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This study was performed to identify the degradation products of profenofos a phenyl organothiophosphate insecticide” in raw water (RW) collected from the entry point of Metropolitan Water Works Authority “Bangkaen, Thailand” and ultrapure water (UPW) with and without TiO2 under simulated sunlight irradiation. Degradation of profenofos was followed with ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and follows pseudo first-order kinetic. Accordingly, high-field FTICR mass spectrometry coupled to an electrospray ionization source was used to reveal the degradation routes of profenofos and the isotopic fine structures (IFS) elucidations to approve the chemical structures of its degradation products. More degradation products were detected in UPW as compared to RW. Consequently, two main degradation pathways namely (i) interactive replacements of bromine and hydrogen by hydroxyl functional groups and (ii) rupture of PO, PS, CBr and CCl bonds were observed. None interactive replacement of chlorine by hydroxyl functional group was detected. Accordingly, mechanistical pathways of the main degradation products were established.  相似文献   
A high strength chemical industry wastewater was assessed for its impact on anaerobic microbial com- munity dynamics and consequently mesophilic methane generation. Cumulative methane production was 251 mL/g total chemical oxygen demand removed at standard temperature and pressure at the end of 30 days experimental period with a highest recorded methane percentage of 80.6% of total biogas volume. Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) analysis revealed that acetic acid was the major intermediate VFAs produced with propionic acid accumulating over the experimental period. Quantitative analysis of microbial communities in the test and control groups with quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction highlighted that in the test group, Eubacteria (96.3%) was dominant in comparison with methanogens (3.7%). The latter were dominated by Methanomicrobiales and Methanobacteriales while in test groups increased over the experimental period, reaching a maximum on day 30. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profile was performed, targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Eubacteria and Archaea, with the DNA samples extracted at 3 different time points from the test groups. A phylogenetic tree was constructed for the sequences using the neighborhood joining method. The analysis revealed that the presence of organisms resembling Syntrophomonadaceae could have contributed to increased production of acetic and propionic acid intermediates while decrease of organisms resembling Pelotomaculum sp. could have most likely contributed to accumulation of propionic acid. This study suggested that the degradation of organic components within the high strength industrial wastewater is closely linked with the activity of certain niche microbial communities within eubacteria and methanogens.  相似文献   
Decomposition of dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) using a gliding plasma was examined and reported in this paper. The effects of initial concentrations of CH2Cl2, total gas flow rates, and input frequency have been studied to evaluate the performance of gliding arc on CH2Cl2 decomposition. Using atmospheric pressure air as the carrier gas, experimental results indicate that the maximum conversion of CH2Cl2 was 95.1% at a total gas flow rate of 180 L/hr containing 1% by volume of CH2Cl2. The reaction occurred at an exothermic condition and gaseous products are dominated by CO, CHCl3, and Cl2. CO2 and CCl4 are also detected in the product stream in small amounts. The conversion of CH2Cl2 increases with the increasing applied voltage and decreasing total gas flow rate.  相似文献   
The 17th BlmSchV fixed the emission limit of 0.1 ng TE/mn 3 for PCDD/F’s produced as a result of waste- and special waste incinerators. This article introduces the different measures implemented to uphold this limit, and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. Methods of optimising the incineration conditions are among the primary measures. Different geometry’s for conventional oven incineration rooms were discussed, and an effective modernisation method was introduced (Temelli nozzles). The chemical and technical basis of an often discussed gasification method, as well as the characteristics of three specialised techniques (Coke Burn technique, Thermo-Select technique and Noell-DBI technique) are explained in this article. Alongside the secondary measures of hot-dust filtration and inhibition being added to the washers in an attempt to achieve PCDD/F adsorption. The most important tertiary measures, namely the SCR technique, along with a variety of coke adsorption techniques are introduced, with their advantages and disadvantages. New techniques such as DeDioxin and Medisorbon are also addressed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung  Ein quecksilberkontaminierter Altstandort dient als Beispiel für eine umweltmedizinische Beurteilung der Belastung der im Umfeld wohnenden Personen durch Quecksilberimmissionen. Dabei wird die innere Exposition für sieben verschiedene Altersgruppen bezüglich der KontaktmedienBoden, Luft undNahrungsmittel anhand von konventionell festgelegten Szenarien abgesch?tzt und ein Vergleich mit den epidemiologischen Ergebnissen eines Humanmonitorings angestrebt. Die standortspezifisch und pfadspezifisch durchgeführte Expositionsabsch?tzung stützt sich auf cine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Probenehmern sowie auf über mehrere Jahre durchgeführte Konzentrationsmessungen in den aufnahmerelevanten Kompartimenten. Sowohl die Berechnungen als auch die epidemiologischen Untersuchungen zeigen eine leichte Erh?hung der Quecksilberexposition, gemessen an strengen Richtwerten.   相似文献   
Ni Y  Liang X  Chen J  Zhang Q  Ma L  Wu W  Kettrup A 《Chemosphere》2004,56(11):1137-1142
The effect of methanol of low concentration on adsorption and leaching of atrazine and tebuconazole was studied in this paper. The adsorption coefficients and the retardation factors (Rm) of pesticides on EUROSOIL 3# log-linearly decreased as volumetric fraction of methanol (fc) was increased in the binary solvent mixtures of methanol and water. These data are consistent with solvophobic theory formerly outlined for describing the adsorption and transport of hydrophobic organic chemicals from mixed solvents. Nevertheless, the adsorption of these pesticides in soil–water system slightly increased when the soil was pre-washed with methanol in comparison with that pre-washed with water (pure water system). Furthermore, their adsorption coefficients were still higher in binary solvent systems with methanol of very low concentrations, i.e. fc<0.03 for atrazine and fc<0.01 for tebuconazole, than those in pure water system. The adsorption coefficients (logKw) of atrazine and tebuconazole predicted by solvophobic theory were 0.5792 and 1.6525, respectively, and their experimental logKw were 0.3701 and 1.6275 in pure water system. Obviously, the predicted logKw of the two pesticides was higher than the experimental log Kw in pure water system. The predicted Kw and the retardation factor (Rw) in pure water system by solvophobic theory are thus possibly inaccurate.  相似文献   
For precautinary environmental protection the Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) has been successfully established as a permanent environmental surveillance tool in Germany. The presented monitoring results on chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC) show very clearly the effects of political decisions and can be used for the identification of pollutant sources. The CHC burden of breams (Abramis brama) from five German rivers (Elbe, Rhein, Saar, Mulde, Saale) gives an current overview of the pollution situation of different limnic ecosystems in Germany. A calculation model about the distribution of organic pollutants between different tissues offers the possibility to predict concentrations in liver and muscle of breams. Legislative emission restrictions have led to a significant decrease of dioxin levels in herring gull (Larus argentatus) eggs between 1988–1996.  相似文献   
The decomposition of chloroform (CHCl3) diluted in air was studied. The experiment was carried out by using a gliding arc plasma. Different values of initial concentrations of chloroform, total gas flow rates, and input power frequencies have been used to investigate this effects on the conversion reaction products both qualitatively and quantitatively. Experimental results indicate that the maximum conversion of chloroform was 97% at a total gas flow rate of 180?L?h?1 containing 1% chloroform. Using air as carrier gas, decomposition of CHCl3 produces CCl4, CO2, CO, and Cl2 as the main products. Small amounts of HCl and COCl2 are also detected. Liquid products were also produced.  相似文献   
Kaolin W from Lohrheim (51% Illite, 31% Kaolinite, 18% Quarz, no Carbon) was loaded with various amounts of heavy metal ions (0.11–6.0 mmol/100g Cu, Ni, Cd) from their nitrate solutions. In the next step the release of the bound metals was tested with or without aminoacids (penicillamine and histidine) in solutions of weak acidity or alkalinity. It was found an evident influence of the aminoacids to the metal release in dependence of metalcoating, metal-aminoacid-ratio and experimental pH. Especially in alkali environment a multiplication of the copper release (to a factor of 39 (pen) or 27 (his)) was observed. An increased nickel (factor 53) and cadmium release (factor 4.5) was found with histidine. In this cases 80 to 100% of the heavy metals were removed from the clay-mineral-surface.  相似文献   
A site contaminated by mercury serves as an example for evaluating the environmental medicine aspects of mercury emissions on individuals living in the surroundings. Based on defined, conventional scenarios, estimations of internal exposure were made for seven different age groups and with regard to such contact media as soil, air and food. Using human monitoring methods, an attempt was made to compare the epidemiological results. The site-specific and pathway-specific estimation of exposure is based on a multitude of various samples as well as on measurements of concentrations in the compartments relevant for intake. As based upon rigid guideline values, both these calculations and the epidemiological investigations reveal a slight increase in the mercury exposure.  相似文献   
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