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The study was carried out to understand the variability in phytoplankton production (Chlorophyll a) and mesozooplankton diversity from two different shallow coastal regions of south Andaman viz. Port Blair Bay (PBB), the only real urban area among the islands and Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, a Marine Protected Area (MPA) at Wandoor. Seasonal sampling was carried out during the Northeast monsoon (NEM—November 2005), Intermonsoon (IM—April 2006), and Southwest monsoon (SWM—August 2006). Significant (P?<?0.05) seasonal variation was observed in the environmental variables at both the regions. Higher average chlorophyll a (Chl. a) and mesozooplankton standing stock were observed at PBB compared to MPA, but the seasonal variation observed was marginal at both the study areas. Chl. a showed a steep increasing gradient from outer to the inner regions of the PBB. The number of zooplankton taxa recorded at both areas was quite similar, but marked differences were noticed in their relative contribution to the total abundance. Eventhough the Copepoda dominated at both the areas, the non-copepod taxa differed significantly between the regions. Dominance of carnivores such as siphonophores and chaetognaths were noticed at PBB, while filter feeders such as appendicularians and decapod larvae were more abundant at MPA. A total of 20 and 21 copepod families was recorded from PBB and MPA, respectively. Eleven species of chaetognaths were observed as common at both areas. Larval decapods were found to be predominant at MPA with 20 families; whereas, at PBB, only 12 families were recorded. In the light of the recent reports on various changes occurring in the coastal waters of the Andaman Islands, it is suspected that the difference in Chl. a as well as the mesozooplankton standing stock and community structure observed between the two study areas may be related to the various anthropogenic events influencing the coastal waters.  相似文献   
The spatial variation of chlorophyll a (Chl a) and factors influencing the high Chl a were studied during austral summer based on the physical and biogeochemical parameters collected near the coastal waters of Antarctica in 2010 and a zonal section along 60°S in 2011. In the coastal waters, high Chl a (>3 mg m?3) was observed near the upper layers (~15 m) between 53°30′E and 54°30′E. A comparatively higher mesozooplankton biomass (53.33 ml 100 m?3) was also observed concordant with the elevated Chl a. Low saline water formed by melting of glacial ice and snow, as well as deep mixed-layer depth (60 m) due to strong wind (>11 ms?1) could be the dominant factors for this biological response. In the open ocean, moderately high surface Chl a was observed (>0.6 mg m?3) between 47°E and 50°E along with a Deep Chlorophyll Maximum of ~1 mg m?3 present at 30–40 m depth. Melt water advected from the Antarctic continent could be the prime reason for this high Chl a. The mesozooplankton biomass (22.76 ml 100 m?3) observed in the open ocean was comparatively lower than that in the coastal waters. Physical factors such as melting, advection of melt water from Antarctic continent, water masses and wind-induced vertical mixing may be the possible reasons that led to the increase in phytoplankton biomass (Chl a).  相似文献   
The adults of the common mormon butterfly Papilio polytes Linn. feed on a variety of floral species. The larval food plants in the study area included Citrus limon and Murraya koenigii both of the family Rutaceae. The eggs are laid singly, and the hatching time is three days. The larvae pass through five instars. The larval growth is directly correlated with the quantity of food consumed. The AD (approximate digestibility) values decreased from first instar to the last, whereas the ECD (efficiency of conversion of digested food) and ECI (efficiency of conversion of ingested food) values increased, thus bearing an inverse relationship with AD. The development time from egg to adult is 28-30, giving 11-12 generations in a year, but with better breeding during August-February. Thus P. polytes is multivoltine.  相似文献   
We present information on the reproductive biology, population structure, and growth of the brooding Antarctic bivalve Adacnarca nitens Pelseneer 1903, from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Individuals ranging from 0.85 to 6.00 mm were found attached to a hydrozoan colony. This species shows low fecundity and large egg size, common to other brooding species. The minimum size at which oogenesis was detected was 2.3 mm and the minimum size at which brooding was evident was 3.9 mm. Embryos of a full range of developmental stages were brooded simultaneously in females. The population showed a log–normal distribution and results suggest non-periodic reproduction with continuous embryonic development. The reproductive traits of A. nitens are discussed in the context of circum-Antarctic species distribution and limitations to dispersal in brooding benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   
旅游认证体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究者们在全世界范围内确定了约 250种自愿性举措用来设立旅游业标准 . 这些举措包括行动 规范、奖励、标准检测、最佳方法和大约 70种提供批准标识或标志的生态标签和认证体系 . 这些体系越来越多地被用来展示在社会和 /或环境方面较好的行业 .  相似文献   
The study addresses the distribution and diversity of mesozooplankton near the active volcano-Barren Island (Andaman Sea) in the context of persistent volcanic signature and warm air pool existing for the last few months. Sampling was done from the stations along the west and east side of the volcano up to a depth of 1,000 m during the inter monsoon (April) of 2006. Existence of feeble warm air pool was noticed around the Island (Atm. Temp. 29°C). Sea surface temperature recorded as 29.9°C on the west and 29.6°C on the east side stations. High mesozooplankton biomass was observed in the study area than the earlier reports. High density and biomass observed in the surface layer decreased significantly to the deeper depths. Lack of correlation was observed between mesozooplankton biomass and density with chl. a. Twenty-three mesozooplankton taxa were observed with copepoda as the dominant taxa followed by chaetognatha. The relative abundance of chaetognatha considerably affected the copepod population density in the surface layer. A noticeable feature was the presence of cumaceans, a hyperbenthic fauna in the surface, mixed layer and thermocline layer on the western side station where the volcano discharges in to the sea. The dominant order of copepoda, the calanoida was represented by 52 species belonging to 17 families. The order poecilostomatoida also had a significant contribution. Copepods exhibited a clear difference in their distribution pattern in different depth layers. The families Calanidae and Pontellidae showed a clear dominance in the surface whereas small-sized copepods belonging to the families Clausocalanidae and Paracalanidae were observed as the predominant community in the mixed layer and thermocline layer depth. Families Metridinidae, Augaptilidae and Aetideidae were observed as dominant in deeper layers.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Recent technological advances have led to a new generation of landfill liner systems that are highly effective at intercepting and removing leachate. Many of the modern liner systems are so effective that they allow very little or no leakage. Indeed, the amount of leakage through those liners is so minimal that, although it can be theoretically predicted, it cannot be measured with the available monitoring well technology. In addition to being highly effective, some modern liner systems are constructed with two liner layers separated by a drainage medium that detects and removes any leakage through the top liner. These significant improvements in liner system technology have led to the questioning of the necessity for the currently required high number of monitoring wells. Reduction of the number of the monitoring wells and/or of the frequency of sampling would result in substantial cost savings. The present study reports the results of a research project conducted at eleven municipal landfills with modern liner technology throughout the State of Florida. Through actual field data and computer modeling, it was found that the liner systems standards applied in the State of Florida are very effective at preventing any groundwater contamination. Thus, the present monitoring well regulations are too conservative.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A comparative study of ground water level predictions on hillside slopes using two models is presented. The models are a simplified mass balance model that has components for evapotran-spiration, recharge, and drainage; and a two-dimensional finite difference model that employs kriging to estimate soil parameters and accounts for non-uniform thickness of the soil layer. These models are representative of a wide range of modeling capabilities and are used to illustrate the sensitivity of ground water level predictions to the sophistication of the modeling techniques. The drainage and recharge components of the two models are evaluated and the importance of unsaturated flow in recharge computations is underscored. Piezometric observations in a small drainage depression on the slope of Kennel Creek Valley in Tongass National Forest, Alaska, were used to evaluate the two models. The results show that, although the predictions differ from the field observations, the simple physically-based mass balance model predicts the ground water levels as well as the two-dimensional model. It is suggested that caution should be exercised in using complex models to validate simpler models.  相似文献   
The Tailed Jay Graphium agamemnon is one of the attractive papilionid butterflies that enliven the environment of Visakhapatnam. It occurs throughout the year. It lays eggs singly on young leaves of the mast tree Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula (Annonaceae). The eggs take 3-4 days to hatch. The larvae go through 5 instars over a period of 15-16 days. The pupal period is 13-14 days. The total period from egg to adult emergence spans over 33-36 days. Based on this short life cycle, and larval and pupal development success studied every month, this butterfly can be multivoltine with a minimum of 7-8 broods in a year. Both CI and GR decreased with the age of larva, their average figures being 3.78 and 0.43 respectively. AD values are high (average 92%) and decreased through successive instars. Both ECD and ECI followed a similar pattern with an increase from instar I up to II, then a decrease up to IV and again an increase in instar V and the highest value is with fifth instar. Adults frequently visited flowers (12-35 flowers in a min) spending 1.0 to 3.2 seconds on a flower. The nectar concentration ranged between 16 and 58%. Peak foraging activity mostly fell between 0900-1000 h. The proboscis received pollen in most of the floral species visited, thus satisfying one of the characteristics of butterfly pollination. Being a fast and strong flier it is treated as "high energy" pollinator promoting cross-pollination.  相似文献   
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