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本文表明农场主之间的联合经营体(partnership arrangements)可能是保障农场经济生存能力和提高效益的途径之一.本文讨论了三种不同协作类型的经验分析,并强调了与协作经营关联的环境改善.在第一个案例中,对牛奶场和种植农场的协作进行了分析,结果表明多样化的提高和轮作具有实质的潜在效益,当协作包括机械时,其潜在效益更高.第二个例子论及生猪育崽和精饲管理的外部综合条件.协作利润源于生物因子和技术因子两方面,诸如提高生长率和增加猪舍的利用率等.最后,本文对一组种植农场协作进行了评估,认为效益的增加主要得益于机械费用的减少和/或来自其它因素的收益,如轮作和管理、营销策略等的改善.  相似文献   
Dioxin levels measured after wet scrubbing systems have been found to be higher than levels measured before the scrubber. It is believed that there is an adsorption of PCDD/Fs on plastic materials in the scrubber. The PCDD/F levels after a polishing wet scrubber were followed continuously for 18 months using long-time sampling equipment at a hazardous waste incineration facility in Sweden. Each sampling period lasted two weeks. It was found that the levels during and shortly after start-up periods were elevated. The decline was very slowly, which supports a memory effect in the scrubber. Further, a multivariate model showed that the relation between different homologues changed over time, which is in agreement with a desorption model, taking into account the vapour pressures for different congeners.  相似文献   
In this paper, it is demonstrated that partnership arrangements between farmers might be a way to secure the economic viability of their farms as well as to increase profitability. The article discusses empirical analyses of three different forms of collaboration, with an emphasis on the environmental improvements associated with collaboration. Collaboration between a dairy farm and a crop farm is analyzed in the first case. The results show that potential gains from improved diversification and crop rotation are substantial, and even larger when the collaboration also involves machinery. The second analysis considers external integration between farrowing and finishing-pig operations. Gains from collaboration originate from biological and technical factors, such as improved growth rate of the pigs and better utilization of buildings. Finally, an evaluation of a group of collaborating crop farmers is performed. In this case, the benefits that arise are mainly due to reduced machinery costs and/or gains due to other factors, such as improved crop rotation and managerial/marketing strategies.  相似文献   
The steel industry is characterised by large amounts of CO2 emissions, but there is no easy means to reduce these emissions. One interesting option for the reduction of CO2 emissions could be the utilisation of steelmaking slags for carbon dioxide mineralisation. In this option CO2 is bound with the calcium of the slag material, producing stable carbonate as an end product. The utilisation of steelmaking slags as the raw material for carbon dioxide mineralisation will change the quality of the slags. If, however, this change degrades the slags it could prevent the use of slags in carbon dioxide mineralisation or make it very expensive.The purpose of the research presented here is to evaluate this issue with the help of a case study where the quality of the residual slag from the recently suggested carbonation method was experimentally investigated. The CO2 mineralisation method, based on steelmaking slags and ammonium salt solutions, was found to change the quality of the slags: the calcium content was reduced, the CaO and Ca(OH)2 phases were completely dissolved, and the solubility of the V and Cr increased notably. This residual slag would presumably have to be handled as waste. Currently, the steelmaking slag used in the case study is defined as a by-product, but if it is used for CO2 mineralisation instead of liming its legal status will be re-evaluated. Subsequently, the CO2 mineralisation process could possibly be defined as an end-of-waste procedure.  相似文献   
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