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Abstract: We studied the effects of inbreeding depression on parasite infection in three species of endangered gazelles: Gazella cuvieri , G. dama, and G. dorcas . Coefficients of inbreeding were calculated for all individuals because complete genealogies were available. The levels of inbreeding differ both intra- and interspecifically. We collected samples of feces and determined nematode infection by counting nematode eggs in the samples. At the interspecific level, the species with the highest mean levels of inbreeding (  G. cuvieri ) had the highest levels of gastrointestinal parasites. Analyses done at the intraspecific level revealed a positive relationship between individual coefficient of inbreeding and parasite infection in G. cuvieri , but not in the species with the intermediate and lowest levels of inbreeding. Our findings suggest that high levels of inbreeding may make individuals more susceptible to parasitism, even under favorable environmental conditions, so this factor should be taken into account by those managing endangered species.  相似文献   
A dicentric X chromosome was found in a female fetus during cytogenetic studies performed on amniotic cells. Blood samples from the parents showed normal karyotypes and the pregnancy was terminated. The mechanism for the formation of this ‘de novo’ rearrangement is discussed.  相似文献   
The influence of environmental parameters (temperature, salinity and available food) on the condition, reproductive activity and biochemical composition of a native population of Ostrea edulis L. in San Cibran (Galicia, Spain) was studied between September 1988 and December 1989. Histological preparations of gonads showed that gametogenesis started when temperature was at its lowest in winter. The water temperature in San Cibran never fell low enough to interrupt it. Gametogenesis proceeded slowly and spawning took place in May–June, although the predicted time of ripening was early March. Salinity in San Cibran was relatively stable throughout the year; it did not seem to have any influence on gametogenesis. Available food appeared to be a very important factor in controlling gonad growth, once gametogenesis was initiated. The major concentration of suspended organic particulate matter was present in the spring at the time of rapid gonadal maturation. Only one spawning period was observed. Larvae were released when the food in the water was high. Seasonal changes in the main biochemical components of this oyster were determined for a standard individual. Lipids and carbohydrates presented a similar time-course whereas proteins were constant. When food was abundant, energy reserves were built up. Spawning produced a decrease in biochemical constituent levels, and recovery coincided with the phytoplankton bloom. The stored reserves, mainly lipids, were used to overcome a state of energy imbalance in late autumn associated with low food availability. Results show this oyster to be an opportunist organism which concentrates its reproductive effort during a short period of favourable conditions and which is directly dependent on nutritive availability in the environment.  相似文献   
The contamination of groundwater in the aquifer of the La Llagosta basin (Besòs river basin) due to waste disposal in quarries formerly used for the extraction of dry raw materials has led to the cessation of groundwater extraction for public water supply. The mobilization of pollutants was largely caused by fluctuations in piezometric levels, which led to the washing of buried waste. The hydrogeochemical processes associated with uncontrolled waste disposal in these landfilled areas of the La Llagosta basin aquifer were studied along a flow path that crosses the contaminated area. The PHREEQC code was used to establish the reactions associated with the different mineral phases through inverse modeling. This transport code, ionic exchange phenomena, surface reactions and balance (mineral phase) reactions were used to simulate the dilution phenomenon associated with the pollution after the potential removal of the sources of contamination. One-dimensional advective–dispersive modeling indicates a substantial reduction in Ca, Mg, Na and SO42− within one year and stabilization within four years.  相似文献   
A large series of data on dissolved antimony concentrations (900 values) from the hydrological network of Canton Geneva, Switzerland, has been statistically analysed. Data were collected from 90 sampling sites over 12 years. The watercourses surveyed (178 km) accounted for 73% of the total network. Previous studies have classified these rivers as belonging to three clearly-differentiated lithogenic zones: Alps (rivers draining crystalline regions), Jura (rivers draining carbonate-rich zones) and Plain (rivers draining molasses derived from the Alps). Antimony concentrations in the different river waters have been found to be significantly dependent on the geological characteristics of the drainage basins (median values: 0.13, 0.08 and 0.16 microg L(-1) for Alps, Jura and Plain, respectively). For antimony, it is thus possible to define background levels of the element adapted to the lithogenic characteristics for a system of interest. Since establishing background levels is an unavoidable preliminary step in any study aiming to identify and evaluate the various sources of pollution, the behaviour described here has undeniable implications for environmental surveys.  相似文献   
Microbial communities (phospholipid fatty acid pattern, bacterial growing strategies, eco-physiological index (EPI) and total bacteria counts, as a number of heterotrophic cuhurable bacteria), substrate-induced respiration (SIR), and nitrogen mineralization were studied in three Mediterranean soils at three different depth levels (A, B and C). Soils were experimentally treated with a final concentration of 1000 ppm of trace metals (Cu2+, Zn2+, Al3+, Fe2+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Cr3+ and Cd2+). Soils were stored in 571 plastic containers for one year, and watered with 1001 during this period. Leachate was recovered through a bottom tap. Samples of the three depths were studied. Soil microbial communities showed different effects to other studies presented in the literature, but carried out on non-Mediterranean soils. Dramatic differences were found between treated soils and untreated ones, but not between soils or horizons. the treated soil displayed a decrease in CFUs, SIR N-mineralization and EPI together with a dominance of r-growing strategists. the relative moles percent of several PLFAs, especially 15:0, 16: 1ω7, cy17: 0, br18:0 and 18: 1ω7 decreased because of the pollution of soils, whereas 10Me16, 18:2ω6, cy19:0, i16:0 and br17:0 showed higher values than in untreated soils.  相似文献   
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) banding patterns were compared between samples of the netted dogwhelk Nassarius reticulatus from 11 locations along the NW Iberian Peninsula coast. To detect if rias (estuaries formed by drowned river valleys) might promote genetic differentiation, five sampling sites were located within a ria (ria of Muros) and the remaining six were scattered along open-coast areas at increasing distances from the ria mouth. Population differentiation statistics (Φ-values) were estimated using a hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) with samples sorted into two groups: open-coast and ria populations. Despite a high potential to disperse, AMOVA demonstrated a modest, statistically significant genetic heterogeneity among N. reticulatus populations. Most of the genetic structure resided in differences among open-coast populations; ria populations were genetically homogeneous. No obvious geographical pattern was detected for the pairwise genetic distances (non-metric multidimensional scaling; UPGMA tree; Mantel test). Unlike previous studies with other species at a variety of estuarine systems other than rias, there was no evidence that the ria of Muros may enhance the genetic divergence of N. reticulatus populations. This discrepancy is discussed in relation to the biological features of the species (high dispersal potential and a preference for mid-low estuarine habitat) and the strong hydrographic connectivity between ria and neighbouring off-shore waters.  相似文献   
The levels of organochlorine compounds in eggs of water birds from the colony on Tai Lake in China were studied. The eggs were collected in 2000 and belonged to the following species: 65 samples of black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), 36 samples of little egret (Egretta garzetta), 26 samples of cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) from 13 clutches and 43 samples of Chinese pond heron (Ardeola bacchus) from 17 clutches. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its derivates (DDE and DDD), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and its isomers (alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH, delta-HCH), heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, endrin aldehyde, alpha-endosulfan, beta-endosulfan, and endosulfan sulfate were determined in the laboratory by gas chromatography. The data showed that DDE had the highest levels in all the samples, followed by beta-HCH. The mean levels of DDE among the water bird species were in the order as follows: black-crowned night heron (5464.26 ng/g, dry weight) > Chinese pond heron (2791.12 ng/g, dry weight) > little egret (1979.97 ng/g, dry weight) > cattle egret (660.11 ng/g, dry weight). DDT and its metabolites accounted for 90% of the total organochlorines, except that it was only 73% for cattle egret. The differences of the residue among the bird species were statistically significant and could be attributed to their variations in prey and habitat. Although the DDE burdens in Tai Lake were much lower than 8 microg/g (wet weight) which are thought to have significant adverse effects on black-crowned night herons, they would be expected to increase the risk of adverse effects on survival of chicks of herons and egrets, particularly black-crowned night heron, based on the critical value of 1 microg/g (wet weight) DDE. The burdens of HCHs in this study were higher and the cyclodienes were lower than those found elsewhere.  相似文献   
The relation among inbreeding, heterozygosity, and fitness has been studied primarily among outbred populations, and little is known about these phenomena in endangered populations. Most researchers conclude that the relation between coefficient of inbreeding estimated from pedigrees and fitness traits (inbreeding‐fitness correlations) better reflects inbreeding depression than the relation between marker heterozygosity and fitness traits (heterozygosity‐fitness correlations). However, it has been suggested recently that heterozygosity‐fitness correlations should only be expected when inbreeding generates extensive identity disequilibrium (correlations in heterozygosity and homozygosity across loci throughout the genome). We tested this hypothesis in Mohor gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr) and Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). For Mohor gazelle, we calculated the inbreeding coefficient and measured heterozygosity at 17 microsatellite loci. For Iberian lynx, we measured heterozygosity at 36 microsatellite loci. In both species we estimated semen quality, a phenotypic trait directly related to fitness that is controlled by many loci and is affected by inbreeding depression. Both species showed evidence of extensive identity disequilibrium, and in both species heterozygosity was associated with semen quality. In the Iberian lynx the low proportion of normal sperm associated with low levels of heterozygosity was so extreme that it is likely to limit the fertility of males. In Mohor gazelle, although heterozygosity was associated with semen quality, inbreeding coefficient was not. This result suggests that when coefficient of inbreeding is calculated on the basis of a genealogy that begins after a long history of inbreeding, the coefficient of inbreeding fails to capture previous demographic information because it is a poor estimator of accumulated individual inbreeding. We conclude that among highly endangered species with extensive identity disequilibrium, examination of heterozygosity‐fitness correlations may be an effective way to detect inbreeding depression, whereas inbreeding‐fitness correlations may be poor indicators of inbreeding depression if the pedigree does not accurately reflect the history of inbreeding. Correlaciones Heterocigosidad‐ Adaptabilidad y Depresión Endogámica en Dos Especies de Mamíferos Críticamente en Peligro  相似文献   
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