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We assessed the aqueous toxicity mitigation capacity of a hydrologically managed floodplain wetland following a synthetic runoff event amended with a mixture of sediments, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), and pesticides (atrazine, S-metolachlor, and permethrin) using 48-h Hyalella azteca survival and phytoplankton pigment, chlorophyll a. The runoff event simulated a 1 h, 1.27 cm rainfall event from a 16 ha agricultural field. Water (1 L) was collected every 30 min within the first 4 h, every 4 h until 48 h, and on days 5, 7, 14, 21, and 28 post-amendment at distances of 0, 10, 40, 300 and 500 m from the amendment point for chlorophyll a, suspended sediment, nutrient, and pesticide analyses. H. azteca 48-h laboratory survival was assessed in water collected at each site at 0, 4, 24, 48 h, 5 d and 7 d. Greatest sediment, nutrient, and pesticide concentrations occurred within 3 h of amendment at 0 m, 10 m, 40 m, and 300 m downstream. Sediments and nutrients showed little variation at 500 m whereas pesticides peaked within 48 h but at <15% of upstream peak concentrations. After 28 d, all mixture components were near or below pre-amendment concentrations. H. azteca survival significantly decreased within 48 h of amendment up to 300 m in association with permethrin concentrations. Chlorophyll a decreased within the first 24 h of amendment up to 40 m primarily in conjunction with herbicide concentrations. Variations in chlorophyll a at 300 and 500 m were associated with nutrients. Managed floodplain wetlands can rapidly and effectively trap and process agricultural runoff during moderate rainfall events, mitigating impacts to aquatic invertebrates and algae in receiving aquatic systems.  相似文献   
Indoor and outdoor ozone concentrations were measured from late May through October at three office buildings with very different ventilation rates. The indoor values closely tracked the outdoor values, and, depending on the ventilation rate, were 20 to 80 percent of those outdoors. The Indoor/outdoor data are adequately described with a mass balance model. The model can also be coupled with reported air exchange rates to estimate indoor/outdoor ratios for other structures. The results from this and previous studies indicate that Indoor concentrations are frequently a significant fraction of outdoor values. These observations, and the fact that most people spend greater than 90 percent of their time indoors, indicate that indoor ozone exposure (concentration × time) is greater than outdoor exposure for many people. Relatively Inexpensive strategies exist to reduce indoor ozone levels, and these could be implemented to reduce the public’s total ozone exposure.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The environmental effects of flood control channel modifications such as clearing and snagging, straightening, enlargement, and/or paving can be quite severe in some cases. Information review reveals that several environmental features have been incorporated into the design, construction, operation, or maintenance of recent flood control channel projects to avoid adverse environmental impacts and enhance environmental quality. Typically, these features have been proposed by conservation agencies and designed with minimal quantitative analysis. Environmental features for channel projects include selective clearing and snagging techniques, channel designs with nonuniform geometry such as single bank modification and floodways, restoration and enhancement of aquatic habitat, improved techniques for placement of excavated material, and revegetation.  相似文献   
The Mytilus species complex consists of three closely related mussel species: Mytilus trossulus, Mytilus edulis, and Mytilus galloprovincialis, which are found globally in temperate intertidal waters. Introduction of one or more of these species have occurred world-wide via shipping and aquaculture. Stable hybrid zones have developed in areas where these species have come into contact, making the invasion process complex. On the east coast of Vancouver Island (VI), British Columbia (BC), Canada, the native (M. trossulus) and introduced species (M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis), as well as their hybrid offspring, occur sympatrically. This study used a common environment experiment to quantify growth and survival differences among native, introduced, and introgressed mussels on VI. Mussels were collected from an area of known hybridization and reared in cages from May to August 2006. The cages were deployed at a local site as well as a remote site (approximately 150 km apart), and the mussels were genotyped at two species-specific loci. Growth and survival, as fitness measures, were monitored: native, introduced, and introgressed individuals were compared between and within sites to determine whether growth and survival were independent of site and genotype. Overall, mussels reared at Quadra Island performed better than locally-reared mussels at Ladysmith. Specifically, introgressed mussels reared at Quadra Island performed better than all genotypes reared at Ladysmith, as well as better than native mussels reared at Quadra Island. Differences in survival and growth among the native, introduced and introgressed mussels may serve to explain the complex hybridization patterns and dynamics characteristic of the VI introgression zone.  相似文献   
Levees and floodwalls are used extensively throughout the United States for flood control. Levee projects often lack ecological, recreational, and aesthetic values, except for incidental fish and wildlife benefits derived from borrow pits and recreational facilities found in some urban settings. In recent years increased environmental concern within construction agencies and greater responsiveness to public opinion have resulted in increasing numbers of levee projects designed, built, and maintained with environmental objectives in mind. This paper reviews environmental concepts successfully employed on levee projects constructed in recent years by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Some of the most innovative concepts are described and illustrated and design considerations are discussed.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional water quality model was developed for simulating temporal and spatial variations of phytoplankton, nutrients, and dissolved oxygen in freshwater bodies. Effects of suspended and bed sediment on the water quality processes were simulated. A formula was generated from field measurements to calculate the light attenuation coefficient by considering the effects of suspended sediment and chlorophyll. The processes of adsorption–desorption of nutrients by sediment were described using the Langmuir Equation. The release rates of nutrients from the bed were calculated based on the concentration gradient across the water–sediment interface and other variables including pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration.The model was calibrated and validated by applying it to simulate the concentrations of chlorophyll and nutrients in a natural oxbow lake in Mississippi Delta. The simulated time series of phytoplankton (as chlorophyll) and nutrient concentrations were generally in agreement with field observations. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to demonstrate the impacts of varying suspended sediment concentration on lake chlorophyll levels.  相似文献   
Doyle, Martin W. and F. Douglas Shields, 2012. Compensatory Mitigation for Streams Under the Clean Water Act: Reassessing Science and Redirecting Policy. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(3): 494-509. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00631.x Abstract: Current stream restoration science is not adequate to assume high rates of success in recovering ecosystem functional integrity. The physical scale of most stream restoration projects is insufficient because watershed land use controls ambient water quality and hydrology, and land use surrounding many restoration projects at the time of their construction, or in the future, do not provide sufficient conditions for functional integrity recovery. Reach scale channel restoration or modification has limited benefits within the broader landscape context. Physical habitat variables are often the basis for indicating success, but are now increasingly seen as poor surrogates for actual biological function; the assumption “if you build it they will come” lacks support of empirical studies. If stream restoration is to play a continued role in compensatory mitigation under the United States Clean Water Act, then significant policy changes are needed to adapt to the limitations of restoration science and the social environment under which most projects are constructed. When used for compensatory mitigation, stream restoration should be held to effectiveness standards for actual and measurable physical, chemical, or biological functional improvement. To achieve improved mitigation results, greater flexibility may be required for the location and funding of restoration projects, the size of projects, and the restoration process itself.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Combinations of vegetation and structure were applied to control streambank erosion along incised stream channels in northwest Mississippi. Eleven sites along seven channels with contributing drainage areas ranging from 12–300 km2 were used for testing. Tested configurations included eroding banks protected by vegetation alone, vegetation with structural toe protection, vegetation planted on re-graded banks, and vegetation planted on regraded banks with toe protection. Monitoring continued for up to 10 years, and casual observation for up to 18 years. Sixteen woody and 13 nonwoody species were tested. Native woody species, particularly willow, appear to be best adapted to stream-bank environments. Sericea lespedeza and Alamo switchgrass were the best nonwoody species tested. Vegetation succeeded in reaches where the bed was not degrading, competition from kudzu was absent, and bank slopes were stabilized by grading or toe protection. Natural vegetation invaded planted and unplanted stable banks composed of fertile soils. Designs involving riprap toe protection in the form of a longitudinal dike and woody vegetation appeared to be most cost-effective. The exotic vine kudzu presents perhaps the greatest long-term obstacle to restoring stable, functional riparian zones along incised channels in our region. (KEY TERMS: vegetation; streambank protection; bioengineering; stream restoration; channel incision; riparian zone.)  相似文献   
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