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美国海军舰艇命名体系由任命前缀、舰艇名称、分类代号、舷号4类要素构成,首先分析了每类要素对于命名体系的贡献,然后基于美国海军舰艇命名体系,以美国海军舰艇名册为数据源,通过要素提取、规则建立等步骤分析美国海军现役舰艇组成。经过分析,美国现役715艘舰艇分为战斗舰、辅助舰、战斗艇、支援艇、未在分类代号中定义等5大类67类型177级别,通过对比基于类型与级别规则、基于任命前缀规则的结果挖掘出美国海军现役舰艇组成规律。  相似文献   
Single-species tests allow the assessment of chronical effects of endocrine disruptors on organisms under laboratory conditions. In the current study, three-generation tests with Ceriodaphnia reticulata and Sida crystallina were carried out to examine the influence of the synthetic hormone 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE) on the reproduction of these cladoceran species. For each species, six different concentrations (10-500 microg/l EE) and two controls were tested with eight replicates for a duration of 4 weeks. The test was initiated by transferring one neonate individual into a test vessel which was incubated under standardized conditions. Every 2 days, the medium was renewed and life history parameters such as survivorship of the adults and juveniles, clutch size, first appearance and number of produced offspring were investigated. Acute toxicity tests showed that C. reticulata (EC50 (24 h) 1814 microg/l) was more sensitive towards the substance compared to S. crystallina (EC50 (24 h) >4100 microg/l). The juvenile phase of S. crystallina was significantly shorter at concentrations above 100 microg/l EE. For C. reticulata, 17alpha-ethinylestradiol caused a higher mortality of the newly hatched juveniles at EE concentrations above 200 microg/l. No effects were found for mortality of adult animals, birth rate, number of juveniles per female and net reproduction rate of S. crystallina and C. reticulata. Thus, sublethal effects on parental generation exposed to EE lead to disturbances in reproduction and to affection of their offspring. Negative consequences for the population dynamic cannot be excluded, e.g. the decrease of a population.  相似文献   
A site contaminated by mercury serves as an example for evaluating the environmental medicine aspects of mercury emissions on individuals living in the surroundings. Based on defined, conventional scenarios, estimations of internal exposure were made for seven different age groups and with regard to such contact media as soil, air and food. Using human monitoring methods, an attempt was made to compare the epidemiological results. The site-specific and pathway-specific estimation of exposure is based on a multitude of various samples as well as on measurements of concentrations in the compartments relevant for intake. As based upon rigid guideline values, both these calculations and the epidemiological investigations reveal a slight increase in the mercury exposure.  相似文献   
Kaolin W from Lohrheim (51% Illite, 31% Kaolinite, 18% Quarz, no Carbon) was loaded with various amounts of heavy metal ions (0.11–6.0 mmol/100g Cu, Ni, Cd) from their nitrate solutions. In the next step the release of the bound metals was tested with or without aminoacids (penicillamine and histidine) in solutions of weak acidity or alkalinity. It was found an evident influence of the aminoacids to the metal release in dependence of metalcoating, metal-aminoacid-ratio and experimental pH. Especially in alkali environment a multiplication of the copper release (to a factor of 39 (pen) or 27 (his)) was observed. An increased nickel (factor 53) and cadmium release (factor 4.5) was found with histidine. In this cases 80 to 100% of the heavy metals were removed from the clay-mineral-surface.  相似文献   
赵雨迪 《环境与发展》2020,(2):203-204,206
我国的环境司法处于发展初期,有关环境纠纷的司法救济程序散落在不同的部门法中。为了维护国家环境安全和公共环境利益,构建环境司法专门化势在必行,但是在特殊的环境保护法院进行专门化的环境审判过程中,出现环境诉讼保护对象的争议性、生态环境损害责任承担的特殊性等问题亟待解决,环境民事公益诉讼和生态环境损害赔偿诉讼等特殊环境诉讼规则应运而生,虽然目前还面临着一些困境,但是整体上构建环境司法体系的进程依然在不断推进。  相似文献   
This study was performed to identify the degradation products of profenofos a phenyl organothiophosphate insecticide” in raw water (RW) collected from the entry point of Metropolitan Water Works Authority “Bangkaen, Thailand” and ultrapure water (UPW) with and without TiO2 under simulated sunlight irradiation. Degradation of profenofos was followed with ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and follows pseudo first-order kinetic. Accordingly, high-field FTICR mass spectrometry coupled to an electrospray ionization source was used to reveal the degradation routes of profenofos and the isotopic fine structures (IFS) elucidations to approve the chemical structures of its degradation products. More degradation products were detected in UPW as compared to RW. Consequently, two main degradation pathways namely (i) interactive replacements of bromine and hydrogen by hydroxyl functional groups and (ii) rupture of PO, PS, CBr and CCl bonds were observed. None interactive replacement of chlorine by hydroxyl functional group was detected. Accordingly, mechanistical pathways of the main degradation products were established.  相似文献   
Decomposition of dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) using a gliding plasma was examined and reported in this paper. The effects of initial concentrations of CH2Cl2, total gas flow rates, and input frequency have been studied to evaluate the performance of gliding arc on CH2Cl2 decomposition. Using atmospheric pressure air as the carrier gas, experimental results indicate that the maximum conversion of CH2Cl2 was 95.1% at a total gas flow rate of 180 L/hr containing 1% by volume of CH2Cl2. The reaction occurred at an exothermic condition and gaseous products are dominated by CO, CHCl3, and Cl2. CO2 and CCl4 are also detected in the product stream in small amounts. The conversion of CH2Cl2 increases with the increasing applied voltage and decreasing total gas flow rate.  相似文献   
以废旧阴极射线管(CRT屏)为主要原料,混合碳粉作为发泡剂,硼砂为助熔剂、稳泡剂,利用烧结法制备出的板状泡沫玻璃是一种高性能无机建筑保温材料。利用TG-DSC-MS研究分析了CRT屏玻璃的热性能与发泡剂协同作用的关系。配合料被预先压制成板块状,然后在发泡温度下进行烧成。研究了发泡剂碳粉的含量、发泡温度和发泡时间与其结构、性能的关系。研究分析表明,以废CRT屏玻璃为主要原料、碳粉为发泡剂,将混合料压制成块,烧制出板状泡沫玻璃。其较佳的发泡温度为850℃、碳粉的最佳用量范围为0.3%~0.5%,较好的发泡时间为30 min。烧制的板状泡沫玻璃的密度为0.292 g/cm3。在相同的制备条件下,随着发泡温度的升高,气泡孔径也呈现增大趋势,孔壁也逐渐变薄。随着发泡时间逐渐增加,气孔的直径迅速增大,并有形成连通孔。  相似文献   
The 17th BlmSchV fixed the emission limit of 0.1 ng TE/mn 3 for PCDD/F’s produced as a result of waste- and special waste incinerators. This article introduces the different measures implemented to uphold this limit, and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. Methods of optimising the incineration conditions are among the primary measures. Different geometry’s for conventional oven incineration rooms were discussed, and an effective modernisation method was introduced (Temelli nozzles). The chemical and technical basis of an often discussed gasification method, as well as the characteristics of three specialised techniques (Coke Burn technique, Thermo-Select technique and Noell-DBI technique) are explained in this article. Alongside the secondary measures of hot-dust filtration and inhibition being added to the washers in an attempt to achieve PCDD/F adsorption. The most important tertiary measures, namely the SCR technique, along with a variety of coke adsorption techniques are introduced, with their advantages and disadvantages. New techniques such as DeDioxin and Medisorbon are also addressed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung  Ein quecksilberkontaminierter Altstandort dient als Beispiel für eine umweltmedizinische Beurteilung der Belastung der im Umfeld wohnenden Personen durch Quecksilberimmissionen. Dabei wird die innere Exposition für sieben verschiedene Altersgruppen bezüglich der KontaktmedienBoden, Luft undNahrungsmittel anhand von konventionell festgelegten Szenarien abgesch?tzt und ein Vergleich mit den epidemiologischen Ergebnissen eines Humanmonitorings angestrebt. Die standortspezifisch und pfadspezifisch durchgeführte Expositionsabsch?tzung stützt sich auf cine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Probenehmern sowie auf über mehrere Jahre durchgeführte Konzentrationsmessungen in den aufnahmerelevanten Kompartimenten. Sowohl die Berechnungen als auch die epidemiologischen Untersuchungen zeigen eine leichte Erh?hung der Quecksilberexposition, gemessen an strengen Richtwerten.   相似文献   
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