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Chlorinated phenols are either products of industrial chemical processes or the result of chlorination of drinking water. Often, the formation of chlorinated phenols is based upon naturally occurring phenol. The following chlorinated phenols have been selected for testing in the Ames‐test for their mutagenic activity: 3‐chlorophenol, 4‐chlorophenol, 2,3,6‐, 2,4,5‐, 2,4,6‐trichlorophenol, 4‐chloro‐2‐methylphenol and 4‐chloro‐3‐methylchlorophenol. The tester strains TA97, TA98, TA100 and TA104 were employed. All tested compounds produced mutagenic activity at least in one tester strain. The highest numbers of revertants were detected for 2,3,6‐ and 2,4,6‐trichlorophenol. But in contrast to the other substances, these two induced only frameshift mutations in presence of a metabolizing system. The evidence of their presence in drinking water and of their mutagenic activity makes them to a potential health hazard.  相似文献   
Data from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) from 1990 to 1993 were used to assess the condition of the Long Island Sound (LIS) estuary. Ambient water, sediment and biota were collected during the summer months from 53 LIS stations using an unbiased sampling design. The design consists of two LIS subunits, LIS proper, and small estuaries (<2.6 km2) at the margins of the Sound. Selected indicators of condition included: benthic species composition, abundance and biomass; fish species composition and gross external pathology; sediment physical and chemical characterization and sediment toxicity; and water clarity and quality. Results of the four-year sampling indicated that 28(±11)% of the areal extent of LIS proper had a benthic index < zero (impacted) and 51(±12)% of the area of small estuaries was impacted. Analysis of the results of other indicators also shows that small estuaries were particularly affected. For example, 42(±10)% of the areal extent of small estuaries exhibited sediment toxicity, and significant chemical contamination was evident in 22% of the area of small estuaries. Low dissolved oxygen (D.O.) concentrations (<5 ppm), however, appeared to affect only the deeper open waters of western LIS. Approximately 48(±12)% of the areal extent of LIS proper documented exposure to at least moderate D.O. stress (<5 ppm). The overall results of this monitoring study indicate that significant anthropogenic impacts have occurred in LIS and that if remediation was to take place, specific localized sediment problems would need attention. Point source and non-point source nutrient inputs to the Sound, which are believed to be the primary causative factor for the observed hypoxic conditions, would also need attention.  相似文献   
A model predictive of the potential mutagenicity of organic compounds was devised by relating mutagenicity data obtained in the Ames reversion test to molecular structure parameters describing their hydrophobic, topological, steric and electronic properties. These included second order valence molecular connectivity index, parachor, molar refraction and polarizability of electrons. A classification rule was calculated, by means of discriminant analysis, using a training set of 117 compounds of various chemical classes. There was agreement between experimental data and theoretical expectations for the majority of compounds (70.9%), with homogeneous figures among the different chemical classes under scrutiny. An exception was represented by halogenated aliphatics with up to 3 C atoms, the mutagenicity of which was poorly predicted by the structural analysis model.  相似文献   
Background Due to high safety measures in production, transport and storage of fuel oil it rarely occurs, that fuel oil will be released in the environment. One exception of this experience was the fuel oil releases of private fuel oil tanks during the “century flood” 2002 in Germany. By order of IWO (Institut für wirtschaftliche Oelheizung e.?V.), the authors investigated the environmental behaviour of fuel oil after flood incidents. Aim Due to the fast spreading of the fuel oil on water surfaces and the contamination of huge areas one expects large environmental harm. For appraisal the behaviour of fuel oil in water and soil must be studied in detail as well as the effect on high and low developed animals and plants, on water organisms and on the flora and fauna of soil. From the valuation of the environmental harm official measures and measures of precaution and safety by manufacturer and user of private fuel oil installations can be derived. Main features For considering the various aspects the authors studied the extensive analyses of the special measuring programme of Saxony-Anhalt, used interviews of concerned persons (private persons and officials), aerial photos, extensive study of literature including eco-toxicological investigations, experiences of more than 70-years applications of fuel oil in plant protection and practical experiences at large field redevelopment of oil damages following averages and accidents. The authors valuated on the base of results of analyses and on own calculations. Results The release of fuel oil in the air is no particular problem because about 40?% of the oil fast evaporate and will be decomposed to carbon dioxide and water. In addition to the evaporation a characteristic behaviour is fast spreading of the fuel oil on the water surface to very thin layers. For a typical coloured oil layer e.?g. one cubic meter of oil is spread on a water surface of about 3?km2, this corresponds to 3?ml/m2 surface and contaminates the soil after drying up with about 3?µg/kg soil some orders less than the natural content of hydrocarbons in soil. Because of the absorption capacity of soil and the microbial decomposition by everywhere existing hydrocarbons decomposing micro-organisms the oil infiltrates only a few centimetre and will be decomposed in a few months, so that ground water detriments not arise practically. By measurements a few months after fuel oil release in the flood 2002 oil components in the soil could not be detected. Discussion Acute injuries of micro-flora and -fauna in soil and water by fuel oil cannot be excluded from the first. Thus the limiting values of injuries for some water organisms are below 1?mg/l. According to the special measuring programme at the flood 2002 in Saxony-Anhalt however the measured values were mostly wide below of this limit. In detail the spreading and evaporation of fuel oil on water surfaces, the propagation and decomposition of fuel oil in soil will be described. A quantitative valuation of fuel oil distribution in a real flood incident will be given. Conclusions Particular measures of redevelopment of soil for fuel oil release after flood incidents are not necessary normally. Even at the redevelopment after transport damages or at devastated sites with essential higher oil contaminations of soil in comparison to fuel oil release after flood incidents high decomposition rates are obtained by normal soil improving measures supporting the natural micro-organisms in reducing the hydrocarbon concentration for 70–90?% after a few months. Perspectives With the described results a realistic valuation of the environmental harm of fuel oil release after flood incidents could be given. From this qualified measures can be derived for official decisions and precautionary and reliable activities at fuel oil installations of flood endangered areas.  相似文献   
The U.S. EPA has prepared a State of the Region Report for Mid-Atlantic Estuaries to increase knowledge of environmental condition for improved environmental management. Sources of information included the National Estuary Programs, the Chesapeake Bay Program, the state monitoring programs in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, Federal programs such as National Status & Trends, National Shellfish Register, National Wetlands Inventory, the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, and other primary literature sources. The state of the estuarine environment was summarized using indicators for water and sediment quality, habitat change, condition of living resources, and aesthetic quality. Each indicator was briefly discussed relative to its importance in understanding estuarine condition. Wherever possible, data from multiple programs were used to depict condition. Finally, an overall evaluation of estuarine condition in the region was determined. The usefulness of monitoring programs that collect consistent information with a well-defined sampling design cannot be overemphasized.  相似文献   
10 years ago, the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) began to support the work of environmental protection in the countries of Eastern Europe. A main topic is the Danube-Carpathian Program. With the beginning of the bombardements, connected with great amounts of chemicals released directly and as clouds from the fires and explosions, the question raises: What are the consequences for mankind and nature? Is there a risk for the Danube-Carpathian Program? The WWF feels responsible for reporting about these consequences. In July 1999, a group of two Oil Experts and two scientists (each a chemist and a toxicologist) visited Belgrad, Pan?evo and Novi Sad, took samples of soil and water, and estimated the contents of dangerous substances. The first findings and the first consequences for nature and human health are described.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung  Der WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), Initiator und Tr?ger des Donau-Karpaten-Programms, besch?ftigt sich seit Beginn des Kosovo-Konfliktes mit den Auswirkungen der kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen auf Natur und Mensch und versucht, die Welt?ffentiichkeit entsprechend zu informieren. Ende Juli 1999 hat der WWF International eine Mission, bestehend aus unabh?ngigen Toxikologinnen und ?lexperten, an die Donau entsandt. Unter der Leitung von Philip Weller, dem Direktor des WWF Donau-Karpaten-Programms, wurden drei Tag lang Industriekomplexe besichtigt und Gespr?che mit Betroffenen geführt. Die Reise führte das Team nach Panćevo und Novi Sad, und damit zu den Schwerpunkten der zerst?rten Chemie- und Petrochemischen Komplexe. In den betroffenen Werken, HIP AZOTARA, Panćevo und NIS ?lraffinerie, Novi Sad wurde das Team von den jeweiligen Werkleitern geführt. Gespr?che fanden statt mit dem Bürgermeister von Panćevo und Vertretern des Gesundheitsamtes in Belgrad. Es war dem Team m?glich, Boden- und Wasserproben zu nehmen und zu analysieren. Damit liegen den Autoren unabh?ngige Analysenergebnisse vor, die es gestatten, eine erste, orientierende Einsch?tzung der Kontaminationen vorzunehmen.   相似文献   
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