the population of exchange sites in the smectite is expected due to the replacement of Na for Ca.  相似文献   
Global and continental scale flood forecast provide coarse resolution flood forecast, but from the perspective of emergency management, flood warnings should be detailed and specific to local conditions. The desired refinement can be provided by the use of downscaling global scale models and through the use of distributed hydrologic models to produce a high‐resolution flood forecast. Three major challenges associated with transforming global flood forecasting to a local scale are addressed in this work. The first is using open‐source software tools to provide access to multiple data sources and lowering the barriers for users in management agencies at local level. This can be done through the Tethys Platform that enables web water resources modeling applications. The second is finding a practical solution for the computational requirements associated with running complex models and performing multiple simulations. This is done using Tethys Cluster that manages distributed and cloud computing resources as a companion to the Tethys Platform for web app development. The third challenge is discovering ways to downscale the forecasts from the global extent to the local context. Three modeling strategies have been tested to address this, including downscaling of coarse resolution global runoff models to high‐resolution stream networks and routing with Routing Application for Parallel computatIon of Discharge (RAPID), the use of hierarchical Gridded Surface and Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) distributed models, and pre‐computed distributed GSSHA models.  相似文献   
Space deformation has been proposed to model space-time varying observation processes with non-stationary spatial covariance structure under the hypothesis of temporal stationarity. In real applications, however, the temporal stationarity assumption is inappropriate and unrealistic. In this work we propose a spatial-temporal model whose temporal trend is modeled through state space models and a spatially varying anisotropy is modeled through spatial deformation, under the Bayesian approach. A distinctive feature of our approach is the consideration of model uncertainty in an unified framework. Our model has a clear advantage over the ones proposed so far in the literature when the main objective of the study is to perform spatial interpolation for fixed points in time. Approximations of the posterior distributions of the model parameters are obtained via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. This allows for prediction of the process values in space and time as well as handling of missing values. Two applications are presented: the first one to model concentrations of sulfur dioxide in the eastern United States and the second one to model monthly minimum temperatures in the State of Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   
Environmental Geochemistry and Health - This study aimed to determine the status of groundwater contamination with faecal coliform and nitrate in the rural areas of Mardan district, Pakistan. Both...  相似文献   
Structuring pelagic trophic networks from the biomass size spectra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The selection and establishment of the structure (number and compartments, aggregation criteria, and trophic links) of the food webs is a critical task in trophic modelling. The present work proposes a systematic method to structure trophic networks in pelagic food webs. The biomass-size spectrum (BSS) is a well-established approach to analyze the structure of pelagic communities, and the body size is especially related to the ecological role of the organisms in the pelagic environment. To structure food webs, this work uses detailed arrangements of the community in size classes with increasing widths (like Sheldon-type BSS) as first aggregation criteria, and BSS theory as a framework to integrate the available knowledge about feeding selectivity in order to obtain a method to identify the trophic links between compartments. Diet composition matrices were estimated through the combination of a probability of encounter for each food type and a specific probability of ingestion related to the food size selectivity and other food quality characteristics (e.g., morphology and nutritional quality). The feasibility of this approach has been illustrated through data of size-structured communities extracted from the literature including different planktonic predator guilds (nanoflagellates, cladoceran-dominated zooplankton and copepod-dominated zooplankton) in a high mountain lake (La Caldera, Spain), two subtropical wetland lakes (meso-oligotrophic Laguna Galarza and eutrophic Laguna Iberá, Argentina) and a marine microcosm (Alborán Sea, Mediterranean). The identification of “who eats whom” and “by how much” also allows for more accurate analyses of the trophic control in the BSS. Extensive analyses of the balance between top-down and bottom-up controls were developed for the feeding interactions of the study cases.  相似文献   
Recycling is still in its relative infancy in many Western societies, although recycling programmes have grown considerably in recent years and different programmes have evolved. This paper applies straightforward analytical techniques to demonstrate ways to achieve an optimal recycling programme – a policy that would result in a longer-term cost-efficient programme which would be beneficial in overall resource and environmental management .  相似文献   
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